New to the "Community"

Hi! I am new to the community part of MFP. I have been using MFP off & on for a few years, but never joined the community part of it. I am hoping for some new exercise ideas, recipes, & support. My goals are to be healthier, eat cleaner & lose a pesky 10 pounds or so. If you have common interests, please add me as a friend! I need alllllll the support that I can get because trust me- this girl likes to eat!! :)



  • Hey! I understand! I need encouragement and support too! Maybe we can help each other! :smile:
  • hey my name's aimee. I'm a newbie here at MFP. :smile:
  • L8riser
    L8riser Posts: 20 Member
    Hi. I'm new too, and new to posting things. I've been reading things people have posted and never joined in on any particular topic. Mainly because too shy.Since this is my year to make some changes, thought might as well join for some support.
  • tramoregirl
    tramoregirl Posts: 8 Member
    Same here :). Would love to buddy up for support, recipes, exercise regimes etc :)
  • sirkom
    sirkom Posts: 2
    Hi! I am new to the community too :) Been using MFP on and off for the last year or so, but this is my first time venturing on here. I would love to join a group where we can encourage each other to reach our goals! I just started dieting (again) this week and it is hard in the beginning! Today I went way over my calorie budget because of carrot cupcakes at a work meeting, sigh. Hoping it gets better soon! Have you guys been dieting for long?
  • trishdish2281
    trishdish2281 Posts: 3 Member
    Awesome!! Thank you!!!!