what to do now????

So I've lost a decent amount of weight over the past year. And, I've kept it off. But, I need to lose about 25 more lbs! I've been at a stand still for a year. I go to thet gym on a regular basis. I've learned to count calories and redo my portion sizes. I've started running. More or less for a hobby. I did my first half marathon in October. But these last lbs won't come off!

It is driving me nuts!!!! Any suggestions on something new to try.

Just a little more info: I do about 60 min of cardio plus weights at least 4 times a week. Lately I've been running 3-5 miles a day. I eat around 1200 cals (this site set up the cals). Plus, I have two young children who I run around with on a daily basis.


  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I would suggest eating some of your exercise calories back. Your metabolism has probably slowed because you aren't eating enough to fuel your workouts.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
  • storybookcreator
    and way to go on your weight lost already!!! that is AWESOME
  • LettyM62
    LettyM62 Posts: 130 Member
    Great job on your progress, but I do agree with Jamie1888, you need to consume more than the 1200 calories if you are excercising as much as you do. That will get you back on track to losing more weight! Keep up the good work and don't get discouraged.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    I would suggest eating some of your exercise calories back. Your metabolism has probably slowed because you aren't eating enough to fuel your workouts.
    Agreed. I have been going through the same thing myself. I work out like a dog (probably more than a dog, in fact) and my weight loss has come to a stop. When I began tracking calories online (something I didn't do before, hence my membership here), I realized that after all was said and done, I was only consuming 800-900 cal/day. Logic would tell you that the less you eat, the more weight you lose, but I have discovered through much research that this isn't the case. Our bodies were designed to cling to calories in times of famine, and any time a famine is perceived by your very intuitive body, its defense kicks in and begins preparing to function in survival mode. It is actually a good thing that the body does that, but not good when you're trying to lose weight!! So make sure you do eat your exercise cals. It is possible that you will gain a few lbs. at first when you begin doing this, but once the body is assured that it's going to get enough fuel regularly, it will begin burning it off instead of storing it, and your weight loss should resume.