Anyone Look Back At What They Eat In Shock



  • sunnyeuphoria
    sunnyeuphoria Posts: 85 Member
    lol !!! That sounds like me....
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    OMG YESS!!I I shudder at what I used to eat...o.0
  • da1128
    da1128 Posts: 212 Member
    Back in the day when I worked in a busy ER, my diet consisted of three things: Sara Lee Coffee Cake, Pepsi, and black coffee...that's when I found the time to grab a bite in the break room during a long 18 hour shift. We ALL ate that way, doctors, nurses, PA's, and oddly enough, we were all very thin. Too thin, in many cases. I guess we worked it off running from one patient to the next.

    I shudder to think of what we would look like today if we ate that that we are of a "certain age" and our metabolism is as slow as a clogged drain.

    Truth is, the thought of eating Sara Lee Coffee Cake makes me feel nauseated.
  • A little different, but, Krispy Kreme is directly across from my gym. BAD! Sometimes, after a heavy sweat, that sugar smells SO good! I use to completely undo my workout by grabbing two of them on the way home. That's like, a full days worth of calories in JUST donuts!

    Oh boy.
  • A little different, but, Krispy Kreme is directly across from my gym. BAD!

    There was a Coldstone Creamery directly opposite my old gym. I'd drive out and it would literally be the first thing I saw as I was leaving the parking lot. It always seemed really unfair somehow.
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    Not really. I am more shocked at my lack of activity. I eat a lot now (3000 cals give or take), the difference is my activity level is very high instead of how I used to be, which I would call extreme couch potato.
  • The first thing that comes to mind is chitterlings. My mom would make them for the holidays...everyone would give the :noway: face every time I said I ate them.

    Mom is gone now so there's no one to make them for me ..glad I never learned how to make them myself...can't imagine eating them since I've gotten older and done my research :embarassed:
  • When I first got my apartment, I thought nothing of polishing off a whole small pizza and a pint of ice cream. The ice cream store was conveniently located next door to the pizzeria. That was a long, long, long time ago.
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    I used to love making my own shortbread dough mixes using a whole 250 g block of unsalted butter with equivalent volume of sugar and flour. I would eat the whole mixture in one day and do this 1-3 times a week. I also did it with hazelnut flour, butter and brown sugar when I was living with my dad, or consume half a jar of tahini mixed with lots of natural honey throughout the day. I also exercised a lot and wondered why I could never get below 65 kg... lol.

    THEN I went to live with a relative who's a really good cook for a month and my weight shot up to 72 kg due to what I was eating there.

    Breakfast: Huge bowl of muesli, yogurt and honey with 4 pieces of generously buttered toast.
    Lunch (at school): 2 sandwiches with generous amounts of ham, onion chutney, cheese and whole egg mayonnaise, an apple and piece of cake, like coffee cake. Never had mayo up to that point but then loved it so much I ate it from the jar...
    Lunch (at home): Two cheese and spinach filled pita pockets, followed by a slice or two of cake and some chocolate.
    Dinner: Meat of some kind with steamed vegetables, potato and a cream based sauce, followed by cake and whipped cream or Greek yogurt depending on the cake.

    My relative, a very nice lady, didn't eat nearly as much as I did and that's why she remained reasonably "slim" for her age.
  • ccmzone2013
    ccmzone2013 Posts: 177 Member
    Always be willing and ready to work off what you eat!!!
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Oh man, it wasn't just the cupcakes, I used to have a thing about white bread too, loved the stuff, fresh from bakery of course w lashings of butter with a sweet creamy cocoa, now it doesn't even faze me, I dont need those things everyday anymore.
  • Oh man, when I was a teen it was crazy. No breakfast, just a giant sickly sweet iced coffee, then whatever fried crap the canteen offered up with 2 Spam Musubi and a coke for snack (Spam musubi is a large fried spam sushi basically) then come home from school and have two frozen Hostess Cupcakes and another coke then pre dinner snack of grilled cheese (white bread fried in butter with mayo on the bread and a giant slab of cheese) with another coke. For dinner I'd tuck away 3 boxes worth of chinese take away or a mexican platter ( 3 tacos, enchilada, chile relleno and rice and beans) or two pot pies with another coke. Then ice cream or cake for dessert. Just... ugh. I was 5' tall and weighed 98lbs. How was that even possible?
  • NicholePotato
    NicholePotato Posts: 113 Member
    I drank a ridiculous amount of soda
  • ddrhellbunny
    ddrhellbunny Posts: 119 Member
    I remember eating so much when I was younger it was actually sickening....
    For breakfast 6 very large pancakes with 4 tablespoons of butter and tons of syrup
    Snacks were a full box of fruit roll ups, gushers, and chessmen cookies
    Lunch was probably mc Donald's or a full box of cereal
    More snacks of chocolate and sweets. Baked a whole chocolate cake once from cake mix and made my own frosting of butter sugar and flour, the proceeded to eat the whole cake over to course of the day.
    Then dinner was either 3 servings of Chinese food or 2 full servings of pasta meatballs and bread with butter.
    Oh, and don't forget tons and tons of coke.... Then ice cream...

    It's amazing I don't have diabetes or whatever and it amazes that my parents never tried to stop me. Then again I was really active when I was younger... Once I stopped being so active and not stopping the earrings that's when the pounds creeped up. Buhhh....
  • Kr1ptonite
    Kr1ptonite Posts: 789 Member
    Considering how bad I eat and how big I got I don't really look back in shock. It was all I knew back then, I guess what shocks me is that I was able to turn it around and go the complete opposite direction.
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    Amazing how natural it seemed to eat so poorly. I never paid attention to calories... I knew I shouldn't eat a lot of what I did, but it was more of an I don't care thing too I think. Until I came to MFP I didn't realize to the extent of my overeating. I now look at EVERYTHING with fresh eyes. I am making much better choices than in the past.

    One of my biggest regrets is teaching my daughter to eat in the same poor manner I did. She too is now overweight and struggling to change as well. Sigh, she is 18 now, and I know that life's decisions are now hers to make, but I wish I had prepared her to make better ones.
  • pippabc
    pippabc Posts: 81 Member
    The first thing that comes to mind is chitterlings.

    Forgive my ignorance, but I didn't know what chitterlings were. Good old Google helped me out. What do they taste like? I am imagining they are a similar taste and texture to sausages.

    I'm from New Zealand, so we don't have many of the takeaway chains people are talking about, but I get the idea!

    My downfall has always been huge portion sizes - too much of everything, so weighing and measuring food is the way for me to go.
  • I hang my head in shame when I think of my past eating habits! IN SHAME!!!!! :blushing:
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    i pretty much maintained an obese weight throughout my late teens to late twenties, my average day consisted of chocolate or full english for breakfast, no lunch, more chocolate as a snack, huge home cooked meal or huge takeaway for dinner, finishing the day with a large bar of chocolate, probably 2-3 times a week also consuming ridiculous amounts of sugary alcoholic drinks

    i got married just before i hit 30, and thats when the weight really started changing, i was still consuming pretty much the same things (except alcohol) but started making the same lovely home cooked meals with extras, large buttery loaves of bread straight out the oven, with extra layer of butter dripping from it, puddings (cakes, cupcakes, tarts you name it) it was a pretty slow process but the weight was getting out of control, i started to feel tired all the time and was struggling to do everyday jobs without falling asleep really early, my solution, energy drinks! i started drinking one or two a day, and before i realised i was drinking 8 a day, nearly an extra 900 calories on top of the 3000ish calories i was consuming in food

    it hit home at the age of 33, i was seriously out of breath after walking up 13 steps and having to lay down for nearly 10 mins to feel better, it was pretty close to christmas so resolved to start dieting on january 1st, when i eventually talked myself into getting on those scales i was so disgusted with myself, i had managed to reach the morbidly obese category, so started dieting and not looked back

    we still have the same home cooked meals now, just "skinnier" versions of the same recipes, i still have chocolate, just not as much, and (unfortunately) i'm still consuming energy drinks, it seems a habit i can't break, but i now drink far less and the sugar free version, i'm not where i want to be yet, but i'm getting there, and no way am i ever going back to my former eating habits!
  • Soyajam
    Soyajam Posts: 22 Member
    The worst point in my diet was in 2008 when I was suffering some work-related depression - my day would consist of, usually...

    Hot Chocolate
    Chocolate muffin

    Footlong sub or chips with tabouli salad

    Bar of chocolate
    Medium to large slurpee

    Food cooked by parents (with lots of potatoes)
    Chocolate or icecream for dessert

    Plus cups of tea with 4 sugars (yes, FOUR) - usually 3-4 of them a day.

    While this wasn't a LOT of food, per-se - the problem was the amount of sugar I was consuming, and I'd do this EVERY DAY.
    I didn't measure my calories back then but by god if I did it'd have to be ~4000 cals a day at least.

    I have a long way to go, and sometimes my diet's a bit of a rollercoaster, but nowadays I'm averaging between 1200 - 1500 cals with tonnes of protein and veg so I think that's a good move forward. Next step is to break off my romatic relationship with carbohydrates...
  • I forgot all about Slurpies. What's the giant one called? The one it takes two hands to hold. It shouldn't be legal to sell that much sugar to someone in one go.
  • mandy_godfree
    mandy_godfree Posts: 72 Member
    I love sugar things, all my maternal side the family love sugar. My Mum would feed us sugar sandwiches for lunch when there was nothing else much in the house. But cake and ice cream is my downfall. I've never really seen the attraction of high fat foods like burgers. And even icing on cake is more attractive than the cake itself. But oh when it comes to sugar!

    I was horrified when I realised how many calories are in an average slice of cake or an ice cream Sunday. All I really have to do is stay away from sugar. It's like an addiction. Stay away from it and I slowly lose the taste, but one chocolate bar is all it takes to want more of it. I had cake on Christmas Day. It has taken me four weeks to get myself to a stage where I don't want it again. It is a nightmare.
  • The first thing that comes to mind is chitterlings.

    Forgive my ignorance, but I didn't know what chitterlings were. Good old Google helped me out. What do they taste like? I am imagining they are a similar taste and texture to sausages.

    I'm from New Zealand, so we don't have many of the takeaway chains people are talking about, but I get the idea!

    My downfall has always been huge portion sizes - too much of everything, so weighing and measuring food is the way for me to go.

    Hmmm. They really taste like another meat to me...closest I can say is chicken? Maybe similar to calamari? You guys have that? They are very soft and thin, some refer to them as slimy but that all depends on how they're cooked and how they are seasoned. Some people use vinegar, some use pork, it depends.

    But done right, cleaned correctly, and chopped up they taste good.
    They taste great with hot sauce !
    Most people either eat them or don't.....OR can't get over the smell cause they don't smell the best while cooking...
  • mrshudson813
    mrshudson813 Posts: 128 Member
    I could eat an entire large Pizza Hut pizza by myself! I can't believe it! And the sad part is that if I went back to eating the way I use to, I think I could work my way back up to that within a few weeks. I ate fast food for breakfast, lunch and dinner and went to Dairy Queen every single night for a large double fudge cookie dough blizzard! I loved icecream! So glad I stopped ruining my body!
  • Mojoman02
    Mojoman02 Posts: 146 Member
    I love reading all of these question is...and I'm sure this would require a separate thread, what made you change your habits? Why can you and I make changes, yet others say, "No Way can I eat healthy" ? just curious.....
  • I always loved fast food. I never had much of a taste for candy, but I would think nothing of a McDonald's combo, super size with an extra cheeseburger on the side. I figured not eating breakfast would compensate, but mostly I didn't care. Then the soda. I would drink as much as I could, whenever I could. Free refills in every restaurant meant I drank maybe 2 liters. Sometimes I would order a large pizza and a order of breadsticks and a 2 liter for dinner. I wouldn't finish it in one sitting, but it would be gone before the next dinner.

    I have avoided fast food since starting MFP, completely cut out soda except diet soda, and I try to moderate myself on whatever I eat, although my success is variable.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    When I was teenager I would wake up, eat two eggs with two pieces of toast, and then not eat again until around 3:30, where I would get a Mr. Big Burger with a drink and an Onion ring (yes, just one onion ring, Mr. Big's served gigantic onion rings with their great big burgers). After that I usually didn't have anything else to eat, but I drank the rest of my calories in beer, whiskey, vodka, whatever I could get my hands on.

    I am shocked that I survived drinking as much as did back then. By the time I was 21, I was done with getting drunk though, no interest in it. Didn't touch a drop for over 20 years, but now on occasion I have a couple of glasses of wine, never over do it though.

    Edit: While the above was usual routine, I was also capable of consuming huge amounts of food in a single sitting. I just didn't do it often. I could sit down and share a large Pizza with someone, and eat an entire half a pizza... and when it came to ice cream all bets were off, I could finish the carton if no one else insisted on having some.
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    I cringe when I think about how much food I used to consume. No wonder I was out of shape and lazy throughout my college years.
  • I was amazed how I could eat over 3000 calories of "healthy" stuff in one day! The popular mantra now is not to count calories and that calories don't matter, but clearly they are a factor as I had gained weight from nuts, raisins, honey, yogurt, whole wheat bread… now none of those things are terrible (except maybe the bread, haha), but this site has taught me to watch the portions more carefully.
  • meparker757
    meparker757 Posts: 50 Member
    Yes, I do look back. A big plate of chili cheese fries for lunch and then the ultimate cheese burger as a snack. I am amazed that I am still alive.