Mini Goals

So does anyone else set mini goals?

I am finding it finally working. I have an overall picture of how much I want to lose, but am doing it in 10# increments. It is my mini goals.

I then write it on the fridge i.e. 20=10/2 I hit my first goal so want to hit 20 that equals 10# by / whatever date I set.

Does anyone have good ways to celebrate w/out eating wrong?


  • thecheesybrie
    thecheesybrie Posts: 47 Member
    Buy yourself something nice! Pamper yourself! Take yourself on a trip!
  • Zomb1eMummy
    Zomb1eMummy Posts: 104 Member
    I have mini goals set for every 10 pounds. Has been keeping me motivated so far.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    At my first 20 lbs I told myself I would have a day at the salon. I never did it because some things came up but it was a nonfood reward. Right now I am hoping to reach my next 20 lbs in time for a trip to Hawaii in May and if that happens I will definitely be getting some new clothes for the trip.
  • nightangel824
    nightangel824 Posts: 4 Member
    I am a big fan of mini goals. I have found that if I start to see that I've lost double digit numbers I start to get complacent. I actually set weekly(2lbs) and monthly(8-10lb) goals because it makes it easier for me to motivate myself each week and easier to get back on track if I don't make one of the goals.

    As far as rewards I get to put a little check mark(or an 'X') next to that week on my calender and put $5/week and $10/month that I succeed aside for a massage. :)
  • meganeileenmc
    meganeileenmc Posts: 37 Member
    I set mini goals ones a week. Friday is my weigh day and I set my goal for the following Friday that day as in weight loss wise. Reasonable of course 1.5-2.0lbs. It keep things in perspective.

    As for a reward I feel like the weight loss so far had been a reward itself. But maybe if I reach it tomorrow I will treat myself to a nice glass of wine (of course setting aside my calories for it haha).

    Happy it is working for you!
  • KimiSteinbach
    KimiSteinbach Posts: 224 Member
    Getting a pedicure, hair colored or a lunch date with with friends! Time to celebrate!!!
  • Skinny7cat
    Exactly, my mini goals are in 10# increments
  • nikki8marie
    nikki8marie Posts: 107 Member
    I am a movie junkie so for every time I work out at least 20 minutes I put a tally on my calendar. When I get 20 tallies I buy a DVD (usually a series).
  • louisegibbs85
    louisegibbs85 Posts: 304 Member
    I set mini goals, find that it really works as just trying to reach one overall goal can seem pretty daunting and can make it seem a long impossible task ... Especially if you have a lot to lose. I usually treat myself to my hair done, nail varnishes, a new DVD to work out to ... That kind of thing. Or simply put some money to one side so that when I do reach my ultimate goal I can treat myself to a new wardrobe/make over :)
  • aprilflower18232
    aprilflower18232 Posts: 205 Member
    That is exactly what I do :) I started at 325. My first goal was to lose 10 pounds. My second was to get out of the 300's. Next it was to lose 50 pounds. Then 75. Now it's 100. After that my goal will be to get out of the 200's. I'm thinking maybe 150 pounds after that , then 160, which will be half my origional body weight! Small goals gives me more days to "celebrate". And when I say celebrate I don't mean with food or cheat days I just mean the feeling of aclompshment you feel when reaching a goal!
  • desireecl
    desireecl Posts: 73 Member
    I couldn't sleep the other night so I came up with a series of mini goals for the year. I have over 50# to lose and it is a daunting task so I broke it into 5% goals to be achieved by certain dates. I haven't come up with a reward system yet, but I figure a new healthy cookbook, new fitness game for Wii, new music from iTunes or something similar would help keep me motivated. even just saving a bit of money toward a larger reward like new clothes or a trip would help.
  • kiwitechgirl
    kiwitechgirl Posts: 145 Member
    My last mini goal reward to myself was a new pair of running shorts. Breaking it down into smaller goals makes it so much more achievable!
  • redambition
    redambition Posts: 39 Member
    Each 5kg checkpoint is a mini goal for me. Can't wait to hit my next one - I'm going to get some new workout gear!