Does Anyone Remember ELAINE POWERS exercise studio

About 30 yrs ago there weren't many gyms around and there was a place called ELAINE POWERS for women only. I guess Lucille Roberts took over after Elaine Powers closed. We wore Danksin bodysuits and leotards and they scheduled floor exercise routines on the hour, every hour and they also had a few machines to work out on. I started doing the 40 minute routine about 1 1/2 wks ago and feel pretty good - just wondering if anyone else out there remembers.


  • Ha! My friend I sit next to at work was just telling me about that. She said they even had the machines that jiggled you.
  • lbewley3
    lbewley3 Posts: 96 Member
    My sister worked at one in Buffalo NY area in the early 1980s. Yes, the "warm-up" included the old 'jigglers'. :laugh:
    We were talking about it not too long ago and I dug out a picture of her in her leotard, tights and leg warmers!! Of course, she had the big hair and big eyeglasses from the 80s too!!
  • Cmuchoa
    Cmuchoa Posts: 161 Member
    Oh yes they did - jiggle you like jello - but seriously my daughter goes to the gym and when she comes home and I am on the floor doing my routine she sits there and laughs. The exercises worked back when I was 18 and there were older women in the classes and we all worked out together - one wall was a huge mirror and we lined up in about 3 rows with about 10 women in each row - it was great and none of us felt self conscious - I believe I had Farrah Fawcett wings and layers back then and wore a head band - good memories and great workouts. I am into it again and having fun all by myself on my old exercise mat. LOL
  • 123exercise
    123exercise Posts: 1 Member
    Yes!!! I worked at the one in northern California. I was an aerobic instructor and top sales person.
  • pmpchefpam
    pmpchefpam Posts: 1 Member
    I worked one of the classes back in 1979 in Arlington Tx. Loved it! Back when I was in my youth! The good old days...
  • brindybreeze
    brindybreeze Posts: 1 Member
    I remember them. I used to work at the one in Gainesville, Florida. Does anyone remember the name of the machine
    that sat on the floors. They had nice wooden dowel type things, that would roll. I used to lie on the floor and put my legs up on rollers and massage my calfs. I would kill for one of those machines now. Anyone know where I can get one?
  • blubber51
    blubber51 Posts: 1 Member
    I go to a gym now, and when I do my own floor exercises I do the ones I remember doing at Elaine Powers.
    Sidekicks, back kicks and front kicks.
    Extend arms and start a small twirl front 10 times then back 10 times.
    Whiskey Vodka Bourbon Gin this is why were fat not thin.
    I remember we would have to get a partner for a couple of exercises.
    You would get your file out of the bin
    You would have to weigh in
    Once a month you would get measured
    First the bikes
    Then the rollers
    Then the pull down bars
    Then the leg spreaders
    There was two ballet bars attached to mirrors
    There was a weight bench
    There was a machine which you would lay on and it would swivel your waist
    There was a belt around your leg or butt and it jiggled the fat
    On the floor there was a sit up pad and you can tuck your feet under a bar.
  • annettevhaynes
    annettevhaynes Posts: 1 Member
    I remember my Hot Pink tights and burgundy striped leotards!! I remember having a waistline and time to exercise. those were the days... then they became Living well Lady!! remember?? I did go there too. now its too expensive and I dont have time, nor a waistline, nor motivation, nor the umph or whatevr it takes to do those fun things anymore... I should have continued roller skating but then it wasn't cool anymore if you did 'nt have roller blades... i didnt move on... I gave up... sad...
  • pacheryl
    pacheryl Posts: 2 Member
    I also worked there in the very early 70s, in the little town of Quakertown... I so wish I would have kept my "cheat sheet" of all the excercises we did with the class... I remember a few but not all... They were great and they worked...
  • KarensCanDoIt
    KarensCanDoIt Posts: 190 Member
    Oh yes they did - jiggle you like jello - but seriously my daughter goes to the gym and when she comes home and I am on the floor doing my routine she sits there and laughs. The exercises worked back when I was 18 and there were older women in the classes and we all worked out together - one wall was a huge mirror and we lined up in about 3 rows with about 10 women in each row - it was great and none of us felt self conscious - I believe I had Farrah Fawcett wings and layers back then and wore a head band - good memories and great workouts. I am into it again and having fun all by myself on my old exercise mat. LOL

    We did the same type of exercise in the late 70's. The studio we went to was called Lynn Stevens. I went with my mom. All ages and no self-consciousness. It was great fun! My danskins were black with a bright yellow stripe down the sides and arms. Stylish bumblebee!
  • 1116488
    1116488 Posts: 1 Member
    Elain Powers finess was the undoing of my mother-in-law. It was around 30 years ago and she lived in New Jersey. My wife and I live in California. My wife was doing aerobics, so my mother-in-law, not to be outdone by her daughter, joined Elaine Powers. At the time my mother-in-law had a nice figure. I suppose if you want to be nit-picky, she could have lost 5 pounds to to be an absolutely "ideal" weight.

    These other women that she met at Elaine Powers were into being skinny, and they spoke negatively about other women who were over weight. They taught my mother-in-law how to eat and purge. How to over-use laxatives.

    She became a fanatic about working out and losing weight, and has ever since. Soon she looked like a stick. Currently she is simply skin and bones. She too started commenting about any person she happened to meet that was even slightly over weight. When others would comment about other people by saying they're nice or they're funny, she would say they're too fat and need to lose weight. Not to their face, but to others.

    She is now 82 and in the hospital tonight dying due to her eating disorder that started when she spent time at Elaine Powers.

    I certainly don't mean for this to be negative in any way toward the Elaine Powers fitness centers - it was that group of crazy women she met there and became friendly with. But when I saw these comments on this thread, after all the discussion today between my wife, father-in-law and me, remembering back to when this all started at Elaine Powers, I just had to post this.
  • KinesioFitCat7
    KinesioFitCat7 Posts: 1 Member
    There are still some around in the midwest, like Granite, IL and in Wisc, where they maintain the domiciled patent and trademark. Richard Proctor, a chiropractor founded Elaine Powers Figure Salons Inc., in 1964 when he was 49 yrs old. His first studio to foster weight control and exercise among women, was in Santa Rosa, Calif. The Elaine Powers name was originated, as he is quoted saying, "because I just thought women could identify with a woman's name." The Calif corporation has long since expired.

    With the new wave of rejuvenation and body sculpting, the body rollers and vibrating belt machines are back in vogue, new and improved. Evidence from independent studies along with NASA technology have benefitted PowerPlate and TurboSonic in the area of rhythmic neuromuscular stimulation, revealing that benefits are derived from whole body vibration as well as area specific vibration. It has long been known from research studies that the rollers and vibration belts, for the least, increase circulation, bringing oxygen to the tissues making it easier for the skin to tighten during weight loss.

    I heard that there is an Elaine Powers Figure Salon in New York, but I am not sure if there is exercise involved. They do body sculpting with wraps and iLipo.

    The Powercise and Nutrition books written by "Elaine Powers" and Connie Church were actually written by Proctor and Church.

    Professionally speaking, there is nothing wrong with the exercises from "back in the day." I still have tons of stuff dating back to the 60's and 70's. That stuff gets recycled anyway. My patients and clients enjoy a little retro fit from Debbie Drake and young Jack LaLanne.

    Keep moving!! Have fun!
  • fayelfh
    fayelfh Posts: 3 Member
    I have to tell you I just googled Elaine Powers Figures Salon -- (since it is one of my password questions: what was your first job) -- and this came up. ha! hilarious.
    I used to work there right out of high school in Pittsburgh, PA and I loved it. Yes we had to wear our Danskin leotards and tights as instructors. Unfortunately for me, due to split shifts I had to quit since I didn't own my own car just yet and relied on my parents or boyfriend to pick me up a few times a day. It was a great place -- I really think had I been able to stay there I would have stayed in that field. Love exercise, workouts, eating right, etc.

    Thanks for the memories.
  • leahoneal
    leahoneal Posts: 1 Member
    I worked for Elaine Powers as an Assistant Manager in Winston-Salem, NC from January 1983 to spring or summer of 1983. When I arrived at work one day, they had locked the doors and had gone out of business with no warning! I gained sales experience there and taught two aerobics classes per day. I was in the best shape I have ever been in my life!
  • arbeea
    arbeea Posts: 1 Member
    My roommate and I enjoyed Elaine Powers 35 years ago. We only had machines and no floor routines but the activities could be different state to state. We were in SC. I think they outlawed the belt machine that your wrapped around your butt; something about kidney damages. The jiggler machines are still for sale on eBay, etc. Wish I had one now. I do enjoy going to Curves now to keep active.

    So sorry - 1116488 - about your mother-in-law.
  • workoutfan730
    workoutfan730 Posts: 1 Member
    The Powersise was the greatest workout ever. I have been looking for the soundtrack for that workout. Does anyone know where I can get one? I exercise now but that workout was really the best. I would like to start doing it again. I remember a lot of it because I did it a lot. It started with David Bowie's "Let's Dance" and included Michael Jackson songs. Would love to work out to it again! I will pay you well if you can find one for me!
  • Sls2bhealthy
    Sls2bhealthy Posts: 15 Member
    Elaine Powers! I worked at the one in Warrensville Hts., Ohio in 1978. Wow!
  • mamita460
    mamita460 Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2015
    Yesss, I worked at the Elaine Powers in Flushing, NY back in 1982-83. I worked there until I was 3 mos pregnant. Then new we got a new manager nice girl, apparently the other manager when she was making her bank drops instead of dropping the money in the bank was dropping it in her PURSE, then claimed it was lost!!! She wasn't nice at all I would hustle for the new memberships because we worked on a salary and commission. She would end up stealing my new memberships. This job opened my eyes to a lot of things especially trust.
  • Bern1135
    Bern1135 Posts: 1 Member
    I was a Mgr. at two different salons in Pittsburgh in the 80's. POWERCISE was all the rage! Can't believe I ran into this discussion. Great memories!(smile)
  • milesheightsdiva
    milesheightsdiva Posts: 1 Member
    Sls2bhealthy, OMG, I used to go to the Elaine Powers at that time. It was located @ Emery and Northfield Road! What memories. Remember the Danskin store at Randall Mall? Wow. Leotards and tights!!! I walk now at Shaker Lakes off of Coventry. Be well!