Hairstylists/Service Industry Folks

Im a hairstylist in Atlanta! I try to eat 4 small meals a day but find it nearly impossible on busy days.. I feel like sometimes I have to choose between eating or peeing!! In a job thats so selfless and all about the client is it possible to keep to this diet? Any useful tips, meal ideas or suggestions would be awesome!!


  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    So you get NO down time at all when you're not servicing clients? I think that might be illegal. Anyways I'd just make it a point to stay on my health as much as you make it a point to service your clients.

    Think about it like this. "If you're not helping yourself, you can't help them"
  • RebsOnTheRocks
    I too am a hair/make-up artist... and I normally choose the bathroom over eating! ;) Feel free to add me... I'm always looking for additional motivation and support (especially from fellow stylists)!
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    When I was working at my old job, I was also very busy usually. We got breaks, but depending on how busy it was, they were never at the same time and would sometimes have to be split up. Not very fun. We weren't even allowed to go to the back to get water, or have water with us. So what I would do would be to eat a really good breakfast (sometimes I would get up at 4 or 5am to get in a workout and a good breakfast during holidays) and to always pack a lunch and 2 snacks. That way I would have something to eat (even if it's after my shift was over), a snack to grab quickly I wasn't getting a break for a while, and something to keep me going on the drive home. You don't have to eat a bunch of small meals. I like smaller meals and snacks because I feel fuller throughout the day and it keeps me from binging. Just make sure to log what you're eating. But all you can do is to do your best. Service industry isn't very helpful when it comes to that kind of stuff, so you just have to find ways around it. I'd make a list of the busiest days to see it on paper and see what might help you through fit a meal in more on those days more. Sometimes it helps to have a visual.
  • faeryblights
    faeryblights Posts: 6 Member
    On days where I'm booked all day, I pack a lunch, punch in the calories before work, make sure it's not something I don't have to microwave, and eat it while masks are sitting. It's hard, but, we get more steps in than most people. I have a fitbit, it helps me track my exercise and know my calories out. I used to graze all day at work, and that was a big problem for me. I've been pre-packing snacks too. It's been working out good for me. Feel free to friend me. (I'm an esthetician and manicurist in Pittsburgh).
  • Ive been packing my lunch too.. and people have stopped asking me what i want to order for lunch which is great.. but it sucks bringing home a full lunch box after a long day...sometimes i ask myself why i didnt become an accountant or something.. and then i realize im a psycho and that I have the best job ever.. minus the whole "its not all about me thing!
  • rubyredhooker
    rubyredhooker Posts: 3 Member
    This is what I usually do, too. Makes life much easier.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Pack lots of little things. Protein bars, nut bars, sandwich cut in quarters, cubed cheese, cubed chicken. Things you can grab a handful of. It sucks because you feel like you are sneaking food and cramming it down your throat, but yeah that's life when you try to get it in between customers. Oh and ya have to make sure your breath doesn't knock anyone out too if ya go too long without eating, lol.
  • mfcarley2
    mfcarley2 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey there. Freelance makeup artist here - constantly traveling, long days on set, free catering from breakfast and lunch = MAJOR weight gain over the last year. I've started bringing bananas, apple slice and cheese, small sandwiches with a piece of break and nut butter, mary's gone crackers and hommus, etc really help!! Almonds and dried cherries too :) SO hard to stay under 1400 calories. Just takes a strong will power!!
  • Oh and ya have to make sure your breath doesn't knock anyone out too if ya go too long without eating, lol.

    I call that Dragon Breath!