Is the 30 Day Shred okay for unfit beginners?

I really want to do Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred because I've heard so much positive feedback about it, especially the results. The problem is, I'm a really unfit person even though I'm kind of thin. My legs shake when I do lunges or squats for a while - that's how out of shape I am. I don't have that much experience in exercise. Is it okay if I start the 30 Day Shred? I read this article: and it's discouraging me... on the other hand, a lot of people say that the program is extremely challenging but you'll ease your way into it once you get past the first few tries. What do you think?


  • MarKayDee
    The 30 day shred haunts my nightmares. I tried it about six months ago at the same time I decided to go gluten free ( that went well) and I gave up in a fantastic display of weakness.

    That being said, it is an amazing workout, I just couldn't handle it at the time and I plan to go back in a month or so and try again. The hard part is sticking to it when your whole body aches the next day. Maybe try doing it once every other day for a week if you're worried about it being too hard.
  • Dreya711
    Dreya711 Posts: 79 Member
    I was a beginner and finished the full 30 days, all three levels. I am now doing Ripped in 30. Follow the modifications (lady on the right) and do what you can. There were a couple of days I had to take it easy on the squats/lunges, but was back at it no time. I am now pretty good at them :)
  • Lorichr
    I did it all the way through eventually. I think its pretty common to have to go slowly with the lunges and squats; if your knees hurt modify it a bit. My first try resulted in really sore knees, as in climbing stairs was torture for a while. I took a break and resumed and got through the rest. If you need more than 10 days at a level go for it.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    When I was at the begining, really unfit, all JMs workouts were a nightmare to me. I couldn't last even 10 minutes on them.
    I tried other workouts, less intensive at first, but still JM workouts seemed impossible to me.

    Then I started to do those 10 minutes at a time. I pushed myself to add 1 more minute next time. Sometimes I could, sometimes I didn't. But at least I tried.
    I did so with most workouts that were hard to me.
    And I gained strenght.

    Now I can do most of JMs workouts whole. Well... I still have more until I get to the end of No More Trouble Zones.
    But 2 months ago when I first started using Body Revolution, I managed to do all the Cardio 1 workout from the first time. And I was so happy!

    Side note: I never did a 30 days 30 Day Shred or anything series. I do different workouts every day. I get bored easily from the same workout so I rotate them in a period of 2-3 weeks, depending on my time to workout, stamina. So yes... it was harder to gain strength for a separate workout because I didn't do it daily.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Absolutely - I started with 30 Day Shred (and pushed too hard, could hardly move for three days :tongue: ), and it helped launch me into bigger and better things (and smaller clothes).

    Best advice - go slow in the beginning, take breaks, use super light or even no weights the first few times. Ease yourself into it, because you will be sore, but you don't want to be so sore that you can't walk or get up from a sitting position the next day!

    I was amazed how quickly I gained strength, flexibility and endurance. I was able to use heavier dumbbells and I progressed, and then started looking for longer workouts to mix it up with 30DS.

    Good luck!
  • rexiecatmeow
    rexiecatmeow Posts: 43 Member
    IMO it is absolutely okay and a great start.. for starters the 20 mins a day is amazing to fit in if you're not used to incorporating fitness into your schedule. 30 DS is the first work out I did when I was OK-ed for exercise after baby #3.
  • Chris45925
    I am just coming back to it and I know I'll be sore for a couple days, but gain strength quickly. I like it because no matter how difficult, it is only 30 min and I can almost always find time. Like all the others recommend, go slow, use the modified version, avoid the weights if you must, but try it. It is effective.
  • Chris45925
    FYI, I'm in my mid 50's, heavy with bad knees.
  • K3rB3ar89
    K3rB3ar89 Posts: 263 Member
    the 30 shred is great and i stand by it! I started my journey with it! I have however have abit of experience with working out and have alot of muscle memory. its VERY difficult as i think it is for everyone who does it because in no means is it meant too be easy. i stated the video at 253 pounds, but i did it! the first 2-4 days your gonna have an issue walking because your legs are going too hurt soo bad but if you push through it no matter what you will see the results you are looking for. its really all got too do with self motivation. with this video what motivated me the most was the video was only 30 day! i kept counting how many days i had and eventually can say proudly that i finished it and you will feel a great deal of self accomplishment! good luck i highly recommend it!
  • isabellemarss
    Thank you for the encouragement guys! :) I just finished day one and followed the beginner modifications. It was definitely tough! But I don't feel as sore as I'd expected. :\ I completed the whole 27 minutes and made sure to do everything properly (except that in the first circuit I did modified jumping jacks)... My arms, shoulders, and chest feel very sore. But my legs are okay... I mean, they feel weaker and jellyish when I bend but I don't feel the burn in them! Is this normal? I have a feeling they might be sore tomorrow, though, if anything.
  • AngeliaDR
    My day 1 I thought, "I'm not sore at all!" Then i woke up day 2. Ouch. But as soon as i started the workout again i loosened up. I was way out of shape starting too, but now at day 8 I'm lasting all the way through just fine. I've already lost 10+ inches and 4lbs. Push through. Change happens fast. Good luck!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement guys! :) I just finished day one and followed the beginner modifications. It was definitely tough! But I don't feel as sore as I'd expected. :\ I completed the whole 27 minutes and made sure to do everything properly (except that in the first circuit I did modified jumping jacks)... My arms, shoulders, and chest feel very sore. But my legs are okay... I mean, they feel weaker and jellyish when I bend but I don't feel the burn in them! Is this normal? I have a feeling they might be sore tomorrow, though, if anything.

    Good on you...I did it when I came here and it was tough..I wont lie. But I did it everyday (except 3 and I had good excuses for it like son flipping car)

    I cried at the end of Phase 2 day the end when I was done...I laid on my yoga mat and cried...but it was half out of relief and half out of AMG I am so out of shape...

    At the end I decided to do it again...5 days a week until I got all exercises non knocked 13 inches off me and 8lbs.

    It was a stepping stone to bigger and better things as another poster said....I now lift weights 3x a week and HIIT 2x a week...I am much stronger now and leaner and I give some of the credit to 30DS.
  • cleback
    cleback Posts: 261 Member
    Just do what you can while still challenging yourself. I'm fairly fit already, but I will do a Jillian workout when I want to work my arms or need a quick workout.