I have my mother's birthday dinner this weekend at an all you can eat! it is my favourite restaurant and i haven't eaten there for about a year now and i was really looking forward to it before i went on this diet...
how can i get through that night everything is so delicious and i do not want to over eat!

Also on top of that christmas is next month and of course lots of foods will be involved i don't know how i am going to get through this christmas season...


  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    perhaps try filling up on fruits and low calorie stuff before going to the restaurant, you're less likely to eat too much...or do a more intense workout than you'd normally do, burn extra calories so you have more to use!

    as for christmas, i have no idea except...willpower!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    relax and give yourself a're allowed to cheat at least twice a year lol
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    Do an extra vigorous workout that morning to ensure you have plenty of calories up your sleeve for the meal. But also try not to overdo it while at the restaurant. Good luck :)
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    relax and give yourself a're allowed to cheat at least twice a year lol

    I totally agree! just have a good time and don't stress about it and it will be fine
  • sam188
    I give myself 1 day off a week to eat some of the foods I crave so that I won't feel like I'm missing out and so far it has worked out quite well.

    Maybe it can work for you if you can respect the "1-day a week" rule and not go overboard (small portions).

    Good luck!
  • teresaelliott
    Don't deprive yourself, that will only lead to failure. Allow yourself to eat what you want when you go out, just make sure you eat slowly and stop when you're full. It does take a little bit of will power, but just remember how bad your stomach will feel when you over eat. As for the holidays, I know they are hard, but again, allow yourself a few indulgences, just make sure you don't go overboard, and exercise lots so you have some extra calories to use up. Good Luck...and have fun!!
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Do an extra vigorous workout that morning to ensure you have plenty of calories up your sleeve for the meal. But also try not to overdo it while at the restaurant. Good luck :)

    That's the answer I would have given. For example for Thanksgiving, I will do my normal P90X workout in the morning but I am also going to do a 2-3 mile run that evening. That's why I love working out to begin with it allows me to pig out. On healthy foods of course. Also just have a sizeable salad from the bar first before you start on some of the other items that you really enjoy, you will just enjoy less of them.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I agree with these suggestions. You deserve to treat yourself, but do your best not to go hog wild. Eat small, but reasonable portions before going - something with a mixture of carbs, protein, and fat. Try to do a few hardcore workouts leading up to and after the day in question. When you go the the all you can eat, load up on all the healthy goodies first. Then, go back and splurge on the good tasting, but bad for your items. You'll be fuller, so you won't be able to eat as much, but you'll still be satistifed that you had some of the foods you love. Most of all... have a great time!

  • dj_stevie_c
    Yeah, go for a nice long burn in the morning, and enjoy the evening. Don't sweat it, not like you're going to eat there every day so enjoy this one off and then make up for it before/after :)
  • jteammom
    jteammom Posts: 173
    Promise your self that you will log in and track your calories every single day, even the days you know will be a challenge. Knowing you'll be recording all this stuff later in the day might just help you to hold yourself accountable at meal and snack time.
    Sooner or later it will become second nature to track your choices in your head before you get the chance to track them online. And that comment you get when you submit your final entry (If every day was like to day, in 5 weeks you would weigh...) can either be a great motivation or an eye-opener!