Have a goal in mind, not sure how to reach it.

Hello everybody, today was the first time I stepped into a gym in at least three months.

I just signed up with a new gym and I got a one time free meeting with a trainer and together we worked out areas that I need to improve.

I'm a 5'6 dude, 32 years old, currently at 164.5 lbs @ 22% body fat, which is about 36 lbs of fat. She told me that I should try to get myself down to 18% BF.

The overall goal we set was for me to hit 170 and be at 18% BF. Which would essentially be 10 lbs more of lean body mass than I have now.

Since it was just a very brief, free overview, we didn't go into nutrition though she did point out that it was very important, and that I really shouldn't bother with cardio outside of a warm up, as it will be counterproductive.

Basically I'm not sure what I have to do to achieve that goal. Looking at my excel sheet, I need to gain 6 pounds from what I have now (164 to 170) and lose 6 pounds of fat (36 to 30) which makes my BF % = 18.

I really want to get rid of my belly and lose some of the fat on my face. Since I'm only 5'6, I want to get more muscle mass so I look bigger and stronger.

Any idea of what I should work on first?


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    This is basic advice; I think you should try to look up some of the lifting threads and friend some of the guys in there who give out some good advice to help you along on your way. You need to look into lifting programs and see what you like and would fit into a schedule for you. If you increase protein and fat in your diet and try to cut down on carbs a bit that should send you in the right direction nutritionally for your goals. The weight lifting should get you where you want to go for body composition but I think a level of cardio fitness is good for you too, I don't love the no cardio idea.
  • nathanmaxtro
    nathanmaxtro Posts: 2 Member
    So is the basic idea to increase protein and cut back on carbs?

    And of course do more weight lifting.
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    get your calorie intake.... this is just one of many ways you can compute your daily intake.

    1. 164.5 x 14 calories = 2303 calories per day

    45 percent protein = 1036 calories or 259 grams coming from lean protein sources
    35 percent carbs = 806 calories or 202 grams coming from complex/ Low GI carb sources
    20 percent fats = 461 calories or 51 grams of essential fats like avocado, flaxseed oil, Udo's oil, by product of the foods you eat

    2. start off with a 3 day split full body weight resistance focusing on proper form and technique, load comes next... dont get caught up with lifting heavy if form is poor and is not mastered yet.

    3. Have your gym assess you physically once a month like bodyfat caliphers, weighing scale, skin fold measurement etc. to see and assess your progress..

    4. Stay on that intake until you notice that you are not losing weight for 2 weeks then adjust calorie deficit to a further 150-300 calorie each time either coming from lowering your carbs intake or adding in cardio that burns 150-300 calories, or do half half, 150 calorie deficit from carbs and 150 calorie deficit from cardio.

    5. REPEAT, ADJUST, BE CONSISTENT UNTIL YOU REACH YOUR GOAL... that should be more than enough to get you to 18 percent bodyfat.

    btw you can't chase 2 things at the same time, you cant go up from 164 lbs. to 170 lbs and expect to go from 22 percent bodyfat to 18 percent at the same time, choose one goal, for now aim for lowering your bodyfat to 18 percent. you might experience that your body composition is changing but your weight is not lowering as much so treat this as a win...

    LASTLY GIVE YOURSELF TIME... YOU SHOULD ONLY BE LOSING 1.5 LBS A week at best, aim for 1 lb per week. GOODLUCK
  • santolibero
    Humble advise.. Never forget to drink a lot ...