Need encouragement

Hi MFPs!

I am about one year away from 40 and need to lose weight and get into shape. For some reason, I am having a hard time finding motivation. Yes, the weather has been awful, here in Michigan and therefore I have not kept to my goals for the new year. I know I have excuses and that there is no magic pill/snake oil. Just wondering if there is anyone out there that could help!!



  • wcboldt
    wcboldt Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in Michigan as well and also turning 40 this year so I feel you. Getting/staying in shape is a mental challenge more than anything else. What works for me is short term goals... something to look forward to and discipline myself for... an upcoming vacation, an event to attend, or just summer (it will come eventually). The good thing is when I see progress, it encourages me and energizes me to work harder. It also helps to read others' success stories. What one person can do, another person can do!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    What are your goals?

    If you can't get outside for another three months, then a running program isn't a reasonable goal. Trying a new video every week is.

    Have you set a goal to "eat less" or do you have a more concrete goal, like eating 5 fruit and veg a day?
  • jennrson
    jennrson Posts: 7 Member
    Yes, I agree that the success stories help! Just having a hard time dealing with my SAD, weather and trying to lose weight. Thank you for the words of encouragement.
  • Wantahealthylife
    I'm not sure if I can help....yet.... but I certainly can relate. I think this awful weather has definitely affected my mood and therefore, also my motivation. I just joined this evening and I'm hoping the tools and the support here will help push me back onto the path of healthy living. Good luck!
  • KingofWisdom
    KingofWisdom Posts: 229 Member
    Prior to my joining this site, I had a lack of motivation as well. I didn't like exercising, and I felt it was too hard to stick to. Reading other people's success stories on here really made me feel like I can in fact lose the weight. I just need to stick to it. It's now become a part of my routine. I get up, go through social media, sometimes I'll eat, but then I go for a walk. It was hard at first, because weight tends to fluctuate, but after getting into the groove of things, it's been great.
  • wcboldt
    wcboldt Posts: 11 Member
    Sometimes my only motivation for exercise and eating well is knowing how bad I'll feel if I don't.
  • jennrson
    jennrson Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you for all the replies. It is nice to see that I am not alone and have similiar struggles. I have done ww before and now trying to do MFP. Still new to this and trying to figure it all out.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I'm from Michigan (transplanted in NJ now though). I'll be 39 this year so I understand where you're coming from.
    A lot of it is our mindset (imo). I know we can't always be happy go lucky all the time, but changing our outlook on things can make a difference.
    Try to surround yourself with positive, motivating people. (Even some of your MFP buddies--find some that post encouragement daily or w/e).
    I sometimes find it hard to stay motivated. I'm the only heavy person in my family (between hubby, kids & I). Even though I hear some encouragement from my husband, I usually have to find motivation for myself. And just recently I Googled motivational fitness quotes (images) and saved them to my computer. I have also bookmarked sites with encouraging/motivational quotes. If I had ink/printer paper I'd be printing some out & hanging them around the house. They really do help.
    And keep telling yourself you CAN do it!! =]

    “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” ~Henry Ford
  • music815
    I just turned 21 and my issue was I was very set in my ways, not really thinking about my health. One day I went to the beach to do what I called working out lol and I met this guy. He was really fit and I had to ask him how he got that way. He said he decided to just eat less junk and go for a walk every so often. He was 50 years old by the way. He said people began to get inspired just by his efforts and started to make changes of their own. This motivated him to do more. So he started to run everyday, and he hit the gym as often as possible. Now he is huge and looks like he could play pro football. He did all this to inspire more people my age and his own as well.What motivates me is people like him who saw what he wanted and went for it. When he seen that it motivated others, he took it even further. If you can make small changes it can motivate you and it can definitely motivate others. I think once you see the effects, you will have the drive you need to go all the way. As for the yucky weather, there is some on YouTube called walk away the pounds. My fiancé started to do it in the house and she loves it. Honestly even I do it sometimes and I think its a great way to get started.
    You can do it!