Over 40 and trying to lose Weight



  • HollyJoy07
    HollyJoy07 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 40 and have lost about 12 in the recent months. Have about 80 more to go.
  • I'm over 40 and need to lose over 70 pounds. I started back on MFP January 1st and I feel confident this time I will reach my goal. I'm a former Weight Watcher member and I feel the more we support each other the better our results. Feel free to add me!
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    I'm not quite at 40 yet, but want to be where I want to be with stability by 40. I have 6 kids and I'm married to a coach, so I have 100 excuses to not do what I need to do, but as Dr. Phil would say, "It's not working for me". I'm at 160 and want to get down to 130 and maintain that weight for more than a week.
  • ayanasweigh
    ayanasweigh Posts: 3 Member
    I'm about to turn 41. I'd like to lose 100 lbs by the end of the year. It's hard but worth it.
  • 40andFindingFitness
    40andFindingFitness Posts: 497 Member
    I'm 43, I've got well over 50 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me. I'm on daily. You can do it ladies!
  • Sandia_Sweetie
    Sandia_Sweetie Posts: 85 Member
    Just turned 40 this month, and am looking to lose that last 15 pounds. Feel free to add me! We can all do this together!
  • evamclaughlin9
    evamclaughlin9 Posts: 14 Member
    I am going to be 45 this year and my goal is to be back into my healthy BMI range. Feel free to add me as a friend; we can all use motivational support.
  • Chance535
    Chance535 Posts: 64 Member
    I am also over 40 and have 50+ lbs to lose. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • tcat100
    tcat100 Posts: 33 Member
    Feel free to add me, too. My goal is to shed some hefty pounds as well this year.
  • I just joined and will add you now. I am looking for support and motivation as well. This time will be the LAST time!! Together we CAN get this done!!!

  • lokey93
    lokey93 Posts: 6 Member
    I am 43 approaching 44. I have 50 lbs. to lose. Would love to lose at least half this year. Feel free to add me as well.
  • kj2869
    kj2869 Posts: 1
    Hi - feel free to add me... I'm 45 and trying to lose 60 lbs for the last time - and oddly enough we live in the same area :D