

I have pretty long hair - half way down my back I'd say. I'm 5'3, super small frame, just over 105 pounds at any given time. Anyway, sometimes I go through bouts of hair loss; I'll run my fingers through my hair and get about ten strands on each go. I thought this may have been a side effect of a keratin treatment about a year ago...but then it stopped (coincidentally, I went on an oatmeal and raisin kick [loaded with iron]). Anyway, I recently started dieting again (i'd say I eat anywhere from 1,200-1,500 calories a day - I'm horrendous at tracking) and my hair started doing this craziness again. I am definitely not food deprived, so I don't think it's like a "you're too skinny/not eating enough" hair loss thing. I was watching Dr. Oz and he said a lack of iron = hair loss. Is this true? Do I just simply need more iron?


  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
  • lisabee37
    lisabee37 Posts: 6 Member
    There are many causes for hair loss, including thyroid problems , low iron, stress etc. To know for sure, see your doctor so they can check your blood count and iron levels. Iron deficiency anemia is common in women due to blood loss from menstrual periods
  • AbdicoVeritas
    Fat intake is very important for your hormone balance which in turn might affect hair-loss.
    So make sure you have enough fats in your diet.
    This might just be one of the factors though.
    You could try for a consult with an orthomolecular dietician. They specialize in micronutrient balance in the diet.
  • Samthefrog
    Samthefrog Posts: 77 Member
    I've noticed two things about my own hair loss:

    1) When I wasn't getting enough fats in my diet or I wasn't eating enough calories, my hair would fall out like you described. I even started to notice the thinning on the front of my head!! In the past I've tried to restrict my calories/fats too much and this happened. As soon as I lost hope and went back to my bad diet (let's be frank here), my hair fall slowed to a stop. This time I'm making sure I get good fats in my diet (olive oil, avocado, nuts, etc.) and I'm doing better.

    2) I don't have any scientific proof to back this up, but even when I was eating plenty BUT using Pantene products for my hair, it would come out A LOT. I don't know why, but as soon as I switched to Tresseme products, it stopped. Several friends have told me that Pantene has done that to them. Again, don't know why.

    Hope this helps...

    ETA: Oh wait, about the iron... I wonder... although I'm constantly anemic ever since my early 20's. Not by much (like my iron level is 11 when it should be minimum 12) but still... haven't caught that correlation yet, though.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Hair loss can be caused by lots of things. If it was me, I'd go to the doctor to try and pinpoint the issue. I notice on your profile that you indicate you're eating a low protein diet. Low protein can definitely be a cause of hair loss.
  • Greytfish
    Low fat, low protein, low iron can all cause hair loss. Seek some medical advice to sort it out.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    There are many causes for hair loss, including thyroid problems , low iron, stress etc. To know for sure, see your doctor so they can check your blood count and iron levels.
    See your doctor. Get some tests run.
    The one time I had a large volume of hair loss was when I was traveling for 3 weeks in a foreign country, not eating well because the food was too strange. By the 2nd week, my hair started falling out. By the 3rd week it was pretty alarming. By the end of the 1st week home, however, my hair stopped falling out in droves. Because I was back to eating a balanced, nutritious diet again.
    Take your MFP food diary with you and see your doctor.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    I agree with the others. Go to a doctor and have a blood panel done. After 2 years of complaining to my doctors that I was gaining weight at a crazy pace with no change in diet, dry skin, hair falling out by the fistfuls (I only wish it had been 10 strands), fingernails breaking off, and always so exhausted I had to sit down on the stairs and rest before going the rest of the way upstairs, then rest again, every doctor blew me off. Then I met one who did a full blood panel and he found a problem the others wouldn't even check for. It turned out to be a hormone imbalance that was not going to cure itself. My hair is also waist length. It will take 4 years for it to recover, but at least it's headed in the right direction.
  • caffeinekandie
    Hair also goes through shedding phases. Typically people get them in the fall and spring (or seasonally), but also it's a normal reaction to stress from about 2-3 months ago. If you aren't seeing bald patches I wouldn't be too worried. Check your chef hairs, if there is a bulb on the end it means its q trie shed, if there is not then its probably breakage due to damage.

    Typically I shed a few hundred hairs a day (and my hair is almost hip length) but that's normal for me, my blood work is fine.