Will i lose more weight by doing this? 2 questions

im 5'8'' I weigh 325 and im female and 27 y.o. and I have 2 questions

you can look at my food diary if youd like, I tend to take in 500- 800 calories for ALL of my meals and burn off at least 500-750 cals at the gym ( I do an hour of the treadmill , 15 min on the elliptical and have now incorporated 35 min of strength/lifting for muscles) I normally eat fruit and veggies and lately ive been bad with regular food but not portion size. I tend to go to the gym at night after ive eaten any meals. I drink water.

1.is it ok to burn off all the calories I eat?

2.is it ok to go to the gym at night (after eating all of my meals) or does it matter what time you go at just as long as you go?


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    1.is it ok to burn off all the calories I eat?

    Of course not. You are aware humans need food to live, right?
    2.is it ok to go to the gym at night (after eating all of my meals) or does it matter what time you go at just as long as you go?

    I don't think it matters when you go. I don't think it even matters that you do go, I haven't done exercise for months. It's still a good idea of course, but not necessary for weight loss.

    If your diary is correct, you've been eating about 300 calories for the last two days. I really hope you just haven't been logging properly...

    You need to eat! If you don't, bad things will happen. I mean look, it's recommending you to eat 1800 calories a day! And that's NET, meaning you're meant to beat back your exercise calories. Think of it this way: your body is a car, and the food you eat is petrol. Just living day to day is the car's journey from A to B. Exercise you do adds detours on your route from A to B. You need to put extra petrol in the car for these detours, or it's not going to reach B. Even if you do no exercise, you still need enough petrol to get from A to B. Right now it sounds like you're not eating enough to get the car off of the driveway...

    You calorie recommendation is a goal, not a limit. Your body can only burn so much fat in a day. If you eat so little that your body cannot burn enough fat to keep it going, it will resort to burning muscle and organ tissue instead. You need to reach your goal or, quite simply, you are starving yourself.

    So please try to eat a bit more! Good luck! :)
  • sickofbeingfat1986
    1.is it ok to burn off all the calories I eat?

    Of course not. You are aware humans need food to live, right?
    2.is it ok to go to the gym at night (after eating all of my meals) or does it matter what time you go at just as long as you go?

    I don't think it matters when you go. I don't think it even matters that you do go, I haven't done exercise for months. It's still a good idea of course, but not necessary for weight loss.

    If your diary is correct, you've been eating about 300 calories for the last two days. I really hope you just haven't been logging properly...

    You need to eat! If you don't, bad things will happen. I mean look, it's recommending you to eat 1800 calories a day! And that's NET, meaning you're meant to beat back your exercise calories. Think of it this way: your body is a car, and the food you eat is petrol. Just living day to day is the car's journey from A to B. Exercise you do adds detours on your route from A to B. You need to put extra petrol in the car for these detours, or it's not going to reach B. Even if you do no exercise, you still need enough petrol to get from A to B. Right now it sounds like you're not eating enough to get the car off of the driveway...

    You calorie recommendation is a goal, not a limit. Your body can only burn so much fat in a day. If you eat so little that your body cannot burn enough fat to keep it going, it will resort to burning muscle and organ tissue instead. You need to reach your goal or, quite simply, you are starving yourself.

    So please try to eat a bit more! Good luck! :)

    I may have eaten more then 300 but not much, ive been very stressed and previous other days I think ive had over 1000 cals
    but ever since ive started this ive naturally haven't been so super hungry either

    I just hate how I only ever get real results if I really lower my calorie intake -ive been fat for years so id know

    anyway thanks for the info and nice costume and weight tracker btw!
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    I may have eaten more then 300 but not much, ive been very stressed and previous other days I think ive had over 1000 cals
    but ever since ive started this ive naturally haven't been so super hungry either

    anyway thanks for the info and nice costume and weight tracker btw!

    Huger isn't a great indicator of how much food you need. Sounds odd, I know, but it really isn't good to eat just over 300 calories a day, or even 1000 a day, especially when you're burning so much off with exercise. As I said, really do try to reach your daily goal. The odd day going under won't kill you, but try not to make a habit of it. You'll find it a lot more enjoyable, sustainable and healthy if you eat more food! :)

    And thanks!
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Simply put:

    1. No. Not even remotely. Your body needs fuel to survive.

    2. Again, no. As a previous poster said, it doesn't matter when you go or even if you go - following the MFP way, exercise is more intended for fitness as opposed to weight loss, and when or if you go is all based on what's easiest for/preferred by you.
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    Listen to the other posters, eat enough calories to reach goal.

    You may like to watch some episodes supersize vs superskinny (on youtube). They explain what happens when you eat too much, ánd what happens if you eat too little.
  • SeriousBen
    SeriousBen Posts: 41 Member
    If your diary is accurate, you're setting yourself up for failure. You're over 300 lbs so your body needs a lot of calories just to maintain your weight. That means that you can eat a lot more than what you're eating now and still lose a lot of weight very fast (it works, trust me).

    I'd not worry too much about exercises right now and concentrate on eating correctly and logging absolutely everything. A 2000 calories diet is EASILY achievable in your case and would work wonders, no exercise required.

    Here's a few easy tips to start:
    1- avoid drinking ANY calorie (and I mean 0).
    2- Eat healthier, more filling foods. Log them before eating them to see if they fit your template.
    3- Log your foods correctly. You need to weight everything, so go get a food scale if you don't already have one.

    Do that and you'll melt in no time.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Weight loss is mostly about calorie deficit, eating less calories than you take in.
    You need fuel for your body to function, do not exercise to burn off all the calories you eat. For one thing you will be harming your body and it would probably not be sustainable. You need to find an eating and exercising program that you can use for the rest of your life that will help you be as healthy as you possibly can be.

    Time of day exercising is a personal preference. For me, it is just easier early in the morning, and I try to make time for early morning workouts most days, but it really doesn't matter. Whatever works best for you.
  • sickofbeingfat1986
    If your diary is accurate, you're setting yourself up for failure. You're over 300 lbs so your body needs a lot of calories just to maintain your weight. That means that you can eat a lot more than what you're eating now and still lose a lot of weight very fast (it works, trust me).

    I'd not worry too much about exercises right now and concentrate on eating correctly and logging absolutely everything. A 2000 calories diet is EASILY achievable in your case and would work wonders, no exercise required.

    Here's a few easy tips to start:
    1- avoid drinking ANY calorie (and I mean 0).
    2- Eat healthier, more filling foods. Log them before eating them to see if they fit your template.
    3- Log your foods correctly. You need to weight everything, so go get a food scale if you don't already have one.

    Do that and you'll melt in no time.

    thanks! I don't drink so many cals anymore except for chocolate milk occasionally and I do need to measure my food even though im good at eyeballing it lol

    I try to eat home made food and check the labels and have more portion control OR id I do eat out I make sure I know what im putting into my body
  • Seraphina_Rowan
    Seraphina_Rowan Posts: 179 Member
    Eyeballing your food isnt an accurate way of measuring things. Almost everyone here who has a food scale including myself can tell you this, you are actually eating way over or under the amount you think you are portioning.

    Food scales can be like $20 sometimes more sometimes less. Its one of the bets things I've bought so far for my journey.

    Also, if you are eating under 1200 calories a day its not good for your body, all your doing is hurting yourself, and not giving it the fuel it needs to survive. If you are working out so much (doesnt matter which time) and eating so little, your just hurting yourself.

    I suggest eating more at LEAST 1200 calories and buying a food scale
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    i was nearly 300lbs at one point, i also did the super low cal diet, and you no what i did lose weight, along with about half my hair!
    it also played havoc with my nails (extremely weak) and eventually i was that that fed up that i ended up binging
    listen to what other people are saying 1200 is the minimum you should be eating i'm currently on 1750 and still losing
    so ultimately yes you will lose short term but your going to end up doing long term damage, it's taken me over 2 years to regain my hair it's just not worth it
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    i was nearly 300lbs at one point, i also did the super low cal diet, and you no what i did lose weight, along with about half my hair!
    it also played havoc with my nails (extremely weak) and eventually i was that that fed up that i ended up binging
    listen to what other people are saying 1200 is the minimum you should be eating i'm currently on 1750 and still losing
    so ultimately yes you will lose short term but your going to end up doing long term damage, it's taken me over 2 years to regain my hair it's just not worth it

    Thanks for posting this lucylousmummy! The best thing about embracing a lifestyle change vs "just weight loss" is the advantage of good health and that good health reflected in my energy level, clear skin and strong nails and thick hair!

    I just wanted to add - I have to eye ball my food all the time as I have to eat out around 7 meals a week to meet clients, etc. I am on maintenance now and I have to get ok with my weight swinging up or down 2-4 pounds within a week. (Salt, hidden carbs/gluten, etc). Weighing and measuring at home rocks!
  • dianesheart88
    dianesheart88 Posts: 111 Member
    im 5'8'' I weigh 325 and im female and 27 y.o. and I have 2 questions

    you can look at my food diary if youd like, I tend to take in 500- 800 calories for ALL of my meals and burn off at least 500-750 cals at the gym ( I do an hour of the treadmill , 15 min on the elliptical and have now incorporated 35 min of strength/lifting for muscles) I normally eat fruit and veggies and lately ive been bad with regular food but not portion size. I tend to go to the gym at night after ive eaten any meals. I drink water.

    1.is it ok to burn off all the calories I eat?

    2.is it ok to go to the gym at night (after eating all of my meals) or does it matter what time you go at just as long as you go?

    Answer 1 - Absolutely NOooooooo!!! You are not taking care of your body's need and will destroy your metabolism. This will back fire on you... big time. Use the stats on ..... http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/
    Trust the numbers. I understand you want to loss the weight fast... we all do. But if you don't do it in a healthy way you'll regret it.
    Losing weight is a lifestyle change... teaching yourself to eat sensibly and learning to have things in moderation is key. Those behaviors will help you keep it off in the future. We can all lose weight, but can you keep it off after all your hard work. Eating the way you are now, you can guarantee it won't happen. I am losing weight without exercise right now on the 5:2 plan. This plan has helped me control what I have a problem with... food.

    Good luck and please start eating more 'good' food.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    All you're going to do with your current eating plan is deprive your body of nutrients, lose more muscle tissue than fat, lowering your metabolism and then, when you quit on this unsustainable plan, you'll gain back even more weight than you lost and be even fatter than before you started. Does that sound like a good idea?

    You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight. You need to change your LIFESTYLE so you can lose the weight slowly and KEEP IT OFF. Crash diets, like what you're doing, don't work.
  • Bumaye123
    Bumaye123 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi - I think once one hits the 300ish mark, maybe a doctor or a nutritionist would be more helpful for advice than folks here. I think you'd want to strive for more than the 2pd/wk loss, that is the max you can set on this site; probably pretty important to get in a lower range, but... Of course the responses you got make sense, you don't want to starve, but I've seen larger people be prescribed extreme diets to get it down, then of course ongoing lifestyle changes. But the extreme diets were crafted with nutritional needs in mind beyond calorie counts. Not a big fan of spending money, but it might be worth it to have someone who has some expertise and more knowledge of you help design the plan.

    GOOD LUCK! It's cool that you're taking on the challenge! I wish you success!