PCOS and Insanity 60 day workout

Hello, still a bit new to the website! To make a long story short, I am 40 years old and have had PCOS for 15 years and was pretty much maintaining my weight at an "tolerable" number until I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago and this past year I have gained at least 40 pounds. Really aiming to eat healthier, low carbs (as low carb lifestyle works best for PCOS) and good exercise/cardio. I was wondering if anyone who has PCOS has done or still doing the Insanity 60 day workout and if so, have you seen any results, weight loss, inch loss and including the way you feel. I have ordered the DVD set for myself and family to help us achieve a healthier and more active lifestyle during these winter month blues and I am just curious to see if anyone is in the same boat as I am with PCOS and the difficulty to get into shape/weight loss. Would love to hear from you! Thank you :)


  • I have pcos also and have just ordered the dvd. I am excited to start. My current weight is 15 stone! Can't believe it! How did you get on?
  • jdowney2173
    jdowney2173 Posts: 20 Member
    After I had my son in 2011, I found out the reason why he was 9 weeks early was because of pcos. He was early because of severe preeclampsia which is related to pcos and pregnancy. This year my husband and I plan on trying for another child, doctors are telling us that I need to lose weight in order to lower the chances of pcos/ preeclampsia symptoms. But they still guarantee that i will have another preemie.

    They did tell me that if I can get my weight in a healthy range that our next child will not be so early. In 2013 my weight hit 214 pounds, with the use of myfitnesspal and 30 day shred last year I lost around 34 pounds. currently I am on metformin, weigh 178 and started insanity (tomorrow will be day 9). When I started insanity I weighed 180 so in the first week I lost 2 pounds. I haven't weighed myself this week yet because of aunt flow.

    feel free to add me! I could also use the extra support. or if you have any questions
  • dsaintphard
    dsaintphard Posts: 8 Member
    i have pcos as well, was diagnose 2 yearsa go and went into a depression phase that lead to further weight gain but now i am ready to kick pcos in the butt. i just started 30 day shred and after that will be doing T25 and then Insanity. I have all the DVDs already so i dont have no excuse to not get the work done. please add me cause i would love to follow along as well until im ready to start the program.
  • Bellabooksa
    Bellabooksa Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you all for your responses!! It's so nice to read how others are doing with this. I hope with one another's encouragement will help us!! :) I have two great kids, my son 21 and my daughter 15, I wasn't diagnosed with PCOS until after she was born, but now knowing more about it, I must have had it as a teen. No problem conceiving my son at age 19, but took 6 yrs later of trying before conceiving my daughter, then when she was 3 I started having the STEADY weight gain...almost overnight lol! Excessive hair growth, not to mention the horrible periods and cramps. A few years ago I went through a divorce and lost a lot of weight to where I was between 135-140 range and I felt WONDERFUL! Problem is I wasn't trying...it just came off, so I'm assuming it was due to nerves. But, now happily remarried, hysterectomy and stay at home wife....I've gained all plus my weight back!! UGH! I just want to be healthy again and feel good as I did a few years ago, not to mention feel good about myself. I look in the mirror and still see me...but when I saw pictures from Christmas....O.M.G.!!! HOW DID I LET MYSELF GO!?!? It's not that I'm inactive or eat bad...just with PCOS it makes it so much easier for the weight to come on as well as all the nasty issues that come with it. I no longer have monthlies due to hysterectomy, but still have my ovaries, so I still have most of the issues. I do take Metformin and am going to be focusing on LOW CARB and the Insanity 60 day....no matter how many months it takes me to lose some weight and get fit. I WANT MYSELF BACK!!! :) Please feel free to add me!! :)
  • TaraM_09
    TaraM_09 Posts: 1 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS about 6 months ago and the main concern for me is definitely weight loss and being healthy :) I was at 190 when I was diagnosed and doctors kept telling me that nothing was going on but I know my own body and when I was gaining 20 lbs a month I knew something was happening but I started a low carb diet and just walking regularly which brought me down to 175 :) I am stuck here it seems though but with the holidays, I stopped the low carb thing for a little bit so most likely that is my fault. I just got the 60 day insanity and I was two weeks in to it but skipped a couple of days and it tore me up inside to have skipped those days so I just restarted it and I am on day two again. I didn't lose any weight with it yet but I definitely notice a difference in how healthy I feel and a lot of the people I know tell me that even if I haven't lost weight, I just look healthier and happier so I'm going to stick with it and get back into my low carb trend and hopefully feel 10 times better by the end :) Good Luck to all of you!!!