Just getting started

Hey all,

My name is Faye. I am a 26 year old british chick currently living in America.

When I first moved here 8 years ago I was a curvy 145lb 18 year old. Fast track 8 years and I have gained over 100 lbs, my idea of portion size had gone out the window, and through both boredom and a kind of " eh why not" approach I would snack, snack snack. Some days I would probably consume 4000 calories easy.

Well I have decided I am going to stick to it this time, I am more determined than ever to get healthy again, and nothing will stop me.

Im just under 2 weeks in and have already lost 9 lbs and 4 inches :D

Watch this space!!!


  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    welcome and congratulations!! You are off to a great start
  • Mark_Knox
    Mark_Knox Posts: 3 Member
    The cool thing is at your age you can lose the weight and look like you never had any extra to begin with. You've got the right mindset- that's the key. Losing weight is very much a psychological, as well as physical, journey. Good luck!!
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Watching you!

    Welcome to America - I see you found the Great American Dream and DIET! LOL Sorry... like you said, its so easy.

    you can do it
  • kdjess08
    Welcome! Youre off to a great start. 7 years ago, I weighed around 140 pounds..then had 3 kids back to back. I started at 218, Im now at 210 almost a month later.
  • fayefayee5
    fayefayee5 Posts: 87 Member
    thanks all :)

    My only real concern is the whole "loose skin" thing. Im including strenth exercies in my gym days, but half the time im not sure im even doing the right things lol.

    The worry of skin isint going to stop me losing the weight, I just desperately hope I can keep things as toned as possible in the long run.

    I got the hubby to take some 'before' pics for me, and plan on doing so every 30 days-2months, so I can hopefully see a nice transition at the end of my goal/mid goal!