the effect of your boyfriends on your diet?

My boyfriend doesnt support my diet and even he is getting fatter. I like this site now i am going to sleep. fell free to add me. all have a nice day/night.


  • toniistracking
    toniistracking Posts: 57 Member
    Sorry to hear that Maria! It's hard to be successful when loved ones don't support you. We are here for you though!
  • fitfan11
    fitfan11 Posts: 544 Member
    Consider us part of you extended family. We have your back! Thanks for the add!
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    My husband burns water, so I'm in control of the cooking. He eats what I fix or he can make a pb & j sammich. He's learned to love a much larger variety of foods because I don't give him another option, lol
  • Thank you all for your supports. I am very happy to join this site.I have eager to read all in this site.
  • dsaintphard
    dsaintphard Posts: 8 Member
    i am so sorry to hear that.. im fairly new to this site and getting my fitness back. i will add you so we can support one another
  • My boyfriend supports my dieting & exercise, as a matter of fact he can be sometimes be down right rude about my current weight, but the terrible flip side is that he also stresses me out to the point where I want to run to comfort food. My advice to all ladies who has a non-supportive boyfriend, keep this part of your life separate, be independent and do your own thing. Being fit and healthy is a sacred thing and does not necessarily require the support of your partner, look at their no-support as motivation.
  • My boyfriend likes women with "some meat on their bones". Now, I have about 100lbs or so of "extra meat", so I'm actually nervous that he won't like my smaller body as much as my current (which I hate). Luckily, he is the sweetest man alive and fully supportive of all my endevours.

    However, that being said, he is a rail. In fact, his current weight (~170lbs), is my goal weight. He eats tons of crap (although, thanks to me, he is adding more veggies into his diet, even when im not around!) and doesn't seem to gain a pound. It can be tough hanging out with him, especially going out to eat, because unless its homecooked, its difficult to find healthy food that isnt a salad (and even then, those can be very unhealthy). Add to the fact that we are both craft beer lovers and yeah, a beer or two can add a lot of caloric bulk to a meal :/

    On the plus side, he is pretty active so in nice weather, I get some good outdoor exercise in. I've realized that healthy eating is done for my benefit, and I cannot let anyone change that because this is my body and its the only one I get. He supports my health goals and does the best he can to help :)

    I sent you a friend request for support!
  • katiethornton4
    katiethornton4 Posts: 1 Member
    When I started dating my boyfriend I was around 140lb, a month ago (been seeing each other about 18month) I tipped the scales at 172lb! Been dieting which he does help me with) and now weigh 160lb. Still a bit to go but getting there! I think you put weight on in fairly new relationships because your always going out for dinner, getting takeaways etc! Good luck to all x
  • LittleMissYoYo
    LittleMissYoYo Posts: 88 Member
    My boyfriend support me all the weigh, especially when it's his fault I gained over 4 stone in 5 years haha! He keeps buying me chocolates as gifts!
  • My fiance is heavier than the recommended weight for his height too, although he has less to lose than me to get into the healthy weight range. He does want to lose weight too, but he isn't as committed as I am yet, and I don't think calorie counting really suits him. I think it's a very fine line between loving your partner as they are and being supportive of their efforts to change. I never mention diets at work or on social media (obviously this site doesn't count!) as I know weight loss talk can be upsetting, shaming or just downright dull, so him and my mother are basically the only people I talk to about my attempt to lose weight. Generally, he's interested up to a point but then I can sense him starting to glaze over :) But I don't mind that too much - after all, I want to change for myself, not for him.
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    My boyfriend support me all the weigh, especially when it's his fault I gained over 4 stone in 5 years haha! He keeps buying me chocolates as gifts!

    Love the pun :smile:

    Mine buys me chocolate too - he loves to make me smile :smile: Otherwise he's been really really supportive, always asking "will this fit in with your diet?", "how many calories are these?", "are you allowed this?". He's pretty into fitness so he comes on my runs with me too and when I lack motivation I ask for "Drill Seargent Rob" to help - he's TA (technically a lieutenant) and used to be a specialist civilian instructor in PT and martial arts at one of the military bases .
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    My boyfriend does not control how much I eat, I do.
  • Thank you all for your supports!!!
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    My boyfriend hates chocolate, he doesn't like eating out and his fridge is pretty much always empty except for some meat and lettuce (I hate both), so his "support" has been invaluable so far. If we'll ever get married, trouble may arise :laugh:
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    my boyfriend lost a bunch of weight recently which propelled me into the wtf am I waiting for mentality lol so now I'm about 5 lbs down. He has previously told me I should try to lose a couple pounds which at the time sent me into the crazy woman I'm going to kick your *kitten* and cry mentality but now I see he was just being his honest self
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    My DH eats what he wants pretty much and shut up about my diet. He knows that I cook a healthy amount but if he wants to overeat he can. I cook enough he can stuff it all down or leave some leftovers for later or the next day. He stopped trying to get me to overeat when he saw how much MFP gives me for calories since he's why I can use the site now. I joined in June 2012 but was clicking in the wrong spots so couldn't add anything. September 20, 2012 his doctor convinced him to join MFP, he showed me how to use the site and I've had no problems with him trying to force me to eat ever since. :D Good luck! *HUGS*
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    In my case, it's more like MY effect on THEIR diets.
  • He has a much larger appetite than me (being over a foot taller!), but I get this psychological thing where I always want the bigger plate anyway... I tend to serve us equal portions, eat until I feel I'm done then give him the leftovers so I don't pick and so that he effectively gets a larger portion anyway. ;)
  • when I started dating my boyfriend I weighed 198 and that was 2 years ago. Now I weigh 233. Believe me I know the struggle of gaining weight through a relationship. My boyfriend supports my goals and occasionally eat healthy with me but other than that he is a typical guy who eats what he wants and doesn't put up much weight. throughout our relationship, eating together was like a hobby. it was our favorite thing to do together, which is terrible. My boyfriends eats in such large portions and he would serve me food in the exact same portion and then my appetite started to open up more and more. Then came the weight gain, and less trips to the gym didn't help either. Trust me, you need to build your own discipline and don't worry about his diet or what he is eating. seeing others eat what you can't have will always be a tease, but hang in there!
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    My boyfriend does not control how much I eat, I do.

    Controlling what you eat and supporting you are different. Yes, the boyf can't and shouldn't try to control what you eat, but you should expect some support and encouragement e.g. praise when you do good, help when you're having a bad day, encouragement when you're lacking motivation.