Ouch my Aching Knees!

I've been doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, as well as some yoga and elliptical work. I noticed as I was doing the shred that my left knee was starting to hurt a bit. After 7 days I thought that I'd give my knee a rest and worked with the elliptical only for about 4 days. Tonight I tried out the Shred again, and BOTH of my knees were killing me during the jumping jacks and continued hurting.

This may be a silly question, but is it a case of being sore because muscle is being built, or am I hurting myself? (Also, due the extreme change in temperature over the last few weeks where I live, my knees have been aching throughout the day...something that my knees have done for the last 25 years...I think I can probably predict weather with my knees).

(I realize that there is no muscle in the knee itself, but there is lots of muscle attached to the knee. And it is the knees and surrounding area that aches.)


  • thestacy
    this might sound simple, but i've heard that you can put stress on your knees if you sit to closely to the steering wheel. lol
  • scottjames84
    Same thing has happened to me, my knees have been sore for the past 2 weeks, although I have discovered it not to be the actual knees but the top of the Fibula.
    I have not worked out very hard in 2 weeks but yet it is still hurting so I will go to the doctor soon if it is still hurting.
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    Jumping jacks CAN be quite sressful on your knees. Especially if you are not doing them with proper form. Something to keep in mind when working out is the softer and quieter you are the better your form is. That goes for running, jumping rope, jumping jacks etc.

    Check your form. If your form is great, make sure you're not hyperextending or locking your knees (at any point in your day). Otherwise take down the intensity for a while. Increased activity can cause temporary knee pain. Continued activity with temporary knee pain can cause serious damage. Ice it, stretch it and monitor it.

    Great job with the workouts!
  • daryls
    daryls Posts: 260
    Does your knee feel loose? That could be a ligament issue.

    Sharp pain is not good.

    Dull pain could be muscle soreness.

    I broke my knee (bone and ligament) and lost most of my muscle mass in my left leg. I had to rebuild it from pretty much nothing. The muscles were very sore - but it was not my knee - it was generally the muscles on the top part that attached to my knee cap.

    I also have knee pain still based on how I'm sitting. I can run, do elliptical, etc. and be fine. But, if I sit at a 90 degree angle for too long my knee gets sore. I then have to work on stretches and extension of my leg.

    If it continues to hurt I would suggest seeing your doctor.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I'm currently laying on the couch with icy hot on my right knee and alternating hot and cold! It doesn't hurt AWFUL but its enough to make me go OW! OW! when I walk. I've recently started running. I have good shoes and I'm taking it easy but when you go from little activity to 100% more activity you are building all kinds of muscle.

    I did a little research tonight because of my achy knees and this was a link I found with interesting info. I know you aren't running but are working out a lot:


    The first answer was the most interesting to me. The bottom line was that you have to build muscle. I have fibromyalgia and arthritis so I am totally babying this because I want to be able run like a horse some day...without worry. But I know this is from my first two weeks of running!

    I hope this helps! :o)
  • scottjames84
    I'm currently laying on the couch with icy hot on my right knee and alternating hot and cold! It doesn't hurt AWFUL but its enough to make me go OW! OW! when I walk. I've recently started running. I have good shoes and I'm taking it easy but when you go from little activity to 100% more activity you are building all kinds of muscle.

    I did a little research tonight because of my achy knees and this was a link I found with interesting info. I know you aren't running but are working out a lot:


    The first answer was the most interesting to me. The bottom line was that you have to build muscle. I have fibromyalgia and arthritis so I am totally babying this because I want to be able run like a horse some day...without worry. But I know this is from my first two weeks of running!

    I hope this helps! :o)

    Makes sense on my case as I have some what flat feet but why would it start now? I use to be more active than I am now and it never hurt.
    Maybe it because I am getting older? lol
  • fullagrace
    I had horrible knee pain after I started running (walking and jogging a bit haha) a couple weeks ago.

    It hurt even when I was laying in bed or walking around.

    I got some good running shoes.

    I also stretch throughout the day for a few minutes and before/after my runs a bit.

    Pain is gone!
  • HidyleDidyle
    Thank you for the ideas and links and encouragement. I think that I'll evaluate how I'm doing things, and see if I can improve my form (I'm sure after not really exercising for over 6 years, my form could use some work). I'm also going to figure out other ways to work out so that my knees can have a little bit of a break. I've been pushing myself pretty hard (which is good), but maybe I need to change things up a bit.

    Thanks again everyone!
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I'm not doing JM, but I do Zumba and Kettleworx. I modify something if it is not comfortable to my knees. On the Kettleworx jumping jacks I move my hands normally but my feet jog in place instead of jump. Seems to up my heart rate just fine, which is the point of doing them in this program. I also have a disc problem that I have to watch, so I don't have any problem modifying. Hope that helps!
  • ivarleif
    ivarleif Posts: 1
    Same thing has happened to me, my knees have been sore for the past 2 weeks, although I have discovered it not to be the actual knees but the top of the Fibula.
    I have not worked out very hard in 2 weeks but yet it is still hurting so I will go to the doctor soon if it is still hurting.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Watch your form! You've already been told about being softer in your landing for jumping jacks and such, but you also have to watch your form on squats and lunges and the elliptical too. Never let your knees go past your toes. And don't go down lower then 90 degrees on them because that puts shearing forces on the knees and can cause an injury. Also check to see if your elliptical is set for your stride length. While they promote ellipticals as great for your knees, they are only great for the knees if they match your stride length. If they don't, then you are putting some unusual forces on the knees that again, can aggravate or cause injury. In my 15 years in the gym business, I've only ever found 1 elliptical that I could get adjusted to be comfortable for my knees. Granted I've had 2 knee surgeries and 2 other knee injuries so my knees are easily irritated by movements outside my normal gait patterns, but it is a common problem in the gym to feel uncomfortable with the movement.

    As for strengthening them, I highly recommend leg extensions, leg curls, both full range of motion and 30% range of motion. The normal leg extensions work the quads, the leg curls work the hamstrings, the 30% leg extensions focus on the insertions of the quads, and the 30% leg curls focus on the insertions of the hamstrings and popliteus muscle in the back of the knee. The 30% will require very little or no weight at first but as you build up with those weights, you will see drastic improvements in your knees abilities. Like I said, I've had to rehab my knees 4 times from various car accidents and injuries from falls. With those exercises, I am able to teach step aerobics, kickboxing, whatever I want, and even squat 300 pounds for endurance with no knee pain. Just remember to always watch form and progress slowly to heavier weights.
  • Monticello
    Monticello Posts: 16 Member
    I started having knee pain in both knees during week 2 of Couch to 5k. I was able to get rid of it with a couple of things:

    1. Take a day off for rest. I was doing cardio 7 days a week and wasn't allowing my body any rest time.

    2. Mix in more low impact cardio. Swimming for a couple of work outs helped rest my knees immensely.

    3. STRETCH. STRETCH. STRETCH. I was skipping a lot of stretching before I started working out. I think this was probably the most helpful change I made to get rid of the knee pain.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    You might try taking glucosamine. I started about 2 week ago and have notice a big improvement in my knees.
  • mikerudy1
    I've been walking for a few months and moved up to C25k a few weeks ago. My knee hurt a little bit, but I pushed through it and figured it was just soreness. Last Monday I had a tweak in my left knee and noticeable swelling and pain in the top of my shin bone that rest RICE didn't help. In fact it felt like it was getting worse the more I rested it.

    Long story short, my primary doctor thinks I have a strained MCL, I had x-rays done, and I'm going to an orthopedic specialist on Wednesday to determine if there's enough actual ligament damage to require surgery.

    Persistent pain of any kind is not good. Trying to "run through it" may make it worse. Be careful out there.
  • Imthatg1rl
    Imthatg1rl Posts: 109
    Also when you do yoga, make sure when you go into warrior poses that your knee tracks directly over your ankle. If you feel unstable back off some, but never push your knee past your ankle. Alignment is so important when it comes to preventing any kind of injuries. I would also try lower impact moves while doing cardio.