Can't eat enough calories per day, what to do?



  • Rhibond
    Rhibond Posts: 1 Member
    Pasta has a crazy amount of calories and you can pretty much have it with any type of sauce. Plus it's realitively cheap, there's heaps of diffrent types and dosent take too long to cook. Good luck (:
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Feel free to look at my diary.
    On my workout days, I shoot for around 3000 calories.

    But carbs is where you go to get them.....
    I also bought some carb powder to help w/ my calories.
  • These powders people are suggesting are no good for you, (yes I have 1 protein shake a day prior to sleep though) 12 glasses of water at 250ml is efficient, eat the right foods for bulking beef, pork, chicken, fish, eggs and go hard on the carbs especially on training day, brown rice sweet potato etc try and eat small meals every 3 hours no longer, at your age you'd have next to no experience in the gym so in saying that four days a week is to much for a beginner stick to core work 3 times a week eg Mon Wed Friday you need to build into it, I was lucky enough to train at the institute of sport with power lifters
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    DAVID, focus more on gaining strength progressively on your lifts each week and adjust calories accordingly. If you can only consume 2100 calories for now that is because your metabolic capacity is still starting to rev up as well. when internet site computes for your TDEE or calorie intake it doesnt account for your present metabolic rate if so its not really accurate. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY... build up your metabolism by training consistently with the focus on progressing each week, why jump to 3000 calories if you can gain muscle for 2100 then 2300, 2500 and so forth..... you just dont jump in that much calories straight away... YOU PROGRESS IN CONSUMING THAT much of a calorie... goodluck.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    When I first started out I had to rely on Mass gainer supplements to get those extra calories in...