who else is...

rockinright Posts: 241
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
...just saying "screw it" for Thanksgiving only? One day (well a few altogether) a year to forget all this calorie counting...

Am I alone? I mean, I am going to be conscious of food choices, but not so much on portions, and will still probably opt for water as a drink.


  • Ehh..

    I mean, good for you! It is good to have one day to eat whatever you would like.

    However myself, I want to look good, more than I want Thanksgiving.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    My hubby and I (we both use the site) are not totally saying "screw it" because it would be heartbreaking to erase some of our progress, but we're not counting calories. We're going to try to limit portions and pick things we would like to spend our calories on the most. And definitely not drinking our calories!
  • One day isn't going to make me fat any more than one day will make me thin. I just have to remember the big picture.

    FWIW it's not going to be a 2500 calorie slug-fest. Probably just a few hundred over my normal 1800, I really *can't* eat like I used to.
  • My hubby and I (we both use the site) are not totally saying "screw it" because it would be heartbreaking to erase some of our progress, but we're not counting calories. We're going to try to limit portions and pick things we would like to spend our calories on the most. And definitely not drinking our calories!

    Realistically that doesn't sound any different than what I plan to do.
  • My hubby and I (we both use the site) are not totally saying "screw it" because it would be heartbreaking to erase some of our progress, but we're not counting calories. We're going to try to limit portions and pick things we would like to spend our calories on the most. And definitely not drinking our calories!

    Realistically that doesn't sound any different than what I plan to do.

    same here except i will be working out in the morning.. so another piece of pie wont hurt lol
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    One day isn't going to make me fat any more than one day will make me thin. I just have to remember the big picture.

    FWIW it's not going to be a 2500 calorie slug-fest. Probably just a few hundred over my normal 1800, I really *can't* eat like I used to.
    I'm with you on this.
  • redhotsmacker
    redhotsmacker Posts: 227 Member
    Well....I'm in Canada...so it isn't Thanksgiving here...ours was last month, but my goal going into the day was moderation. I allowed myself a treat (cake) after my plate was finished. I didn't load up my plate either. Just normal size portions. I also made sure that I drank a lot of water throughout my meal to prevent my brain from thinking that I needed just another taste. We usually go to my hubby's moms house for dinner, so this year I told hubby that I was leaving by 7:30, just so I could go home and workout extra long. For me, I see it as, it is just food....yes good food no doubt...but, there is a grocery store just down the road, and if I really wanted to, I would go and get what I needed to make a thanksgiving type meal any day of the week. Too bad, it is a lot of work for just a regular Tuesday night meal ...LOL
  • While I don't plan on saying screw it, I do want to enjoy small portions of tradional thanksgiving food I don't normally have. However I am also doing a 10k turkey trot that morning so I will have some extra calories. My mantra for the whole holiday weekend with family and friends is "if I bite it, write it but I better exercise each day too" I want to enjoy what I have but I don't want to put myself back a couple of weeks either. Not worth it to me.
  • personally i'm making up for all the deliciousness of thursday by working out extra hard all week. if i gain one or two lbs its not a huge deal. and i'm the chef. it would be a shame to cook all that food and then be the only one sitting there with hardly anything on her plate. yes i'm going to try and limit my portions and not go back for seconds of everything but its a holiday, and i'm going to celebrate it.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    I'm eating the earlier part of the day with the thought in mind that dinner will be about 1000 calories. I'm going to have a nonfat greek yogurt for breakfast, a 250 cal lunch and then allow myself some indulgences at dinner, but still staying under 1500 calories.
  • Well...I haven't made much progress so far but I'm not completely saying screw it...I think I'm going to fill up on meat and veggies instead of so much carbs. I am going to indulge in one slice of my oh-so-awesome pumpkin cheesecake =)
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    I'm not going to deliberately eat something that is what I'd consider bad, for example nothing deep fried but that's just me. I'm also not going to bother on logging any of it. However I won't be logging calories. That being said, I'll be doing P90X in the morning and going for a run that evening so I'll burn it all off.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I am I am!!!!! I think it's important to splurge every now and then and see IF one day does any damage. Then you can determine just what actions need to (or may NOT need) to take place to rectify it like working out extra or lowering cals for a few days after. In the long run you have to know that you are going to overeat some time in the rest of your life. So why not figure out what the, if any, consequences for ONE day are? Then move on with your life! LOL!!! Personally, I splurge every weekend. It has not effected my loss one bit. I am in maintenance now. Have a very happy Thanksgiving!!!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I've taken my normal recipes and downsized the portions for everyone. I've also reworked them to be healthier foods. I've eliminated the bacon and butter and cheeses and gone with things like shrimp plates and salad rolls. Much better and healthier options. I've made two deserts one healthy one traditional. My kids are working with me on the healthy choices.

    Unfortunately, I think we as a culture put way to much emphasis on food and less on health. My kids (9 & 11) are volunteering at the local community thanksgiving to help serve that AM. I'm staying home to cook, but will also be able to get a great work out in. I want to teach them to focus on not overeating and to eat in moderation. I even will use the china dinnerware which has smaller plates.
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    Personally, I intend to stay within my calorie goals. I've been working extraordinarily hard these days trying to reach a specific year-end goal, and I think I'll have an easier time mentally passing up excessive amounts of food on Thursday vs. weighing in on Friday.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I'm just going to watch portions but not deprive myself anything! I plan on logging approximately what I'll be eating before hand, just to keep myself in check. I'll most likely go over my 1350 calories for the day but staying under 2000 for the day.

    Plus, Thanksgiving has tons of great veggies as sides...load 'em up!

    Enjoy your meals, friends and families! :drinker:
  • Degren
    Degren Posts: 80
    My hubby and I (we both use the site) are not totally saying "screw it" because it would be heartbreaking to erase some of our progress, but we're not counting calories. We're going to try to limit portions and pick things we would like to spend our calories on the most. And definitely not drinking our calories!

    I agree 100%
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    Well to be honest- I am not going to worry about cals or portions, but I will not stuff myself(hopefully). We are doing it at lunch time- so most likely I will have a small breakfast and a very small or no dinner, just from eating more than usual. But one day, as long as I get right back on track on Friday, will be ok.
  • Im not calorie counting either, but i am going to try and not to suff myself as that is easy to do wen you have such amazing food in front of you and i will as well be drinking water or a 0 cal vitamin water.
  • I'm going to stick with everything in moderation. I'm afraid that if I go all out, like I have with previous holiday feasts, I may lose the mental momentum I now have. I agree that one day isn't going to make a difference in the long run but I'm so new to this that I need to keep my mind on track.
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