Finding it so hard!

Just done my weigh in and im still the same as last week :( i really want to just pig out now :(


  • Don't pig out you are so slim on your photo it's going to take time even to lose a small amount :-)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Typically, the closer you are to goal (less weight you have to lose) the longer it takes to get there. Progress may be slow, but it's worth it to take the time to do it right. Sometimes I would go weeks without losing a thing and then suddenly, boom! 3 pounds down. Patience! :flowerforyou:
  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member
    Now why would pigging out be a good idea as a response to not losing weight?

    Let's face it, if your leg was hanging off you wouldn't take an axe to the other would you?

    Wt loss is NOT steady and consistent - keep an eye on the longer game and your losses over a month not on one day - you might have lost but if it had been because you didn't drink much yesterday would that be okay and deemed a success?

    Tough it out, it's a learned response and you can overcome it as many of us have even after 30+yrs of conditioning and giving ourselves permission to do it.

    Eat normal but nice foods and it'll pass or promise yourself that treat tomorrow if you really still want it then :o)
  • BellsV
    BellsV Posts: 1 Member
    It's been a week only, give it time. Remember, we lose weight the same way we put it on, slowly and almost without noticing. I've been doing this for about a week too and I haven't lost any lbs yet either, BUT I can definitely see some slight changes in my body already, it feels a bit tighter.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    I know the whats the point...but this is a marathon not a sprint. If you do it right and keep at will budge.

    If you have analyse what you did but dont sabatoge it.
  • galbach
    galbach Posts: 4 Member
    Weigh in every 2 - 3 weeks.. or on a day you are feeling confident… If that photo is current.. you don't need to lose much weight if any you look great!