New and nursing!

Hi all! I'm a stay at home mom to our 3 kids, including 9 month old twins that I exclusively breastfeed. I've been taking advantage of that and eating way more than I need! I got on the scale tonight and have only lost about 10 lbs of my pregnancy gain.

Any other nursing mommas care to join me in losing the baby weight? I know I'm going to have to go slow and follow babies' cues and my body's hunger signals so I don't hurt my supply.... But something needs to change and it starts tomorrow!


  • Napier_mum
    Napier_mum Posts: 88 Member
    Way to go managing to nurse two!

    Don't forget that you need to allow yourself extra calories for nursing though. I was told 500 but I am only feeding one baby not two! My boy is 14 months so I am super late to getting on to losing baby weight haha! My little guy only feeds twice a day now so I don't give myself any extra calories.
  • s05348675
    s05348675 Posts: 1 Member

    I'm nursing my 3 month old and trying to lose weight at the same time, however I'm exclusively expressing due to some problems. I must say I initially did find it hard but it's going well, since given birth I gave lost a stone, still got 1 more stone to lose. I eat sensibly and drinks lots of water . I've also started gym and aim to go 5 times a week . Wow your nursing twins, good on you mommy. :-) keep up the good work, eat healthy and if possible excercise a little whenever possible.! You can do it!!!
  • Thanks mommas! My lactation consultant told me 500 calories per day per baby! They do eat table food (and a ton of it) so I probably don't need that much anymore.

    My goal is to take the kids for a walk every day that the weather is on for babies, and we are joining a gym. My husband is training for a marathon so we can eat healthier together! :) I can't run due to previous knee injuries but can do more on the exercise front. I think videos will be my friend. :)
  • MelGormley
    MelGormley Posts: 1 Member
    Still trying to lose weight from my 2 year old and 6 month old. I nursed both of them for only a short time due to complications and supply issues but you really do have to eat the extra calories and not empty calories. It is hard to know what foods are the best for your supply without adding on extra pounds. Especially nursing 2! Good luck to you and congrats on the twins!
  • pinkrozez
    pinkrozez Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I am back on here after having my second baby, she is two months today. I am exclusively nursing her so I am adding Breastfeeding to my daily diary which earns me 500 extra calories a day. Logging and hoping to lose some of this weight. I have 20 lbs to go before I reach my pre preg weight. Good to chat with other nursing moms though, to share what to do when you get those insane food cravings due to breastfeeding!
  • My twins are 3 1/2 now but I breastfed them full-term, exclusively :) Add me!
  • DeniseBarone
    DeniseBarone Posts: 80 Member
    Nursing your babies is the best thing in the world you can do for them. You are giving them the richest milk and nutrients they will ever receive in their young lives. Good for you! Nurse until you can't stand it anymore; I nursed my daughter for 8 months, and my son for 4 months. I had to stop nursing him at 4 months, because he kept biting me!

    As far as weight loss, yes, you can lose weight while nursing. You are burning thousands of calories by nursing, so make sure you eat a nutrient rich diet. Lots of calcium, protein. If you limit your carbs, the weight will fall off.
  • suncluster
    suncluster Posts: 539 Member
    Good for you to nurse your babies!

    One word of caution which you may have dealt with before. In my experience, I was nursing so much I got down to my lowest weight ever. So, I began eating without thinking. I wasn't eating healthy food either. When my baby weened himself off at 18 months my weight on the scale skyrocketed.

    So remember with nursing you are giving both you and your baby a wonderful gift. But, for yourself, be mindful of what you are eating so you don't gain all the weight back.

    All the best!
  • Hi, I'm still nursing my 15 month old, she is hard to wean compared to my son, who did it all himself at 17 months. I have a feeling that I may be nursing for a while still. Last baby though, so I don't mind (too much). I'm also a stay at home Mom, just dusted off my running shoes last month. I never had too much success losing weight because of breastfeeding, i think because I'm a feed on demand kind of breastfeeder, so I pretty much was sitting on my *kitten* every two hours nursing or waking up every two hours to nurse at night. Quite the exhausting first year! Finally have a bit more time for myself now so I'm ready to get back in the game, I've already lost 10 lbs since i started, but have about 35 lbs to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. Then I'd like to lose another 20. I'm shooting for a 1/2 marathon in October so I'm motivated to do this big time. I'm trying to lose weight slowly because I'd like it to stay off forever, but right now I'm basking in the glow of it falling off easy-peasy, that'll stop soon lol. Feel free to add me if you like, I log in everyday, unless i have family things to attend to. My food diary is open as well. :)
  • Hi I started my weightloss journey today! I have a 7 week old and have dropped 22 lbs since giving birth. I only gained 7 while pregnant but I still need to lose about 50 pounds minimum. I was told 500 lbs extra but Im struggling to eat those, really scared of gaining! Good luck to you!!
  • Dedicatedmetime
    Dedicatedmetime Posts: 32 Member
    Feel free to add me! Always nice having other nursing\pumping mom friends who can relate
  • jacquel13
    jacquel13 Posts: 37 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm 34, sahm to 6 kids, and I exclusively BF our 6 month old. Right now, I just add 400 cals to the 1200 MFP gives me. I also eat back most of my excercise cals, and my supply seems ok.

  • whitneyas
    whitneyas Posts: 95 Member
    Hi there! I am also EBF and having a hard time figuring out calories. Twins? You go girl :)
  • I am nursing a 6 month old. I am working, so I pump while at work, but he is eating exclusively breastmilk for now. I feel like I am pumping less than he would be eating if I were at home with him so I add less calories when I am at work.
  • jullian23
    jullian23 Posts: 2 Member
    So glad to find other nursing moms on here - I have been trying to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight for months, but nursing my 10-month-old I'm always hungry. I've only been at this for two days but when I stick to my calorie goals I'm starving in the afternoon and evening! Would love any snack recommendations, too.
  • Hi there! I'm a SAHM of two boys. I have been nursing now for 4 months. Having a hard time finding foods that won't bother baby's tummy. Anything acidic really others him. Feel free to add me. Would love food ideas :-)
  • Hi, I am currently nursing my 11 week old, and also have a 16 month old. Before I had my first son I was 121 lbs, and when I fell pregnant with my second I was only down to 143 lbs. I have lost all of the weight from this pregnancy (currently 141 lbs), but I'd like to get back to what I was before I started having babies. Just joined the gym so have been going 3-4 times a week and eating healthier foods than what I was, however even when eating as much as I can (which feels like I'm eating waaaaaay too much), it still only ends up being about 1200 calories. I don't know how I can possibly eat more! Do I even need to be eating more, or is this ok?
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    First off, hats off to you!! I am a tandem nursing mama but they are 18 months apart. I am always in awe of mamas of multiples who nurse (although I would do the same). You are doing such good!

    For me, it was about 6 months postpartum that I really started losing weight. By a year, I kind-of get to a point where I can't keep eating like a teenaged boy anymore... I started working out when my youngest was 14 months old and I re-evaluate my calories about every 3-4 months. As these two take in a little bit less, and if I find I am consistently up 4-5 pounds, I take away a few hundred calories. Now that they are older, I don't log my breastfeeding cals as a deduction, but the younger one is now 2.5. They still love their mama milk though!

    I didn't read through the whole thread and replies, but the title caught my eye. Feel free to add me if you want a supportive fellow BFing mama! ;)
  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 391 Member
    I'm still nursing my 13 month old and never seem to be able to lose weight while nursing but she is my last so I don't want to quit and she doesn't seem to want to wean anytime soon, wish I could just find a way to lose a little bit even.

    She still nurses probley 4-7 times a day some short some long...anyone know how I should count bf calories? yes or no? and Please add me I need all the nursing mom friends!!
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    I'm still nursing my 13 month old and never seem to be able to lose weight while nursing but she is my last so I don't want to quit and she doesn't seem to want to wean anytime soon, wish I could just find a way to lose a little bit even.

    She still nurses probley 4-7 times a day some short some long...anyone know how I should count bf calories? yes or no? and Please add me I need all the nursing mom friends!!

    The average calories per day for an exclusively breastfed baby is 500. So, at 13 months she should be still getting most (more than half) of her nutrition through breastfeeding. Say she is getting 75% of her nutrition from nursing, then you probably are burning about 375 nursing her. When she gets up to half from you and half from table food, say you burn 250, and then 175 when she only nursing once or twice a day.