my doctor thinks I am a weird freak now....



  • A week or so back I had to see the doctor about a few things. Had blood tests done, all turned out well with those.

    Anyway, the subject of my weight and last menstrual cycle came up. Ever ready and tickled pink I whip my little paper notebook out of my purse and ask what day she wanted to know my weight from and which cycle she wanted start date of. I also have notes regarding health, colds, headaches etc in that book.

    My doctor asked to see the book, I handed it over. This book has been with me daily since I started MFP 2 years ago. So I have 2 years of constant data about my health, illnesses, menstrual cycles and weight.

    I kind of thought this was a helpful thing for doctors to have. Data and all that.

    She looked through it, asked how I lost weight, so being a good patient flip up the mobile app and hand it over, she looked at the day's food intake, then handed back my book and phone.

    Got quiet and asked why. I could sort of tell this apparently is out of the normal.

    I was right. My doctor informed me it was a bit out of the norm for a non-medical field person to keep things like this. I was then asked if I'd like a referral to a therapist to work out my OCD tendency with.

    Lovely, I am the least OCD person around. that book is easier than trying to drive my friends insane with constant updates daily of gain 1 lose 2, gain 1, lose 3....fluctuations. Plus its a great way to keep track of how far I have come. It also helped me track and eliminate migraines down from 5 or more a month to maybe 1 every 3 months.

    Now I feel like a freak. thanks for listening to me vent.

    omg that's hilarious. i support u and don't worry about it. i can't be bothered to make a such a schedule but u r more informed than the rest of us and probably know your body better for it. :smile:
  • eringraczyk
    eringraczyk Posts: 123 Member
    Seems like you might need a new doctor. I'd think he'd be jumping for joy at your focus and success...

    ^^^^ This.
  • xombiebite
    xombiebite Posts: 276 Member
    i have odd and hypochondria solo she/he should consider themselves lucky lol i swear my doctor winces when she sees me when she walks in the room:blushing:
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Well, if it's OCD, at least it's with healthy habits. I don't know why your doctor would refer you for OCD if you aren't distressed about it. Usually things like that aren't considered a problem unless they are impacting your life in a negative way. I don't think you're a freak. A lot of people could stand to be a little more freaky. :wink:
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Your doc might want to be a little more careful with the off-the-cuff mental disorder diagnosis, especially if she isn't trained as a therapist, which I am guessing she is not. Just sayin'

  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    You know doctors don't know much about nutrition right?

    They only take one semester's worth of courses regarding nutrition.

    They just know what's a healthy blood level, etc, and what's in general healthy, which we all know.

    A good combination of opinions to listen to would be doctor/ nutritionist/ trainer.... combined. Individually, they are 1/10th as effective.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Maybe it was the enthusiasm you showed when whipping your notebook out, coupled with an excited eager "ask me anything!" look on your face. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    We r freaks. Counting cals is not normal. People think we r crazy.

    You think 99% of girls that care about their bodies and claim they just have a super fast metabolism do not count calories?

    They may not punch the numbers in, but they go by this kind of mentality/calculation:

    "OMG can I have that cheesecake? mmm. I shouldn't but it's SO good. Ok I'll have a bit.. nom nom --> (finishes cheesecake) "

    "OMFG I finished it... ugh... I guess I'll just go on the elliptical longer or just skip dinner"

    That is an indirect way of counting calories... and all people in shape do that subconsciously.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Your doc might want to be a little more careful with the off-the-cuff mental disorder diagnosis, especially if she isn't trained as a therapist, which I am guessing she is not. Just sayin'

    As a psychology major, I was thinking the same thing.

    That does not sound like OCD tendencies at all. lol
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    As for 50% of men, they probably don't, but that's why they are out of shape.

    The other 50% that care are usually in some type of decent shape and they do make conscious choices about food.
  • i have odd and hypochondria solo she/he should consider themselves lucky lol i swear my doctor winces when she sees me when she walks in the room:blushing:

    What's it like having ODD (I don't know much about it)? How does it affect your life?
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Seems like you might need a new doctor. I'd think he'd be jumping for joy at your focus and success...
    Yeah. I switched to a new doctor for the same reason you mentioned.
    (I have a little notebook, as well as almost two years of MFP food diaries, that records my blood pressure, which I track carefully because I never want to take blood pressure medications again. With notes on what I ate, how I felt. The last doctor I showed it to was amazed that I tracked it. Duh.)
    Most doctors simply don't see enough patients who are willing to take their health into their own hands and be responsible for it themselves. Even my new doctor said I was the only patient she'd ever had who actually did what I said I was going to do: lose weight and get off all medication.
    Own your health. Nothing wrong with that.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    You know doctors don't know much about nutrition right?
    They only take one semester's worth of courses regarding nutrition.
    They just know what's a healthy blood level, etc, and what's in general healthy, which we all know.
    Good point! And true.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I bet you don't know your doctor well (her or her practice's fault, I'm sure). That's why I choose doctors from certain countries, because they always chat and get to know you, and they ask more health questions :) I know I'm stereotyping, but a few heuristics are helpful sometimes!

    With my track record of rare conditions, the first inclination is to think they aren't true, I'm a hypochondriac, etc. It's completely understandable, but yeah I'm used to docs acting a bit strangely until they see me more often. Don't take it personally. They do a very fast, very shallow inventory of a person (and don't ask enough follow-up questions), imho. At least most in my area do. I choose the smaller practices so that they remember who the hell I am even.
  • I dont think you're a freak at all! we women, well most of us like to keep track of things. We have to...especially having a family and all. We're methodical and detailed. I admire you for all that weight that you have lost thus far and i think you have kept yourself well informed regarding weight and health. OCD? so what? then all, well most of us are then OCD...and i think the Dr was jealous because you we were clever and well prepared :-) keep up the good work girl!
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    your doctor needs to work on her bedside manner...
  • miriyummy
    miriyummy Posts: 37 Member
    Not weird at all! I use an app to track my cycles. I thought they were irregular, turns out one ovary is just lazy!
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    Being "not normal" is great. Think about it..most people don't track their weight and health issues, which means they probably don't advocate for themselves in this area either. Taking care of yourself is priority number 1 and in this regard, you're doing a great job! So keep on being not normal....why would you want to be in the mass of normal people who don't care enough to monitor themselves. ;)
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    Psht. You're fine. I'd do the same thing. Not all doctors are good. Some are just rubbish.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    You should have asked your doctor if she wanted you to write her a referral to deal with her tendency to over diagnose people with mental health conditions.