Loosing weight with under active thyroid, help?

I've never posted on the public forum before, but I am at a loss and hoping someone out there can relate to my situation.

Last year I underwent 6 months of chemotherapy and 2 months of radiation for lymphoma. The radiation hit my thyroid each session.I was in really good shape before I started treatment, and gained about 20 pounds through the year mostly I believe do to steroids and non activity. I started working out again immediately after chemo (slowly) and lost about 8 pounds fairly quick (1 month) during radiation. Of course, I wasn't dedicated enough to my goal and gave up.

During Christmas I really decided I wanted to try one more time, since I only want to loose about 25 pounds it seemed attainable, and I gave myself a 6 month goal so I would stick with it. I started my clean eating routine and workouts Dec 15th, and have actively been doing weights, circuit training, and cardio. About an hour a day, between weights and cardio. I mountain bike and do Zumba and kickboxing. I eat 5-6 times a day, stay within my calorie goal (not eating too little according to MFP) and normally eat back my exercise calories. Here is my problem:

I did this exact same thing when I lost the 8 pounds. This time I have only lost 2, and some days my weight actually goes up. I'm afraid I'm starting to exhibit symptoms of hyperthyroid and I am really against going on thyroid meds right away. Has anyone found a way to help boost metabolism and slow thyroid through supplements or diet? I have done everything I can think of but it just isn't working and I'm starting to get discouraged. My diary is open to public so feel free to comment if you think it has to do with what I am eating. Thanks for the input!


  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    Your diary doesn't appear to be open.

    Based on what you've said, though, for your level of activity the answer is very likely that you're not eating enough.
  • shortsunflower
    shortsunflower Posts: 6 Member
    I had radioablation of my thyroid due to Graves disease (severe hyperthyroidism) 10 years ago. I gained over 100 pounds (not just because of my thyroid but didn't help). I have been on Synthroid/levothyroxine for almost the entire time, and I have now lost almost 53 pounds. Even with the supplement I still have many hypothyroid symptoms, but without it I don't know that I would be able to lose weight. I have been happy with the meds. I would encourage you to talk to your doctor about it. Good luck!
  • shantimm11
    shantimm11 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for letting me know, I changed my settings to public.
  • shantimm11
    shantimm11 Posts: 3 Member
    I had radioablation of my thyroid due to Graves disease (severe hyperthyroidism) 10 years ago. I gained over 100 pounds (not just because of my thyroid but didn't help). I have been on Synthroid/levothyroxine for almost the entire time, and I have now lost almost 53 pounds. Even with the supplement I still have many hypothyroid symptoms, but without it I don't know that I would be able to lose weight. I have been happy with the meds. I would encourage you to talk to your doctor about it. Good luck!

    Thank you! I have heard of levothyroxine, I have just been against meds unless they are absolutely necessary mostly because I'm just tired of takings medicine and dread having to take something daily. But the next step is to consult my dr so I will take that under advise, thanks!!