Concentration during a workout

I find that I always lose my concentration whilst working out. I can only do 10 minutes on each cario machine because for any longer I will give up. Even if I put my towel over the clock, I still peek and check to see how long I have to go before I can get off.

I listen to my mp3 player and watch the tvs that they have up in the gym, but I still can't concentrate on doing the job properly and just constantly think about going home.

Is there any techniques that you guys have to push yourself thorugh it?

Any help is greatly appreciated!



  • Uptownerd
    Uptownerd Posts: 23 Member
    I find that I always lose my concentration whilst working out. I can only do 10 minutes on each cario machine because for any longer I will give up. Even if I put my towel over the clock, I still peek and check to see how long I have to go before I can get off.

    I listen to my mp3 player and watch the tvs that they have up in the gym, but I still can't concentrate on doing the job properly and just constantly think about going home.

    Is there any techniques that you guys have to push yourself thorugh it?

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I have had that problem especially when walking to the park that is half a mile away. I get tired of the same old walk. When I feel that way I remember my hips and butt and that gets me motivated again. :laugh: Actually I'm serious.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I get bored too! I will just go ahead and switch machines super fast. I'll do the stair stepper for 15 minutes, and then when I'm drenched in sweat and hating life, I switch to jogging, stationary bike, or elliptical for another 15 minutes, and maybe even a third machine if I need to. There's nothing wrong with hopping from one to another as long as you do it quickly; your HR won't recover that fast.
  • feelinglight
    I find something enjoyable to do. Part of caring for my body is doing things with my body that feel fun and celebratory. Moving in a way that expresses what ever I am feeling helps. I don't know if you have children but putting on some great music and dancing with them is wonderful. Also, I recently got a punching bag and gloves and that is such a great release and good exercise! Good luck!
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    Can you commit to a slightly slower warm-up & cool down in addition to your ten minutes? If you break it into segments, you might stick it out longer. Even if it's only a 5 min warm-up/cool down, that will make 20 min total! Intervals will also keep it interesting. Do 2 min speed work every 5 min. Or focus on a different body part every two minutes.

    ie. when on the treadmill, do 2 min warm-up, 2 min ab focus, 2 min jog, 2 min high knees, 2 min jog 2 min butt kicks, 2 min jog, 2 min stride outs, 2 min jog, 2 min backwards, 2 min jog, etc. You will obviously need to vary intensity/speed depending on the selections, but this will keep you moving!
  • icus1969
    icus1969 Posts: 17 Member
    I go with a friend to the gym and we chat while we are working out and before you know it your time is up and you haven't even noticed how long it has been.

  • laxgirl
    laxgirl Posts: 27
    i have the exact same problem. i personally am a fan of breaking up my cardio into segments: ill jog or power walk for 15 minutes, do my weight training, and then go and do 15 minutes on the elliptical machine. its a short enough time that i dont get incredibly bored, but still get in all of the work out that i need.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    It always help if there is a really cute guy with an amazing butt in front of you. I get bored too. The gym I go to has 3 different channels going on the TVs and a few music channels to listen to. I plug in my earphone and try to focus on that. Switching from machine to machine is fine. Keep your heart rate up and go for it.
    Still the best is the cute guy.:love::laugh: :blushing:
  • dinosgirl
    dinosgirl Posts: 157 Member
    I found that incorporating at least one day of yoga into my weekly rotation really helped me learn to focus and, in turn, I was able to put more effot and concentration into my other, non-yoga routines.
  • jlohern
    jlohern Posts: 52 Member
    I'm a big time-watcher too. I found that interval workouts are best for me. I get to watch the clock but the time seems to go by really quickly. Here's an example of a 30 minute workout I like to do:

    1. 5 minute warm-up
    2. 30 seconds at a faster speed
    3. 30 seconds recovery (the speed should be faster than warm-up, slower than the 1st 30 seconds)
    4. 1 minute at a speed that is challenging for you (should be the fastest)
    5. 2 minute recovery
    6. Repeat steps 2-5 five times.
    7. Cool down for 5 minutes.

    This really gets my heart racing and the time flies!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    You can also take some magazines. That helps me pass the time. And I always do random inclines so it changes on me. I don't ever expect anything that way. It changes the resistance on me and I have to work harder or less. That seems to help.