Ready to give up

Today was the fourth week that I've weighed in since I started my change in lifestyle. I've had a few bad days where I was over in calories. A couple days here and there where I overdid the sodium. But after four weeks, I'm heavier than my first Friday weigh-in. Am I doing something wrong?

It should also be noted that my SW of 195 was based off of my last doctor visit. I signed up for MFP at work, and that was my last known weight. So it's entirely possible that I haven't even lost the 9 pounds that MFP is giving me credit for losing.

I just don't understand why after four weeks of vigorously weighing my food and counting calories that I haven't seen a change. And before everyone asks, yes I weigh and measure everything ( sometimes both since I know weighing is more accurate sometimes.)


  • abuck_13
    abuck_13 Posts: 382 Member
    Don't give up - any number of things can happen. Have you increased your calorie burn at all? Are you sure the scales are accurate?

    Remember, this is not a sprint, but a marathon. Take it slow and easy and don't give up. I've known people (not on here) that have taken three months before weight loss kicks in and then it just goes for them.

    Reach down, find what motivates and get there!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    are you exercising?

    Have you taken measurments?

    Do your cloths feel different?

    The scale is one measurment...and it's one of the worst to go by as with water retention, ToM and host of other things.
  • nikibean123
    nikibean123 Posts: 81 Member
    You don't seem to get much 'fresh' food in your diary. It's mostly pre-packaged and that's not great.

    Could you sway some of your cereal bar snacks for fruit? Maybe have veg & pasta instead of lots of pasta? (And no more Burger King :p)

    You're obviously not eating TOO MANY calories, it's just what those calories are made up of that might be hindering your progress.

    Good luck and don't give up! It's trial and error for everyone and everyday you're getting closer to finding what works for you.
  • lindajwebb2
    lindajwebb2 Posts: 7 Member
    Don't give up!

    No matter how disappointing - cos you will start again at some point.

    So start again as soon as possible, logging your actual weight. Continue to weigh/measure/count everything - including yourself - do measure - sometimes we change shape and can tell by the inches, rather than what's on the scale.

    Do some exercise - anything.

    And drink water - loads of it (8+ glasses if you can before/after meals).

    Good luck!
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    I encourage weighing on the same scale in the same outfit, (shoes off), or weigh naked if you have a scale in the privacy of your own home. Scales can really vary. If the scale isn't calibrated properly, it isn't going to be accurate.

    So weigh today, on a scale, and then record that as your weight.

    It sounds like you can't be totally certain of your progress without that information, right?

    Keep doing what you're doing. This is going to take time. Also, I peeked at your food diary. Maybe add more water to your intake? I find that it really helps me in a number of ways.

    If you need a friend who will encourage you, you're welcome to add me. Just don't give up. You can do this and make it for good.
  • Rak0ribz
    Rak0ribz Posts: 177 Member
    Were I you, I'd reboot - pretend you started today. Make sure your goal calories are calculated for your new weight, set it to lose a pound a week, and start again. That way, you'll know your starting weight is accurate, and you've got experience using the app/web page now.

    Just remember - this site is packed with people who've succeeded in losing weight. It might not work for everyone, but it seems to work for a lot more people than most weight loss plans. Stick with it & you'll be posting before & after pictures in no time.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    Don't give up this is a lifestyle change - but viewing your diary you are all over the map some days you are way under (800 or 900 calories) some days your are over and some you are under by 200 or less - maybe try to be more consistent your body may not be triggering because some days you aren't giving it enough fuel some days your are giving it lots - just my thoughts I have tried to be consistent with my intake and try to stay as close to my calorie goal as I can (usually within 100-150 under) despite a small set back with stress eating I have still lost.
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    Do you weigh your food?

    Do you weigh ALL your food?

    Find correct calorie goal
    Weigh Food
    Move more
    Lift weights
  • Rak0ribz
    Rak0ribz Posts: 177 Member
    Oh, also: if you want to weigh yourself every day on the same scale, it will help you see that there's a downward trend. I weigh myself (mostly) every morning, naked, after I brush my teeth and finish my other morning activities. That way, I keep the day-to-day variation down, but I still see up to 2 pounds of swing from one day to the next. Just don't sweat the small changes & watch the trend.
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    just trying to be helpful ... looking at your diary I see you are over in sodium every day and not a balanced diet at all - no fruits, almost non existent vegetables

    The extra sodium is going to make you retain water which will cause you to weigh in as higher

    I understand being young and not cooking - looks like you are doing a lot of picking up food and ready to eat meals, but both take out and frozen foods are packed with sodium

    Nutritional guidelines suggest that around 50% of each meal be a vegetable.

    Again, take this as you will - I know that only you can make the changes you want to make to lose weight/eat healthier
  • RoosMommy02
    RoosMommy02 Posts: 10 Member
    If you are going over your sodium and drinking lots of water, then I'd say you are holding a lot of water weight. Are you exercising? A lot of people on here recommend that you eat back your exercise calories..that doesn't work for me.

    You may have to play around with the numbers some until you find what works best for you. Whatever you do though, DON'T GIVE UP!!!
  • dianesheart88
    dianesheart88 Posts: 111 Member
    After looking at your diary:

    1.) You having far too many processed foods/fast foods - Add more fruits and veggies. I often eat out too, but you can still make good choices and avoid any fried, fatty foods.

    2.) You sodium level is probably helping you to retain lots of water. Most of this is from your processed foods.

    3.) Drink water! Lots of water... the more water you drink, the less your body will hold on it.

    4.) Most important - DON'T GIVE UP! Honestly... if you think it's hard now... imagine it if you were older and heavier.

    As some have said, check your calories. It's all about calories in, calories out. If there isn't a deficit your not going to loss.

    Good luck and Don't give up! It will only be that much harder next time around. YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • @ OP--- i notice your tracking your sugar intake and thats very BIG! especially seeing those breakfast bars you are consuming, also you dont seem to be OVER EATING cal wise but the things that you are consuming arent the best choices you surely need to up your water intake add more fruits and vegys just try that for a week and see if you get any results. Little changes sometimes bring big results BUT THE POINT IS DONT GIVE UP you already in too far( its like a gang you are already in cant leave now )
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi OP,

    I took a look at your diary. Fruits and veggies and all that are great, but processed foods are not going to keep you from losing weight if you are under or AT your goal every day. Don't listen to people who tell you you have to cut out ANYTHING unless it is medically neccessary. Sodium also plays a role in water retention, as some have mentioned, but it does not keep you from losing fat. You CAN eat what you want as long as you are under goal- it's calories in, vs calories out. Don't be discouraged if the weight doesn't fall off too quickly. It WILL come off.

    As someone suggested, start measuring with a tape measure. That's where the real progress shows. The scale doesn't even begin to tell the whole story. Also maybe taking up some exercise may help. It's not necessary to lose weight, but if you are way off on logging or measuring foods, as most people are, this can make up for it. If you hate exercising, there are tons of things you can do to help you move more; walking, zumba, etc. and it doesn't have to suck.

    Don't give up. You're just getting started!
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    This is going to sound a little rude and I really don't mean it to, but I really don't understand people like you. You've worked hard to get where you are. Why would you give that up? Why wouldn't you just keep going even if you aren't seeing results RIGHT NOW? Does that mean that you won't EVER see them?

    Don't be a quitter. Keep going. Make those results happen. You know it will be hard work, but do it anyway.
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    This is going to sound a little rude and I really don't mean it to, but I really don't understand people like you. You've worked hard to get where you are. Why would you give that up? Why wouldn't you just keep going even if you aren't seeing results RIGHT NOW? Does that mean that you won't EVER see them?

    Don't be a quitter. Keep going. Make those results happen. You know it will be hard work, but do it anyway.

    Some people either:

    A) Are not ready
    B) Do not want it bad enough
    C) Squirrel!
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
    Rick Astley wouldn't give up and neither should you
    Things-Rick-Astley-will-never-do.jpg \m/
  • SaltNBurnBoys
    SaltNBurnBoys Posts: 170 Member
    This is going to sound a little rude and I really don't mean it to, but I really don't understand people like you. You've worked hard to get where you are. Why would you give that up? Why wouldn't you just keep going even if you aren't seeing results RIGHT NOW? Does that mean that you won't EVER see them?

    Don't be a quitter. Keep going. Make those results happen. You know it will be hard work, but do it anyway.

    That's the whole point. I've worked ridiculously hard to get here, and I have absolutely nothing to show for it. I don't feel healthier, I'm not more energized, my clothes don't fit any better, and the number on the scale has gone UP in the last four weeks.

    But a lot of people have had really good suggestions. I'm going to go grocery shopping tomorrow and get fresh ingredients for my work lunches instead of frozen meals. My main difficulty with that is that there's no guarantee that my food will still be in the fridge when I go to make something. I have a 17 year old brother who just grabs whatever and eats it regardless of how many times he's been told something is for a specific purpose. But I'll give making my own meals a try.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    Do you weigh your food?

    Do you weigh ALL your food?

    Find correct calorie goal
    Weigh Food
    Move more
    Lift weights

    There's probably some other good advice in this thread but you can ignore all of it, follow what this guy said and the link he posted, and see results.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Today was the fourth week that I've weighed in since I started my change in lifestyle. I've had a few bad days where I was over in calories. A couple days here and there where I overdid the sodium. But after four weeks, I'm heavier than my first Friday weigh-in. Am I doing something wrong?

    It should also be noted that my SW of 195 was based off of my last doctor visit. I signed up for MFP at work, and that was my last known weight. So it's entirely possible that I haven't even lost the 9 pounds that MFP is giving me credit for losing.

    I just don't understand why after four weeks of vigorously weighing my food and counting calories that I haven't seen a change. And before everyone asks, yes I weigh and measure everything ( sometimes both since I know weighing is more accurate sometimes.)

    Don't give up. Are you taking measurements? Are you taking pictures?

    Over the last year, I have only lost about 7lbs, but my pictures and my clothes show a completely different story!

    2/13, 4/13, 9/13 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    this is over a 7 month period, same outfit. I lost maybe 3lbs over that period of time. But look at the difference in how my clothes fit. I have obviously lost fat and gained muscle.

    Also keep in mind, if you have just started a workout routine, your body will retain fluid for muscle repair. I can easily "gain" 3-4lbs after working out 5 days straight. After a day or two of rest, and drinking plenty ( like a gallon a day) of water, it falls back off.