My Pants are Falling off my Body



  • sriley7682
    sriley7682 Posts: 48 Member
    Some have said this already... but Goodwill is awesome! I picked up some dress pants and capri pants last weekend... along with some shirts.... and only spent $22. It's a lifesaver!
  • dixiech1ck
    dixiech1ck Posts: 769 Member
    Sweat pants for everyone!

    Here here!! I like the sound of this. ;)
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    I'm just buying really cheep pants until I get to my goal weight. Then I'll buy a whole new wardrobe.
  • MissSarahAllison315
    MissSarahAllison315 Posts: 263 Member
    I'm always excited when I get a chance to post this.

    AHHHH THIS!!!!

    Also....I have worn my pants with a sinched up belt until even the belt won't work :p Then I'll have skipped a whole size :D
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 851 Member
    I'm there with you and I like to go commando so I'm showing these ladies at my job a little too much sometimes.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    Ever since I started MFP I can not stop losing weight. This has presented a challenge, I now have to buy an entire new wardrobe suits, jeans, shirts everything.. Potentially thousands of dollars, anyone out there that has gone through this before with any advice.. one of the downfalls of weight loss.. :(

    I'm going through it right now myself. Just lost yet another pair of work pants yesterday, as a matter of fact. I stood up at my desk and they nearly slid to the floor. Whoops. :embarassed:

    Check your local thrift shops for clothes. That's what I'm doing right now, because I still have a LOT more to go and I don't have the money to invest in new clothes yet, especially when I have no idea of what size I'm going to end up. You can get replacement clothes pretty quickly and it'll be on the cheap. I've spent maybe fifty dollars on clothes that would have cost me THOUSANDS in the stores, and it was name-brand stuff, too. I'm probably going to continue shopping in thrift stores even after I'm done losing, to be honest.
  • indunna
    indunna Posts: 221 Member
    For pricey clothes like suits find a seamstress or tailor that does alterations (a good clothing store will have a referance). For casual clothes buy cheap. I plan to do this every 15lbs and to keep my outfits to a minimum until I hit goal.

    Congrats on your success!
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    [img][/i] Yes! And then at Macy's, the sales woman presented me with such a magical device called a "belt" that to this day I'm convinced she was a genie! It held my pants up that well! Great NSV! Now go buy some better fitting clothes.[/img]
  • ButtercupSuckedItUp
    I have been buying new clothes as well, but not too many, as I had plenty from my way up the scale. However, I have laso been buying shoes like crazy, which I cannot entirely attribute to weight loss...
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I wouldn't call this a downfall of weight loss. Yes, it costs money, but your appearance is important. Looking my best at all times is something I take pride in, given how hard I've worked to look the way I look now.

    I still remember the day it first occurred to me that my clothes were too big. I got out of my car at work, and my pants fell right to my ankles. Luckily, it was about 6:30 AM, and no one was around to see it. I didn't have a belt and didn't want to drive all the way home to get one, so I held my pants up with a binder clip for the rest of the day and went shopping immediately after work.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    Old navy sometimes has sales where you can find jeans for $10. I also agree about going to a thriftstore.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    Also, just a suggestion - DON'T keep your old clothes! I kept mine around for a long time until my husband made me get rid of them - he said that by keeping them around, I was giving in to fear.

    I was like, "What do you mean?"

    He said, "It's because you're afraid that your weight loss won't stick. You're afraid that you're going to fail. That's why you keep them around, because you think you're going to need them. Well, you DON'T."

    I was like.... well, damn. He's right.

    I got rid of them that afternoon. :smile: So, when you go to your thrift shops.... donate your old clothes!!!
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Yup. Thrift stores are your friend until you're done losing. If your clothes are good quality, consider having them altered if you can find a well priced tailor/seamstress. And finally, see if your friends or your area are having any clothing swaps - or start your own! It definitely is a downside to losing weight, one that I commiserate with rather well.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I started out a 38 and when I went down to a 36 I had a few things left over from when I was previously that size but pretty much went to the thrift shop and found the nicest stuff I could for work and a couple pairs of jeans and shorts for everything else. Once I got into a 34 I went out and bought regular stuff...I haven't lost anymore weight in about 8 months, but my 34s are starting to get a little lose now too.
  • ScottBurnett777
    Luckily, I still have the clothes from last time I lost weight. Actually, I have lots of clothes that are smaller than I am right now that I am looking froward to getting back in.
  • NorCal311
    NorCal311 Posts: 44 Member
    Mine are too! My pants are hanging like a gangster. I am waiting before I but new ones. I think next month I will be getting smaller ones.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Also, just a suggestion - DON'T keep your old clothes! I kept mine around for a long time until my husband made me get rid of them - he said that by keeping them around, I was giving in to fear.

    I was like, "What do you mean?"

    He said, "It's because you're afraid that your weight loss won't stick. You're afraid that you're going to fail. That's why you keep them around, because you think you're going to need them. Well, you DON'T."

    I was like.... well, damn. He's right.

    I got rid of them that afternoon. :smile: So, when you go to your thrift shops.... donate your old clothes!!!

    Agreed, however I did keep one outfit. On my "I FEEL FAT" days, I'll put that old outfit back on and think back to when it was too tight.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Just about lost mine in a grocery store .. imagine my horror. I have more notches on my belt now.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    yes. I hate it. I lead a "minimalist's" lifestyle, and I'm still always broke because I constantly need to redo my wardrobe. I do second hand stores for tops, and I have ONE pair of work pants, and ONE pair of jeans that fit.

    belts help.

    oh, and heads up, once I lost about 50, I needed new shoes, too.

    this is an expensive hobby.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    Agreed, however I did keep one outfit. On my "I FEEL FAT" days, I'll put that old outfit back on and think back to when it was too tight.

    I do have ONE pair of scrub pants from the days where I was at my top weight (they're a 3X, or a 4X, can't remember), and I do try them on every now and then to remind myself - this is where I was, and where I never want to be again. I can stand in ONE LEG, that's how big they are on me now. It makes me feel GREAT to know that I worked hard to be where I am now and I never have to wear those again.

    Great point. :)