Puzzling knee pain

binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
My knees hurt. Never had knee pain before. I was able to do an hour on the elliptical without issue. Then I started to play volleyball. After the first night, the next day I could barely walk. Once I get going though, the pain goes away. It is only when I sit for a period that they seem to get stiff. I thought my body would acclimate, but it is not appearing to be the case.
I can't tell if this is a muscle, joint, or tendon problem. Would motrin help? Is this going to be a lingering problem or something that will eventually fade? Am I just getting old?


  • Hello, I had this problem too. I went to my doctor and turns out mine was due to an inflammation owing to the fact that I was/am out of shape and not used to working out. My doctor recommended Aleve and it works for me. I would recommend talking to your doctor to see what will help.
  • aleve is great for inflammation, but i agree maybe having a visit with your doctor
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Motrin is an nsaid like alieve, so I could try that first. Alieve is nice because you don't have to take it as often.
  • yeah that's what i love about aleve but motrin will do the trick
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    I just dug this info up for another member last night...
    I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV, but I have had success with the exercises for patello femoral syndrome at www.nismat.org when I had similar symptoms.
  • navs52
    navs52 Posts: 40
    I have a little knee problems since I started working out. Both of them hurt pretty bad for a week or so. This week I'm doing much better tho. I usually run 4 days then do the elliptical for 3. I just fought thru it and the pain went away. I wouldn't necessary recommend this method but you will probably get a sense if you are doing too much.
  • thehine
    thehine Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I am a doctor in orthopaedics and think you could have anything from early onset mild arthritis to a meniscal tear oe simply a maltracking patella.

    Best bet is to have it checked out, have the knee examined and investigated (x-rays mri scans etc)

    In the meantimew Nsaids are useful.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I am a bit prone to some knee pain- before I run or lift I do this stretch that I got from a tai-chi class: Stand with your feet together and bend to put your hands on your knees. Circle your knees to the right and left 3 times each. Comboed with occasional ice/ibprofen I haven't had since I started working out.

    good luck!
  • NYIceQueen
    NYIceQueen Posts: 1,423
    Yeah, this sounds like my case and I have Patello-femoral syndrome. There are exercises online for it...ice, NSAIDS...get it checked out though because when mine really acts up I have to use a J-brace, and that's not something you pick up at the local Walgreens :-)

    Still...go to a doctor...
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    There is a lot of jumping,side stepping, and just general directional movement in Volleyball. That can be eally hard on your joints.
  • rachelblank427
    rachelblank427 Posts: 180 Member
    NAH, your not getting old. I really don't have an idea what your cause is but I have the same problem. I can actually feel my knees and hips popping especially during lunges and squats. Doc says the cause for ME is that when I was pregnant I produced the hormone relaxin and my joints loosened up and stayed that way.

    That being said, ibuprofen is great, I have the prescription strength. I also take glucosamine chondroitin. It repairs and rebuilds cartilage for healthy joints. You can find it by the vitamins I found that its getting better, its just the first 15 min or so of exercise really hurts my knees.
  • clohessy
    clohessy Posts: 394 Member
    ICE for 20 mins on 20mins off. NAISDs follow bottle directions.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    I can actually feel my knees and hips popping especially during lunges and squats. Doc says the cause for ME is that when I was pregnant I produced the hormone relaxin and my joints loosened up and stayed that way.

    Make sure your knees are going straight forward, too. That is a common symptom of incorrect form during squats and lunges as well.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Umm my last visit to the doctor still gives me night sweats. eek3.gif
  • leighclayton
    leighclayton Posts: 21 Member
    I had a meniscal tear a year ago as a result of an old injury (surgery and paetella tracking) and it usually acts up on me when I do team sports. One thing that I have recently discovered and is really helping is foam rolling exercises. You may have tight IT bands and that can affect paetella tracking.

    Foam rolling between work outs has helped me so much. It's not pleasant but MAN does it help with muscle tightness. Just google foam rolling exercises and it is advisable when first starting out to use the foam roller every other day for no more than 15-20 mins. I highly recommend this.
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