kill me now!!

So....tomorrow will be one week since I joined! I have logged on dilligently every day and for the most part have followed the recommendations. On Saturday i weighed myself to see if I had lost and I was down 1.2 pounds or so. great right>???? So I continued to follow. I have been working out so hard (Monday- step class and circuit class at lunch; Tue-off; Wed- circuit class; Thur-45 min walk and 1 hr of yoga; friday circuit class; Sat- step class). I got on scale and was sad to see i had gained 2 i am now 1 lb above start weight. My official weigh in day is tomorrow but every time i weigh i get so discouraged/ Should i stop weighing.....should i weigh myself daily and just record once week....growllllll


  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    I weigh once a week,because your weight fluctuates so much in a day that i also get discouraged.cant be obsessive
  • Debx12345
    totally understand that one............... i have been trying to lose 7lbs since last year !!!! started tracking through mfp, lose a pound, put it back on !!!!! I know i have lost inches as i get measured when i am assessed at my gym, but those digits on the scales are not going the right way !!! so my advice to you is maybe measure yourself as well, sometimes seeing your clothes abit baggy or inches on the tape measure falling off cheer you up abit more than the scales. (rich coming from me, who is totally obssessed with what the scales say. Lol)
  • blueelephant1212
    blueelephant1212 Posts: 100 Member
    don't worry, this is week two for me and my first weigh in was actually above my start weight, too. it was so not what i expected. i am now 2.4lbs down and hoping the trend continues! i weigh in every three days, same time every day so that i get a better idea of the weight. like the previous poster mentioned, weight fluctuates all day long. my advice is drink more water and make sure to eat your calorie allotment. :D

  • veteranrob1973
    I was watching the show "The Doctor's" the other day and I learned that it is much harder for women to lose weight then men, so ladies...I commend you on your determination and drive...keep it up and it will happen.
  • pennfields
    totally with you, this week i put on a lb,...... but still had an inch off my hips, i dont know how it works, but something is.
  • Vivx
    Vivx Posts: 121
    well done for doing so wel and doing alot of exercise maybe ur just gaining muscle and im sure muscle weighs moe than fat !x
  • WonderNoodle
    i read in a joy bauer article this....(paraphrasing)

    if you weigh and a slight gain from the day before will motivate you to strive harder, weigh daily.

    if you weigh and a slight gain from the day before sends you into a tailspin, thow your hands up in the air attitude, weigh weekly.
  • MrsKPhelps
    Don't get discouraged! Too soon for that or at any time..LOL! But yeah try and weigh in once a week. If you continually hop on scales every day/ will drive you nuts! I had to learn that of course I just started another weight loss challenge but with the numerous challenges i've tried I have learned that one thing will keep me where i'm weigh in a week on the day of your choice....
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I would love to say weigh once a week..... but that would be so hypocritical of me I cant bring myself to do it!
    Any diet, using MFP included, is a marathon it is not a sprint, your weight is going to fluctuate daily but there is one thing that is absolutely certain IF YOU EAT HEALTHILY AT YOUR DESIGNATED CALORIES AND YOU EXERCISE TO TONE AND BURN OFF CALORIES YOUR WEIGHT WILL GO IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.

    If you are in a hurry, do a fad diet and risk putting it back on or preferably, adjust your eating habits little by little, adjust your exercise routine and your habits generally and you will get a sustainable loss and a different life. (This is a little hypocritical of me too coz I am doing a diet at the mo - after months of adapting as I just described...... so apologies for that!)

    Measurements are as important as the weigh scale (more actually coz they reflect how you look and what you can wear) so do measure yourself and remember that the less you have to lose the longer it takes............. good luck and be patient ;)
  • sandyvanderstelt
    yeah, your weight fluctuates a lot in a day, so make sure you weigh in at the same time everyday, and in the same clothes, or lack there of ;) i weigh myself at about 10 a.m. after breakfast, and naked. that way it is as accurate as possible, i believe.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Weigh once a week at the most. The rest of the time put the scale away somewhere you won't think about it.

    This is a journey. You won't always lose the same amount every week, or even lose at all. That's just the way it is.
  • Obeg
    Obeg Posts: 49 Member
    I weight two times a day. And I have been doing this for years. Here is my reasoning on weighing "compulsively" instead of weekly or longer. First - I know my body - if I weigh myself right before bed - I can expect to be down 1.5 to 2 lbs by morning. Every morning I weigh again as soon as I get up (and pee a lb off of course!) I have found that my weight may fluctuate during the day - but generally it is very consistent at those two times a day. Since it is consistent I like to keep an eye on it daily. That way I can see a real progress or lack there of and can fine tune on a daily basis. Seeing my weight trend up a day or two slightly is much easier to adjust and fix than if I weighed once a week and all of the sudden was up 3 lbs. That would be very frustrating to me.

    As for the slight gain you had - don't worry so much about it. Just fine tune a bit - and remember that scientifically, you take in less calories than you burn and you are good. It really is that simple. Also - I have found that when people start a diet/fitness plan - they often do go up a little at first (discouragement #1), then lose a lot fast (maybe 5 lbs in 2 weeks), and then that too slows down to a more normal rate (discouragement #2). So hang in there - I think everything is normal.
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    It doesn't seem like it right now, but you're sweating the small stuff. I can remember how freaked out I would get over over a pound up or not quite taking off as much as I want to. I would literally sulk around all day and let it affect how I functioned and interacted with people. Now that I'm almost to my goal and more fit than I've been in my life, I look back and realize I was being impatient and unfairly hard on myself. You've got a great workout schedule, you're eating within your calories, you're sticking to it 90% of the time.... you've grabbed the bull by the horns and you are managing everything you have control of. Now, you have to wait. It will happen. You will get there. Just hold tight and don't let it stress you out! :)
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I think we all understand the compulsion to weigh daily - we want to try and see immediate results of our hard work. I used to be daily and was getting very frustrated. So now I weigh in on Monday morning and then again on Friday morning. That way I can see any progress I've made during the week on Friday and if I experience a little "jump" over the weekend - the Monday weigh in is to give me the motivation to get back on track -especially since weekends can be my downfall.

    Regardless of when you weigh - just keep at it because it will always go up if one gives up!
  • philipjhill1
    philipjhill1 Posts: 7 Member
    I do try and monitor my weight 4 - 5 times a week. Usually first thing in the morning. I find I am at my lowest point usually Thursday Morning and the highest Sunday Morning and my weight fluctuates throughout the week. That's just me and it's what I have noticed.

    MFP allows you to tailor your calorific intake according to age/height/weight etc and if you eat/drink LESS than the total amount advised/allowed you will lose weight overall (but not necessarily by the next day!) You have no idea how much water & not-fully-digested-yet food is contributing to the figure arriving on the scales. If you were to Monitor the scales say 3 times a week (at least one of those times being first thing) and generate a report after two weeks you will see the graphs trend generally going down over this time, which will encourage you. If you are able to add some excercise and be down on average 300 calories a day (including the extra calories allowed by excercising) you'd see your weight drop. The excercise bit helps me as if i do 400 calories of exercise then my calorie allowance becomes 1850 + 400 or 2250 - so if i undereat by say 300 calories I don't personal feel i am sacrificing much at all. I do realise its not easy to fit 400 Calories of excercise every day. I probably Manage 1200 Calories worth of excercise in a week (dancing)!

    It will fluctuate - the time to be dissappointed is if you drop nothing in 2 weeks and sacrifice 300 Calories a day doing so (assuming it's safe for you to drop this much?) In which case I'd assess honestly if there's any hollow calories you are forgettign to add, and possibly consider cutting another 100 cal's off the target (again assuming your not starving yourself and devoid of energy already??)

    Hardest thing for me is cutting the carbs. They are so lovely and so calorific.

    Also bear in mind you should probably consult a physician/ Dietition rather than take my figures above as 'safe' for you. All I can say is it works from me but my actual weight does fluctuate day to day.

    Hope this helps?
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    great advice here!

    How was your water intake?
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    I was only weighing once a week for a while. But a lot of members weigh daily so I thought I would try it....:noway:
    My weight goes up and down so much from day to day and I developed a mild scale obsession to go with my calorie content obsession. Now I try now to weigh so much and only consider it a real gain or loss if it stays the same for more than one day.
    Good luck sweetness.:flowerforyou: You can do it!
    P.S. Take your measurements if you want a true indicator of progress. I can lose a lot of inches in just a few pounds.
  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    I was watching the show "The Doctor's" the other day and I learned that it is much harder for women to lose weight then men, so ladies...I commend you on your determination and drive...keep it up and it will happen.

    Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! :flowerforyou:
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    well done for doing so wel and doing alot of exercise maybe ur just gaining muscle and im sure muscle weighs moe than fat !x
    Muscle is just more dense....but you are right.
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    I went to look at your food diary to check your sodium levels - it's not out there.

    Ok listen, I don't say to weigh EVERY day since it will drive you insane but I want the people who weigh once a week to remember they may hit a bad day. It is so possible to gain up to 5 pounds in water weight and if you weigh on a day that you are retaining then you have that number stuck in your mind. I usually weight twice a week to see trends and if I KNOW I've been good on exercise, caloric intake and SODIUM (which most new people here don't track) and I'm not losing then I try to keep in mind the body's hormones and changes.

    Please keep at it. Don't give up. It WILL happen if you are doing what's right.