Looking for friends.

Hey guys, Becka here.

I started MFP on Monday of this week, and so far it's been going alright though I haven't required the amount of motivation I would've liked! I'm already sick of green tea! :<

So a bit about me:

I'm 21 Years Old
Psychology Student
I game a lot....
Never stuck to a diet
Hate how I am right now.

I suffer from a few things like depression and PCOS and this is because of my weight. I also have a fear of going outside.... It might sound daft to some people but it is a real fear of mine as I hate the idea that everyone will judge and look at me. It's paranoia I know but that's something I'm currently working on. It's been hard for me whilst at university because all I want to do is hide away. But a good step in the right direction is that I've joined the gym so that's a start!

I have all the support in the world from my family but that can only get you so far because they always sugar coat it for me because they still think I'm fragile. It's nice but I need others to be able to support me and tell me i'm doing great and then I can return the favours etc.

Basically, all I want is some people on my friends list who I can give support to, get inspiration from and generally just be friends with and share experiences as we battle together to achieve our goals.

In all truth, I just want to live past 30 and not scare my family with how much weight I have put on. I want to be able to steal my sisters clothes for a change, they seem to like taking mine!

So yeah, that's all I can say really without sounding too weird. So you are free to add me :)



  • aalcorn379
    I just started on Monday as well. I'm 24 and a fellow gamer lol its hard finding other women who are into that. I've had weight issues all my life as well and I can get pretty down about it. Recently I had some relationship issues which I've always had unfortunately and I decided it was time for a change. I'm sick of feeling gross all the time so I'm hoping I can find other people on here to help keep me motivated.