Looking for Paleo/Primal/Gluten-free folks!

Hi everyone!

I've been with MFP for a few weeks now and would like to connect with people who are not only looking for getting healthy and losing weight but who are aware and excited about nutrition! I follow a *mostly Paleo meal plan but I do still enjoy beans and rice, so any gluten-free health nuts out there are awesome too!

Let's reach our health goals and encourage each other! Feel free to add me :)


  • abfabliz2014
    abfabliz2014 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, I'm on a natural gluten free and low carb paleo style program and using MFP to help keep me honest. Would be great to connect.:happy:
  • Arne_becomesxXx
    Arne_becomesxXx Posts: 504 Member
    Hey there, I´m in :)

    Send you fr.
  • thecheesybrie
    thecheesybrie Posts: 47 Member
    YAY! Thanks guys!
    I'm excited about this because I've been Paleo-esque for YEARS but I still have a few cheat items that I just absolutely love! You guys are gonna help me stay accountable! =)