Antidepressants and weight gain

Since I have started antidepressants 5 days ago I have started enjoying food a lot more and using it as a 'pick me up'. It may seem like the answer to this situation would be to just not overeat but it has become a lot more enjoyable yet also impulsive and mindless.
Has anyone else who has gone on antidepressants experienced this or has figured out how to maintain their weight to some degree? How do I resist the cravings? I'm trying to be kind to myself and not beat myself up over the small things but I don't think a massive weight gain, (which at this rate is very likely), will make me feel better long term.


  • cep53
    cep53 Posts: 2
    Hi, I was on anti-depressants (Citalopram) for about 2 years and did gain some weight when I first started, however I think it was due to being depressed and eating more for comfort than the drugs, because as soon as I stopped feeling depressed I lost the weight. When I came off the anti-depressants about a year later, however, I lost some more weight, so the drugs themselves might have had some role to play too. In April I started taking medication again, including Lithium which is a mood stabiliser, and gained 2 and a half stone. I do think this is due to being very depressed and eating out of boredom and not having the motivation to exercise, but it could be due to the medication too. They say these drugs make you feel more hungry, rather than actually make you gain weight, so that could be part of it. However I do think that it is very typical to gain weight through depression, whether you are taking medication or not. Hope this helps! Good luck!!!
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    Side effects often settle down after a while once your body adjusts to a new drug. Since five days is still early, I would suggest waiting a little bit longer and then talking to your doctor if you're still worried in couple of weeks. Good luck, and try not to get too dispirited.
  • romamgrey
    Ohh that makes sense then. I am on them for anxiety but heard that people with depression mainly gain weight because they no longer had a loss of appetite which was caused by the depression but thought it didn't apply to me.
    I guess it could be because I'm bored and perhaps I am a bit depressed also.
    It's just weird because before taking them I had pretty good self control and now I have an impulse to have like 10 snacks a day. You're right though, it probably is just situational rather than a side affect of the drug and once I feel better and are less down as a result I will find it easier to maintain my weight.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I agree - and it should settle down.

    Your original idea - enjoy your ability to enjoy food again and monitor intake - is a good one. I'd also give yourself a little while to just enjoy enjoying.

    One thing I find really helpful is really enjoying the sensory by being more mindful. Eat slowly. Eat stuff you love. Eat strong flavors. And don't eat that much.
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    I don't use anti depressant prescription medication anymore, it didn't work.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    I am on Wellbutrin and Zoloft and these drug tend to not cause weight again. Because unlike your I am not just trying to maintain but lose weight. But with these two meds I haven't seen a difference even during my worse depressant I still had a good appetite. Best of luck to you. But remember regardless on the side effects NEVER stop your meds without talking to your doctor it can be very dangerous if were to quit with out your doctors approval.
  • neenorROAR
    When I started taking anti-depressants I was warned I might gain weight, but I've actually lost a little. I think it probably varies for everyone, but my doctor told me it was to do with water retention. I don't really have much to offer other than that, but I hope you figure it out, and wish you all the best for the future!
  • goku89
    goku89 Posts: 160
    they made me nap alot, i never nap now that i'm off it, not sure about weight gain but i actually felt less depressed and anxious when i got off it...
  • romamgrey
    I am on Wellbutrin and Zoloft and these drug tend to not cause weight again. Because unlike your I am not just trying to maintain but lose weight. But with these two meds I haven't seen a difference even during my worse depressant I still had a good appetite. Best of luck to you. But remember regardless on the side effects NEVER stop your meds without talking to your doctor it can be very dangerous if were to quit with out your doctors approval.

    Oh okay. I'm on prozac.Yeah no I would never just stop them. And thanks!
  • runmamarun7
    runmamarun7 Posts: 27 Member
    I have been on Zoloft for around 10 years on and off due to PPD. I don't think the medicine has affected my weight, although I have read studies that say it can, My doctor always assured me that with proper diet and exercise, weight gain should not be a problem. I have tried numerous times to get off of my medication only to go back on, I believe I am going to have to take it the rest of my life, but I also think it's worth it for a better quality of life :) You are welcome to add me as a friend if you are interested, I know it helped me a lot in the beginning to have friends that knew what I was going through :)
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member

    Oh okay. I'm on prozac.Yeah no I would never just stop them. And thanks!


    Be careful on that stuff, I lost a mate to it as it takes away from the mind the one thing that stops people doing themselves harm.

    Would nt worry too much about about what you eat or weight gain... ^ this is a greater problem.
  • Kacie_88
    Kacie_88 Posts: 26 Member
    I started on antidepressants in November. I noticed a couple pound weight gain, but I'm not too worried in the long run. Mainly because before I didn't have the energy or motivation to do *anything.* Now that the meds are in my system and doing their thing I have way more energy and motivation to actually go out and do stuff. So, yeah, maybe it resulted in some initial weight gain, but I also have a greater drive to go out and exercise and cook so I actually watch what I eat (rather than just get fast food because cooking just sounds too draining).

    Like others have mentioned, just watch the side effects on your mental and emotional state.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I have been on antidepressants for 23 years. As much as I fought the idea and wanted to go off, it will never happen. I have a co-existing problem with my thyroid. As was said, never just take yourself off them. If you can't handle it, talk to your docotr and wean yourself off. You won't know the true effects of the meds for 4-6 weeks. Hang in there because I did lose weight while on them. Always ask your doctor and if you don't like what you hear try another doctor. There are also many different antidepressants that you can try. Trust me in all these years I've tried at least 5 and have been on this one for most of the years. Good luck.
  • anewnum1
    anewnum1 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm on Lithium and Celexa. I did gain weight at first, but then it was easier to lose because I wasn't eating for comfort.
  • amandakev88
    amandakev88 Posts: 328 Member
    when i first started prozac, i actually lost a bit of weight if i remember correctly. it tapers off. it hasn't affected my weight one way or another after that i think. at least not as much as my crappy food choices.

    if it increases your appetite, you just gotta learn to fight the cravings, thats all. easier said, i know. but as everybody says, the side effects usually just even out.

    prozac has actually been the only drug that had no side effects i think. i didnt even feel the regular effects of it.. and then i'll forget to take it for awhile and my ocd and mental state will go berserk and im like OH. YEAH. IT WAS HELPING. BETTER GET BACK ON THERE.

    i love my fluoxetine. lifesaver.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Since I have started antidepressants 5 days ago I have started enjoying food a lot more and using it as a 'pick me up'. It may seem like the answer to this situation would be to just not overeat but it has become a lot more enjoyable yet also impulsive and mindless.
    Has anyone else who has gone on antidepressants experienced this or has figured out how to maintain their weight to some degree? How do I resist the cravings? I'm trying to be kind to myself and not beat myself up over the small things but I don't think a massive weight gain, (which at this rate is very likely), will make me feel better long term.
    The majority of the time, when weight is gained on anti-depressants, it's either from appetite stimulation, which is a side effect of some of them, or from increased desire to eat due to relief from depression. Either way, it's a matter of finding what works for you to avoid eating more than your calorie goal. for some people, exercise is a distraction, or a hobby, or reading; for others, when the desire to eat comes on, it's a matter of eating something that won't add a large amount of calories to your day, like a vegetable. You've recognized there's an issue, which is the first, biggest step, so just figure out the solution that works for you.
  • fitcrystal1121
    fitcrystal1121 Posts: 49 Member
    My doctor put me on zoloft about a month ago to maintain my anxiety and so I could stop taking zannex because You body will grow immune to it where you need more and more to fight off the panic attacks. However, Since I have been on it I have lost weight. But it makes me sleep later which I hate. I take it in the morning. Its like as soon as I take it my body wakes up. Good luck and just give it a little time and if it keeps causing weight gain talk to your doc :)
  • Zoeybird_2012
    I have never been on meds like that but i have always been a stress,bored,etc eater. My friend who was on anti depressents went through this and gained some weight but she had the dr adjust some of her meds. I think the benefits of your meds is important so i would speak to your dr and see what they tell you to do.
  • MKV88
    MKV88 Posts: 18
    I have been on cymbalta for a year and a half now ( which I believe is similar to Prozac) and although I actually lost a bit at first it actually took me over 6 weeks to get use to the new meds so give it some time. I have known a few people who have gained on other similar medications.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Antidepressants don't start working that fast. About 2-4 weeks before they start taking effect. It's more right now a placebo effect where you know you are taking them & so in your head you think you are getting better right away.