155 lbs and 5'3 Starting Weight - need motivation

Current Weight/Height: 155 lbs / 5'3"

Goal: 125 lbs

Anticipated weekly loss: 1/1.5 lbs per week

Hello everyone,

I have always been thin my whole life until I got married a few years ago. I was about 120 lbs and fit when I got married, eating okay but working out at least 3-5 days per week. After marriage, my husband and I indulged and the working out decreased. I also had a miscarriage a few months ago and my emotional eating added to the weight gain. Over the past few years i've piled on the pounds and am now at 155.

Current Week 1 Plan: Eating 1300 - 1500 calories and walking an hour a day.

I am very out of shape and would like to ease into it. Also, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I don't want to do anything extreme either.

I would like to start with a healthier lifestyle. Any tips of suggestions? I would love some basic strength training routines to do 2 or 3 times a week in addition to walking.



  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    We have the same goal. I weighed 153 a few days ago and I'm 5'1". I'm watching calories and doing as much exercise as I can. Maybe we can support each other?
  • I'm close to your stats. I'm 5'4", 163 lbs. I started at 170... my highest (non-pregnant) weight. My UGW is also 125. I'm trying to lose 1.5 lbs per week with a calorie deficit and 5-6 workouts per week. So far, I'm on track and doing great!

    I sent you a friend request.
  • Thanks fitphoenix22 and tracydr. What type of workouts did you start out with at the beginning?
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    You know, I like your style. What is going to help you the best I think is habits. Make a few healthy things a priority and absolutely commit to them. Eating healthy meals of appropriate portion sizes, logging everything, and your activity. Make that happen every day, no matter what. If you binge eat, chart it. It will help you to analyze patterns of behavior and help you make changes. Best of luck to you. You can start with any kind of working out. Easing into it is a great approach. Just remember as it gets easier, make it harder. Your body will adapt and you will become more fit. I personally started with Wii Fit games and walking. Whenever anything got easier I made it harder. User FitnessBlender on YouTube has tons and tons of good workouts. They range from beginner to advanced, there's cardio and strength, and HIIT, and they range from no equipment, to dumbbells, to kettlebells, to whatever you can think of. Except Fitness Hula Hooping. They don't have one of those yet. :( Oh well, nobody's perfect, I guess. :)
  • Hi. I started my life style change about 1.5 years ago. I started at 150 and I am 5'2. I currently weight 125. I started with protion control and learned how to eat cleaner then I was and was eating about 1200 a day without any excercise. I after I lost my first 10 pds I started to excercise. I started with Julian Michaels 30 Days Shred, Then some Hip Hop Abs, and just walking and going to the gym when I could.. I am still on my journey and would love to have some new friends :) Sent you a friend request... Hope to talk soon. :)
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    Height 5'3"
    SW - 185
    CW - 110
    GW - 105

    I've done just about every exercise, I get bored easily. P90X, Tae Bo, Zumba, Brazil Butt Lift, Hip Hop Abs, Walking, Biking, Etc. I stick to 1200 calories a day. Add me if you would like. Good luck ;)
  • Thanks for the motivation everyone!
  • yankeemold
    yankeemold Posts: 4 Member
    I am 5'1" and currently 157 lb. 2 months ago (thanksgiving day) I weighed 177.5 My goal is 121. My diet consist of 3 oz of meat 2 times/day, 3 oz of fruit 2times/day, unlimited veggies, and LOTS of water. NO pop or diet drinks. I weigh everything and enter both manually or scan tags of any other foods I might eat (I allow myself 3 cheats a week). I go on my treadmill or elliptical 1 hour per day. My kids got me a fitbit for Christmas. I tied it to myfitnesspal and it is a constant reminder to keep everything in line. I call my fitbit my "dog collar". It even tracks how much I sleep and how many times I am restless when sleeping. My blood pressure is already down to normal most days, and only pre-hytertensive on my bad days. I am no longer taking medication for this. One good thing already.
  • yankeemold
    yankeemold Posts: 4 Member
    By the way, I saw a doctor prior to starting this journey (and ongoing doctor checks). I also take supplements while eating this restrictive diet. I no longer have the intense desire to eat like I had before, and candy is no longer a must have.
  • I started at 151lbs and 5'4" tall. In the past month I have managed to lose 4.25 lbs. My daily caloric goal is 1220 and my weekly weight loss goal is 1 lb/ week. I exercise 4 times a week for approximately 45 minutes each time. I am steering clear of pop, chips, chocolate, things like that. I drink lots of water and try to put everything into MFP to keep me accountable for what goes in my mouth. As for exercise, I have been walking/running on the treadmill, using the elliptical, and using the stationary bike as well as doing weights and a hip hop exercise video. I try to change up my exercise routine or else I'll get bored. I also find if I watch a show while on the exercise equipment it makes the time go by faster. This is how I got caught up on The Walking Dead lol

    Good luck!
  • moiramoyes
    moiramoyes Posts: 2 Member
    Hypothyroidism doesn't make weight loss easy but stick in there. You can do it.