Cardio before or after weight training?



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I've always done my cardio beforehand, because by the time I'm done with the weights I'm tired and just want to scoot out. In to read responses later, since I'm interested in this too

    This is exactly why you would want to lift first...and/or ideally you would want to do these things on a separate day; there's nothing wrong with leaving the gym after your lifting session...the weight room is the only reason I even go to the gym.

    As rybo stated, your strength training is really no longer strength training if you're doing cardio first and then lifting...if you're doing a good cardio session before you lift, you are too tired to properly stimulate the muscles to really get the benefit of your lift.

    I just think that is an extremely narrow definition. Once again, this is a topic that is being skewed by the narrow perspective of one type of lifter. They try to make it sound like lifting weights is some sacred task that can only be performed when the body is in a pristine state or something.

    The body can be trained to do a lot of things - and lifting weights with good form and intensity after doing cardio is one of them. Millions of people do it every day--and they get stronger, and if they want, they can increase muscle mass. To ignore that and say that you don't get benefits from lifting if you do cardio first defies both reason and science.

    In my previous post I also stated "for max benefit of both" do not get the full benefits of your lifts when you're lifting tired...I didn't say you couldn't make's just that progress will be slower and less efficient because you wouldn't be maximizing your benefits.

    I don't know...I'm pretty busy...I kinda like maximizing my time to garner the greatest benefit most efficiently...note also that I'm not what I would truly consider to be a "lifter"...I'm actually an avid cyclist...but I would never go for a 30 mile ride and then try to get underneath a squat bar...just sounds stupid to me.
  • matsprt1984
    matsprt1984 Posts: 181 Member
    I've always done my cardio beforehand, because by the time I'm done with the weights I'm tired and just want to scoot out. In to read responses later, since I'm interested in this too

    This is exactly why you would want to lift first...and/or ideally you would want to do these things on a separate day; there's nothing wrong with leaving the gym after your lifting session...the weight room is the only reason I even go to the gym.

    As rybo stated, your strength training is really no longer strength training if you're doing cardio first and then lifting...if you're doing a good cardio session before you lift, you are too tired to properly stimulate the muscles to really get the benefit of your lift.

    I just think that is an extremely narrow definition. Once again, this is a topic that is being skewed by the narrow perspective of one type of lifter. They try to make it sound like lifting weights is some sacred task that can only be performed when the body is in a pristine state or something.

    The body can be trained to do a lot of things - and lifting weights with good form and intensity after doing cardio is one of them. Millions of people do it every day--and they get stronger, and if they want, they can increase muscle mass. To ignore that and say that you don't get benefits from lifting if you do cardio first defies both reason and science.

    In my previous post I also stated "for max benefit of both" do not get the full benefits of your lifts when you're lifting tired...I didn't say you couldn't make's just that progress will be slower and less efficient because you wouldn't be maximizing your benefits.

    I don't know...I'm pretty busy...I kinda like maximizing my time to garner the greatest benefit most efficiently...note also that I'm not what I would truly consider to be a "lifter"...I'm actually an avid cyclist...but I would never go for a 30 mile ride and then try to get underneath a squat bar...just sounds stupid to me.

    I usually stay out of these discussions but you hooked me with the "avid cyclist" comment.

    Last year about 6 weeks out from a targeted event we started doing "complexes" cycling style. Come to the track, do 20 min of motor paced warm up. Then change shoes and do a set of squats. Back on the bike for rolling 500's or 3 on and one off or some other effort. Then back for weighted lunges. Back and forth we went between high intensity bike work and weights.

    We were working for a very specific muscle/cardio adaptation but the point being we went back and forth between "cardio" and "lifting" for almost 2 hours. For the "fitness" level most here are working toward it makes no difference which you do first.

    I have many times rode well over 30 miles and then lifted. It works. Consider re-thinking that as being stupid (of course depending on your goals).
  • Relaeh
    Relaeh Posts: 102 Member
    My cardio only days are INTENSE cardio...60-90 minutes. These days I'm lifting, I'm only doing 20-30 min prior-max! And it's only about half the intensity of my cardio only sessions. I don't feel too fatigued to lift doing it this way-I find it most productive-so maybe that's just what's best for me and my goals...thanks for all the good tips ;)
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    There are many studies showing much reduced muscle and strength gains if doing cardio before weight training. A quick google search will reveal them. Don't do it.

    This is one of the few questions in the fitness world with a definitive black and white answer. Of course, if weight training progress is low on your priority list, then it doesnt matter much.
  • Relaeh
    Relaeh Posts: 102 Member
    There are many studies showing much reduced muscle and strength gains if doing cardio before weight training. A quick google search will reveal them. Don't do it.

    This is one of the few questions in the fitness world with a definitive black and white answer. Of course, if weight training progress is low on your priority list, then it doesnt matter much.

    Even if I'm only doing at 20 min 6.0 on the treadmill?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I've always done my cardio beforehand, because by the time I'm done with the weights I'm tired and just want to scoot out. In to read responses later, since I'm interested in this too

    This is exactly why you would want to lift first...and/or ideally you would want to do these things on a separate day; there's nothing wrong with leaving the gym after your lifting session...the weight room is the only reason I even go to the gym.

    As rybo stated, your strength training is really no longer strength training if you're doing cardio first and then lifting...if you're doing a good cardio session before you lift, you are too tired to properly stimulate the muscles to really get the benefit of your lift.

    I just think that is an extremely narrow definition. Once again, this is a topic that is being skewed by the narrow perspective of one type of lifter. They try to make it sound like lifting weights is some sacred task that can only be performed when the body is in a pristine state or something.

    The body can be trained to do a lot of things - and lifting weights with good form and intensity after doing cardio is one of them. Millions of people do it every day--and they get stronger, and if they want, they can increase muscle mass. To ignore that and say that you don't get benefits from lifting if you do cardio first defies both reason and science.

    In my previous post I also stated "for max benefit of both" do not get the full benefits of your lifts when you're lifting tired...I didn't say you couldn't make's just that progress will be slower and less efficient because you wouldn't be maximizing your benefits.

    I don't know...I'm pretty busy...I kinda like maximizing my time to garner the greatest benefit most efficiently...note also that I'm not what I would truly consider to be a "lifter"...I'm actually an avid cyclist...but I would never go for a 30 mile ride and then try to get underneath a squat bar...just sounds stupid to me.

    I usually stay out of these discussions but you hooked me with the "avid cyclist" comment.

    Last year about 6 weeks out from a targeted event we started doing "complexes" cycling style. Come to the track, do 20 min of motor paced warm up. Then change shoes and do a set of squats. Back on the bike for rolling 500's or 3 on and one off or some other effort. Then back for weighted lunges. Back and forth we went between high intensity bike work and weights.

    We were working for a very specific muscle/cardio adaptation but the point being we went back and forth between "cardio" and "lifting" for almost 2 hours. For the "fitness" level most here are working toward it makes no difference which you do first.

    I have many times rode well over 30 miles and then lifted. It works. Consider re-thinking that as being stupid (of course depending on your goals).

    can you squat 80-90% of your 1 RM after a 30 mile ride...if you can, you are awesome. I rode my bike to the gym once which is a mere 15 miles...I generally rep with around 250 Lbs...I could barely rep out with 200 exactly is that progress? Also, when I'm actually training for an event my lifting takes a back seat...but for general fitness, I would think you'd want max benefit of both. My lifting most definitely suffers when I'm training for a century or something but I expect that...because I'm training for a century ride, not general fitness. When I'm just working out, I'm looking to maximize my lifts as well as my cardio efforts...I generally do them on separate days which pretty much makes me able to rock both.

    Somehow I doubt you were under a tremendous load. I could probably do that at 50-60% of 1 RM, but not a typical strength workout.
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    There are many studies showing much reduced muscle and strength gains if doing cardio before weight training. A quick google search will reveal them. Don't do it.

    This is one of the few questions in the fitness world with a definitive black and white answer. Of course, if weight training progress is low on your priority list, then it doesnt matter much.

    Even if I'm only doing at 20 min 6.0 on the treadmill?

    It will have a negative effect, via the same mechanisms that were studied with higher intensity cardio. Not as large an effect, but there is still an effect.

    It might not even be noticeable to most amateur lifters. But this is one of the few controllable factors in weight training, so it makes sense to do it optimally.
  • 15 minute warmup on the treadmill. Then I weighlift. Then after my workout do a 30 minute run to get a quick burnout :D
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    To get the maximum benefit of both, you would want to do them on opposing days. If you do them on the same days I would do cardio really want to be pretty fresh when you're actually lifting heavy things. I would think if you were doing a program that required progressive overload, that would be quite difficult after a good cardio session. If you aren't progressively overloading then really not getting a whole lot of benefits from your lifts...or nowhere near the benefits you could be getting.

    what the gentleman said..... but at the end of the day, its based on what is optimal for you, time wise and strength wise.
  • Do the weights first before cardio because you will be fresh and ready to bust it out! Strength training is more important than cardio too in terms of fat loss. What truly stimulates the metabolism more than anything is lean muscle mass. The more muscle you have the faster your metabolism will be at rest.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    I would do it after.

    But I'll tell you, I don't mix them anymore. Since my weight lifting workouts are pretty intense to begin with, I found that I was too fatigued to go out for a jog (and usually ended up with nasty calf cramps). I don't do intense cardio right now, mostly walking and not even that since it's been a harsh winter.
  • Im a fatty so they answer to this is easy for me! I can do what ever i like, when ever i like in any combo because i have the fat stores to use up. Apparently "they" say if u are a lean machine then loads of cardio will undo your weight training so id be inclined to do it on a different day...? Just a warm up and a cool down on the bike for a stretch maybe...?
  • After. You can get really tired after cardio and stuff up your lifting form.
  • rnbaird64
    rnbaird64 Posts: 1 Member
    A little cardio before weight training warms up the muscles and makes the workout more effective.