Insanity or T25

Hi everyone, hope you don't mind me coming straight in with a question! I was planning on buying and doing Insanity, however I've just read a thread about T25 (and looked up some reviews) and am now wondering if this would be better for me. I was a regular exerciser until the end of November last year, when I had to stop due to medical treatment. I'm now ready to start again, and want to lose 28lbs in the next 6 months (obviously quicker would be better, but I'm more concerned with actually losing the weight than how quickly I lose it!)

Has anyone done both? Which would you recommend? Thank you.


  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I did Insanity a few months ago and am currently doing T25. I think both are pretty intense workouts that may take some time to get into, given you haven't been able to be active for some time.

    That being said, I think T25 would be a better starter program. One nice thing about T25 is that there is a workout modifier throughout the whole workout. That may be a nice way for you to ease into it. I also REALLY like that the workouts are 25 minutes with T25 (+2/3 minute cool down) and 5 days a week (Friday is a double workout, which I sometimes split up on Friday/Saturday). Most of the Insanity workouts get closer to an hour in month 2 (closer to 30-45 minutes in month 1), and there's only one rest day per week.

    I also do other sporting activities (mostly hockey). It was very difficult for me to keep up with the Insanity schedule while also doing other workouts. I've been able to fit in T25 fine and feel like I am giving my body enough rest. I still do feel like I'm getting a great workout with T25, though.

    I hope that helps.. if you have any questions for me, feel free to let me know.
  • LollerskateDJ
    LollerskateDJ Posts: 19 Member
    I didn't care for Insanity. I personally felt that it wasn't made for really big people like myself(I was 245 when I did try it last year). I started T25 today and with a much easier yet still hard low impact modification. I actually stayed on pace with them. I look forward to more T25 :)
  • smccb
    smccb Posts: 99 Member
    Did both also - Insanity is .... insane and really wore me down inside and out. T25 is easier and a good introduction to Insanity.

    I actually had my best results with Turbofire. I lost 20 pounds in 12 weeks with that program, which was way better than the results I got with Insanity. I think at times Insanity was so challenging, I would stop a lot and have to rest way too much. Turbofire was way too much fun to stop. :-)

    Really, you want to pick something that you will enjoy doing (almost) every day. You'll have better luck sticking with it.
  • niqu11
    niqu11 Posts: 84 Member
    I agree with all of the above! I have both, and Insanity is much more intense. The time commitment is greater as well. I think you'd be better off starting with T25 and graduating to Insanity if you want to continue on. And don't worry, you will still work hard even though it's only 25 minutes. Both programs are awesome though, because Shaun T is an amazing trainer. Good luck!
  • Thanks for all the replies! I have to admit that the shorter length of T25 is very appealing, especially as I've been out of regular exercise for a while. I shall do some more research in the meantime, and get myself into a regular exercise habit so it's not too much of a shock when I start! I'll check out Turbofire as well, just to confuse myself further.
  • SirenPacific
    SirenPacific Posts: 9 Member
    I am doing T25 right now and have really enjoyed it. I agree very much with all that everyone here has said. I've lost 12lbs since January 2nd and feel great. I'm also a Beachbody coach. If you need help, support or have any questions at all, feel free to add me as a friend!