NSV: I fit in my old jeans! Jeans! Not sweat pants! Ahh

I. Wow. Oh my god. This is a moment. This is a freaking moment! I might pass out from excitement. I, "that fat dude", after sticking to my calories and exercising perfectly for only a month, now fit in my old jeans. Whaaaaat? This is huge! Ever since I can remember I've been wearing sweatpants or baggy shorts or hell, I'll wear my baggy scrub pants everywhere I go only cause the waist is so stretchy. But look at that. I fit in my old jeans. I'm just so happy right now. This one thing is huge motivation for me to keep going. In the beginning this was so hard to stick to because it felt like it was never going anywhere. But now seeing results. Ahhhhh yeah. Love it.

Just thought i would share! I love you guys! Group hugggggg!

