What kind of diet am I on and always hungry and angry?



  • nedtoloseme
    nedtoloseme Posts: 98 Member
    When you eat complex carbohydrates (aka bread) you spike your insulin levels for about an hour after eating it, and then crash. Your body is designed to want to keep its insulin levels consistent, so you get hungry, usually for breads/sugars and the like. This is totally what happened with me when I ate bread for breakfast and lunch. Add protein, and though it sounds counter intuitive, some healthy fats (think avocado or nuts) and take the bread out, or cut it in half. These foods keep you fuller waaaaay longer, and don't spike your insulin levels like bread will!

    Agree completely. I began eating more protein and am trying to cut back on the carbs. It does keep you fuller longer. Just another suggestion - you may want to drink more water and find foods with less sodium in it. I'm learning that what we're doing is all about making adjustments. You're almost there - congratulations gurl!
  • Waggoner83
    Waggoner83 Posts: 112 Member
    It's kind of hard to tell what's going on with so many "quick add" items in your diary.

    Two things that are questionable. First, are you actually getting 1200 calories net per day? Maybe spend a couple days measuring accurately and fully tracking everything.

    Second, is that even the right target? I think not. You're probably in or getting close to in the healthy weight range. When you're there, you just can't consistently lose 1 or 2 pounds per week anymore.
  • Waggoner83
    Waggoner83 Posts: 112 Member
    I changed my settings to loose 0.5 a week now. I hope this help. I am new to all of this so be patient with me. The quick adds is because are accurate meals I just do not have time to scan the product or enter it.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I changed my settings to loose 0.5 a week now. I hope this help. I am new to all of this so be patient with me. The quick adds is because are accurate meals I just do not have time to scan the product or enter it.

    Good job! Also watch your macros (carbs/protein/fats). You need a good balance of these. MFP sets protein very low, so you can up that if you want. 1g protein/ lb of lean body mass is a good rule of thumb. It will also keep you full for longer.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    This looks a lot more reasonable with setting it to .5 a pound a week.

    Agree, get more protein, though it is hard to tell with all the quick adds what your macros look like. I personally would cut down on the amount of calories I was drinking. There are plenty of zero calorie options for beverages. For alcohol I switched to Vodka, with a zero calorie mixer.
  • nicoleduo
    nicoleduo Posts: 27 Member
    Eat more, eat healthy, good quality food that is filling, like fruit and vegetables, lean meat, whole grain pasta and bread, foods high in fiber. watch out for foods high in sodium. limit sweets, crackers, desserts! drink more water.
  • Waggoner83
    Waggoner83 Posts: 112 Member
    Eat more, eat healthy, good quality food that is filling, like fruit and vegetables, lean meat, whole grain pasta and bread, foods high in fiber. watch out for foods high in sodium. limit sweets, crackers, desserts! drink more water.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    with 7 Lbs to go, you should really dial your deficit down to about 1/2 Lb per week...it's kind of like bringing a plane in for a landing...you don't want to bring it in going 100 miles and hour and then have to slam on the breaks.

    I'd recommend slowly increasing your calories until you are at a 1/2 Lb per week loss goal. It will make the transition to maintenance infinity smoother.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    OP you need to eat way way way more protien 3-4 times what you have been. with only 7 lbs to go and a larger deficit than you should have you are at great risk for a large % of your loss coking from lean muscle.

    Changing your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week, getting 100+ grams of protein/day, and strength training will help reduce the amount of muscle you will lose.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    That doesn't sound like 1200 or 1500-1600 cals to me... Are you tracking properly? This sounds like more around the 500-700 calorie range depending on what you eat for dinner. Eggs and toast are probably only 200 cals (if that). Lunch around 200 or less. Dinner... I have no idea but by the portion size it doesn't sound like much.

    This is what I was thinking. I'm currently set to 1,320 cal per day and there are days that I do not get exercise so actually eat around 1300. What you described doesn't even sound like close to 1200.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    My dinner normally is a full dinner equal to a serving size of a 1 year old. Please help I am hungry with head aches on a regular. I feel like I am starving myself.

    Do you really mean that you typically eat for dinner what you would feed a 1 year old? Because if that's the case, that would explain why you feel like you are trying to starve yourself. You will feel so much better if you relax your calorie target a bit and feed your body!

    I agree with the comments about your protein and fat macros. Your targets are set pretty low, and you're not even meeting them. I get wicked headaches when I let my blood sugar spike and crash, so being on an even keel could help. You might be having some dehydration issues too.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    OP, glad to see you're going to try losing at .5 lb/week rate. With little left to lose, a slower loss is more beneficial for LBM preservation AND for helping your hunger pangs.

    Quick add calories can shoot yourself in the foot if you rely on it too often. For many people, quick add calories results in underestimations and stalled weight loss. Since you're still losing, you may be overestimating how many calories you're consuming, resulting in your hunger.

    As others said, bulk up on protein, fiber, fats. Those three tend to lead to the most satiety. I know life can be busy, but quick add calories everyday can really undermine your progress (even progress in figuring out why you're hungry). If you tend to eat the same sort of breakfast/lunches, take time one day to add all of those things together in MFP and simply add it every day (Under "My meals," or even just copy from day to day).
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    If I ate like you I'd probably faint at the gym and have a hefty ambo and ER bill....all so someone could tell me EAT AND DRINK MORE.

    I am not exaggerating. Today in power class someone asked me what I burn in power...I told them about 330 calories BUT for every day of weight training I do a week I have to up my NET intake by 700 over the whole week. So if I do 3 weight training classes or even resistance body weight classes I take in 2100 more calories over the whole week! I learned pretty fast that 1200 calories does not a push up make, or even a long distance run....I'm also not seeing how what you're eating even adds up to 1200 or 1500 calories unless that's the heftiest ranch known to man.

    Lastly, you're likely in desperate need of vitamins and protein A SLICE of Turkey???? If I'm JUST doing cardio I can subsist on 1500 NET with a minimum of 90 Protein, but the second I add in light weights, or heavey weights, or resistance I NEED 110-125 protein to feel enough energy between work outs.

    Also as someone else on my screen I see other's recommended this and fats. YES they seriously help with the hunger. All these carbs are unnecessary; sure we need some but not at the proportionate level of the average diet.

    I'd rather have my macros add up then my net. And it's damn hard. I'd rather go over on fat than over on carbs tho.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It just doesn't seem like a lot of food for 1600 calories. It's what I eat and I eat way more than you do. I also tend to have a smaller dinner and eat more during the day, as it's when being hungry is the most annoying.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    My daily calorie intake is 1200 and goes up to about 1500-1600 when I exercise. Why is it that im always hungry? Is it im not eating the right food? I normally eat 2 boiled eggs in the morning with 1 peice of toast. Lunch is normally 1 piece of bread with mustard, and one slice of Oscar Myer Turkey that is my sandwhich. I will also eat a cucumber salad for lunch with my sandwhich and my total salad is one cup with cucumbers only and a little ranch. My dinner normally is a full dinner equal to a serving size of a 1 year old. Please help I am hungry with head aches on a regular. I feel like I am starving myself.

    I eat 1200 calories and eat much, much more than you. Are you sure you are logging everything right and actually eating 1200 calories ? My food log is open . just in case......I do 5:2 twice a week eating between 500-600 calories and the rest is 1200.....
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I am 5"7 and weigh 157lbs.

    Eat more. You need more than 1200. Figure out your TDEE and lower your weight loss goal to a half pound per week max.

    Also, why are you avoiding fat? Fat is an essential macro and the MFP default is too low. Also, ranch usually has canola oil/soy oil and none of the healthiest fats. You need some healthy, unrefined fats from animals, avocado, eggs etc. My staples are animal fats (including ghee or butter), coconut oil, avocados, and a little bit of olive oil and nuts. Natural saturated fats are NOT bad.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    There's a lot of quick added calories in your diary. Are these estimates of things you're eating? Why not find them in the database?

    From what I can see that you're eating, it's a lot of bread and not enough protein or fat. Add about 4 more slices of turkey onto that sandwich and some avocado and see how you feel. And yeah, with everyone who says to up your calorie intake... I'm 5'5" and 125 lbs, and I eat 1500 calories a day at least to lose weight.

    This and you missed some days logging - did you eat or not log because it was the weekend and you ate what you wanted?
  • kkzmom11
    kkzmom11 Posts: 220 Member
    as others have said, based on your food diary, you aren't anywhere NEAR 1200 calories. you aren't eating enough. you should be eating a minimum of 1200. add fruit or veggies with your lunch sandwich. get some fruit with your breakfast. once you start eating enough food, daily, then you shouldn't be hungry all the time. you are probably angry because your body is telling you to fuel it with more food.
  • Waggoner83
    Waggoner83 Posts: 112 Member
    If I do not logg on the weekend is becaue I may have ate a church or different events. Sometimes I do not logg because the food is so mixed up that I am unsure of what all is mixed in it.
  • brad2021hk

    Do you really mean that you typically eat for dinner what you would feed a 1 year old? Because if that's the case, that would explain why you feel like you are trying to starve yourself. You will feel so much better if you relax your calorie target a bit and feed your body!

    I'm consistently shocked at what my baby daughter can put away during a meal. We currently try to feed her what we're eating at a lot of meals. She's a little older at 16 months now. She ate nearly 4 full raviolis last night. I only had 3 after giving her some of mine. I had a piece of bread and some broccoli too. Jeez, she probably had as many calories for dinner as I did.