I'm back!

I used MFP religiously for about 3 years and then I started thinking that I didn't need to track my calories and workouts. That's where I went wrong.

I had lost 175 lbs before I left but since I've left I've gained back 55 pounds.

I'd love to make new friends and find the friends that I had here in the past. My screenname then was reinventingandrea.


  • Welcome back. I did the same thing. I lost 100 pounds and then took a trip where it was difficult to stay on track. When I came home I just continued to slide to the tune of about 40 pounds. Now I am back also and determined to get rid of what I gained. I previously got rid of all my "fat" clothes so if I don't start losing now instead of gaining, it will cost me.
  • jasper186
    jasper186 Posts: 134 Member
    Your story sounds very familiar to me. I'm back for the third time as well. I log on in every day, add me if you want!
  • Have been more committed to my weight goals lately but need friends, the motivation and support is what I lacked in the past . So feel free to add me.
  • irishmama29178
    irishmama29178 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks all! I've sent you all requests :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,317 Member
    We're having a discussion in the forums right now about this.

    Would you say you gained the weight back because of genetics, or some other reason?

    I'm curious how you didn't notice before it got to 55 lbs. Or did it just not matter? It's an intriguing concept that people regain that much weight. I regained ten pounds before I said, "oh, no you don't."

    Was there some event that you think led to your continued over eating, or just general life?

    Welcome back! You know what to do.
  • jasper186
    jasper186 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm back for the 3rd time and log in every day, feel free to add me!:drinker:
  • Seabully
    Seabully Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome back! Always looking to boost my puny friendslist! You'll get back on track! :-)
  • Jennicia74
    Jennicia74 Posts: 31 Member
    round two here for me as well! its a bit harder getting started this time
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    We're having a discussion in the forums right now about this.

    Would you say you gained the weight back because of genetics, or some other reason?

    I'm curious how you didn't notice before it got to 55 lbs. Or did it just not matter? It's an intriguing concept that people regain that much weight. I regained ten pounds before I said, "oh, no you don't."

    Was there some event that you think led to your continued over eating, or just general life?

    Welcome back! You know what to do.

    This is the first thing I thought of, but couldn't figure out a tactful way to ask it. Well done.

    Welcome back, OP. Now, back to work.
  • irishmama29178
    irishmama29178 Posts: 7 Member
    Honestly, I did notice but I was "comfortable" in a relationship and he told me that he would love me at any weight. I let that go to my head. It wasn't overnight that the weight came back, it's taken a good 6 months to gain it back. It was a real wake up call. Never again will I take it to heart when someone tells me that they'd love me at any weight because when I started this journey 3 years ago, it was all about me. About getting healthy.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,317 Member
    Honestly, I did notice but I was "comfortable" in a relationship and he told me that he would love me at any weight. I let that go to my head. It wasn't overnight that the weight came back, it's taken a good 6 months to gain it back. It was a real wake up call. Never again will I take it to heart when someone tells me that they'd love me at any weight because when I started this journey 3 years ago, it was all about me. About getting healthy.

    Thank you for your honest answer. I think a lot of people get comfortable, and your man sounds like a really good guy for saying what he did.

    It is very easy to regain, and not as easy to keep it off. But you're right, it is about your health and being happy in your own skin. Ironically, had he made a big deal about your gaining weight, it probably would have led to you digging in your heels. The fact that he didn't pressure you is great. You'll be so proud of yourself when you lose it.

    Good luck on Round Two!
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    hi welcome back good luck this time around...feel free to add for motivation..anyone
  • Binouchette
    Binouchette Posts: 13 Member
    Same here, i'm back and planning on staying on MFP!! you can add me