Calorie counting making me anxious and obsessive



  • Profwilsonindeed
    Profwilsonindeed Posts: 6 Member
    This is actually one of the reasons I stoped using MFP initially. Not trying to promote anyone's business or anything, but using the fitbit I received as a gift for Christmas has really helped me to be aware of what I am doing on a daily basis without getting discouraged about my caloric intake levels.

    One thing I tell myself to this day is that losing weight/gaining muscle is about tipping the balance of what you take in with what you burn on a daily basis in your favor. The app I use links with MFP and says things like due to your activity this day, you have gained 200 calories in my favor...which is a BIG psychological boost for me because this is the first time I am working a "desk" job that makes me feel somewhat lazyif I don't make it a point to workout, take stairs when possible, etc.

    It motivates me to stay in line with the routine I have had but also lets me know that I can have a bit more wiggle room because I have done my due diligence.

    I would suggest any of the devices that one can wear such that you know what you are burning off in addition to MFP such that you can be more comfortable with the balance you are striking with your life. It sure helps me and I hope it helps you.
  • brenda5476
    brenda5476 Posts: 24 Member
    What I am doing is every five days I allow myself to eat up to my maintenance calories level. I eat 1500 calories a day when "dieting" and then up to 1750 on my eat up days. That way you have something to look forward to.
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    (Oh, and if anyone knows what's really in popcorn, that'd be great. The nutritional information on the side of the box is completely useless. I'm not eating two tablespoons of unpopped kernels!)

    LOL, I hear you. Without knowing the volume of popped corn from those two tbsp, that's just data, not information.

    According to, one cup of plain air-popped popcorn is about 30 calories, oil-popped is 55 calories, lightly-buttered about 130 calories. I found a different entry on MFP for the Hy-Vee that says 70 calories per cup.
  • Log_n_Jog
    Log_n_Jog Posts: 64 Member
    You are certainly not alone! I did the same thing and was on the verge of an eating disorder as a result. I took a few months off from counting calories and just focused on making good food choices and listening to my body for cues to eat. I went from obsessively checking MFP all day and eating based on the clock or how many calories I had left to eating when I felt hungry and stopping before I felt full. During that time, I didn't gain or lose any weight but I was able to regain focus. When I came back to counting, I changed by goals from 2lbs to .5lbs loss. As a result, I felt better, less stressed, and actually started losing weight again. Do what works best for you. The important thing is that you've noticed this as a problem and you're taking steps to fix it. :)
  • schipigr101
    What is a calorie and are all calories created equal?
    Let us start with the basics, a calorie is an energy measure that is derived from foods. Calories are everywhere, from fruits and vegetables to cookies and cake. The only thing that varies is the nutritional integrity of those calories. Think of an apple, it has 80 calories that mainly come from all natural sugars and fibers. An apple has tons of vitamins that help our bodies absorb different nutrients. Now, compare it to a chocolate truffle where on average, these little treats have 80 calories as well; however, the calories that come from a truffle are very different than the ones of the apple. A chocolate truffle has a lot of plain and refined sugars (or simple carbohydrates) along with saturated fats in the form of cream.

    A chocolate truffle might bring you that instant satisfaction, but ten minutes later, after your insulin levels have gone through the roof, your body will be asking you for more food. And additionally, that spike in your glucose levels directly produces the fatty hormone which is insulin. In this scenario, you can compare two foods, one being an apple and the other a chocolate truffle; same calories, but different nutrients. Essentially, the calories in each of these foods might be used differently in our bodies. Therefore, we have to be smart with the calories we eat and where they are coming from.

    Since we just explained to you what a calorie is and how calories are different depending on the foods we eat, we can now discuss calorie counting. Calorie counting is a process in which we write out all the foods we eat throughout the day, in order to see how many calories we intake. Usually, depending on our size, weight, and activity levels, we can get an estimate of how many calories we need per day. There are many websites where you can find the calorie contents of many foods. This benefit of this process is subjective; it all depends on your goals and commitment. Below, you can find different types of people with the degrees of effectiveness after calorie counting.

    To Count or Not to Count:
    The Extreme Worker: If you are always working and have little time to go on the internet to look up the calorie contents for all the foods you eat, it might not be the right thing for you. Maybe, calorie counting does not work for you, but do not give up yet! Rather than calorie counting, you can take a different approach. Maybe you can add extra vegetables and proteins into your diet. By adding extra veggies and protein, you will not only be left more satisfied but you will be less tempted to eat a chocolate bar from the vending machine. The calories in veggies all come with a myriad of vitamins and minerals that will leave you full for longer periods of time. However, if you have the time during lunch or your break, check to see how many calories the foods you have eaten and keep track.

    The Athlete: Depending of your workout goals, whether increasing mass or increasing athleticism, calorie counting might be for you. If you want to increase mass, you need to have a caloric surplus in order for the calories to distribute themselves all over your body, while ensuring bigger and muscular results. If you are part of a sports team, you need to eat the right amount of calories in order to perform your best and be left with energy, especially since you are burning quite a lot.

    The Normal Folks: Calorie counting might be for you depending on your will. For example, people who sometimes struggle with cravings may want to count calories, because they may be trying to lose those last 5, 10, 15, or 20 pounds. The reason as to why people do it is to not sabotage results. Therefore, calorie counting works best for a lot of people, since it helps them keep track of calories throughout the day, without having to sacrifice results. However, if you are determined to losing weight and you say to yourself that you will eat healthy, calorie counting might not be for you. Since you already have the drive and will to say no to the sweet or fried foods cravings, then you might just want to focus on the types of foods you eat and where are you getting your nutrients from.

    Ultimately, all that matters is your health and your well-being. YOU can create the best version of yourself. If something works for you, it might not work for others. Therefore, just do what it is best for YOU. Just remember to eat until you are satisfied and not to the point of extreme fullness. Remember, if once in a blue moon, you are craving something, eat it, but the key is MODERATION. Also, when losing or maintaining your weight, remember to eat an all-natural diet made up of fruits, veggies, good fats, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates. You can read more on the benefits of an all-natural diet from previous posts.

    I hope you find this post helpful in achieving your goals, whether to lose weight, maintain weight, gain mass, or simply determine whether calorie counting works for you. But remember, that YOU are the best person to make the final decision.

  • KatzeDerNacht22
    KatzeDerNacht22 Posts: 200 Member
    I have had the same issue, I had a bit of a problem with severe limitations on how I eat in the past, so on one hand counting calories made me feel safe, cos I knew exactly what was going in , but also it started to create a major anxiety when I couldn't weigh or measure somehow what I ate, eating out with friends/family/partner? No way Jose, I did go out but it made me feel so bad if the goal in macros/calories wasn't right, also sometimes I'd eat something I didn't wanna eat just to achieve my numbers.

    I decided, for now at least, to stop using the app/website (except forums) cos it was getting a bit out of hand, I am now using my nutritionist's plan which works on "portions", like, I get 5 cereal portions a day etc, it's still a form to keep an eye on my food but way more relaxed, sure, somedays I may have 1 more portion or less, but I've also increased my non-exercise activity and what not.

    My point is, this was being bad for me, mentally, so I cold turkey left it, I sometimes log the "protein food" to see if I got a good number, and I have, so I am now not worrying about it.

    Not saying I won't ever use this again, but it does get tiring to weigh all and measure every single bite.

    Best of luck.
  • Leenizi129
    Leenizi129 Posts: 133 Member
    Time to take a break!
  • HazyEyes93
    HazyEyes93 Posts: 89 Member
    Maybe you could eat the same things every day and switch it up weekly. That way, you only have to count once that week and you don't have to think about it anymore than that. Meal prep could also be a good solution. That way, it isn't something that you have to continuously think about. Just grab an go, and you can rest assured knowing everything has already be accounted for.
  • moonstroller
    moonstroller Posts: 210 Member
    I'm similar, but instead of obsessing over the calorie logging part, I obsess over how much I've logged in for exercising. I'll work out two or three times per day just to see the total calories burned go up.