best way to loose weight?

I know by eating healthy, no soda, and exercise. But does that mean I can't have pasta at least once a week? I've been sick for a week so no exercise or eating healthy. Is a low carb diet healthy and really can help you loose weight? My fall is fast food and soda. I don't like bread, rice,or potatoes that much. I just have two kids and pasta is a cheap dinner. What's a healthier version instead of using the regular ragu sauce?


  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    To lose weight stay at your calorie range MFP recommended for you, depending on what you selected your weekly weight loss goal to be.

    You can eat ANYTHING you want. Don't ignore foods you love because you WILL end up having a late night binge and ruin your week or day. As long as your CALORIES are within range of your goal, you will be fine. EAT PASTA, COOKIES, POPTARTS!

    Seriously, it's all about calories when it comes to dropping lbs.
  • drenergy
    drenergy Posts: 112 Member
    You can totally have pasta. Look for whole grain pasta and just measure it out for yourself so you know you're not eating a huge serving. Then find lower sodium/heart healthy/lower calorie sauces and use ground turkey instead of beef. Chop up some veggies like bell peppers to get added fiber and to sneak some veggies in for the fam. That cuts calories and fat and gives you good carbs. That'd be a great dinner. Just don't get sucked in to thinking you have to avoid one entire group, aka no carbs, no fat, etc. You need carbs, fat, and protein to survive.

    I know what it's like being on a budget and trying to find healthier options. You can get frozen chicken cheaper than fresh, beans and rice are a great way to get fiber and protein in a cheap dish (I used to do half a cup red beans and half a cup brown rice with a little pasta sauce and that helped me a lot--cheap and super easy to make Sunday and take to work all week). Look for sales on frozen veggies, look for farmer's markets when you can to get veggies cheaper, swap all your sugary drinks for water (it's free! woo!) and equip yourself with stuff to eat that's easy and healthy so that you avoid fast food. It's important to realize that you're going to have a meal here or there that isn't great, but if you're used to eating a Whopper with cheese and fries and a coke, get a whopper jr, no cheese, no mayo, small fries, and water. That cuts out a ton of calories and is still realistic for you. If you're doing that along with exercising more and getting a good amount of healthy calories, you're going to do great.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    To lose weight stay at your calorie range MFP recommended for you, depending on what you selected your weekly weight loss goal to be.

    You can eat ANYTHING you want. Don't ignore foods you love because you WILL end up having a late night binge and ruin your week or day. As long as your CALORIES are within range of your goal, you will be fine. EAT PASTA, COOKIES, POPTARTS!

    Seriously, it's all about calories when it comes to dropping lbs.


    Eat all the foods you enjoy, just stay within your allotted calorie amount, and you'll lose weight.

    Lost almost 60lbs and now maintaining that loss while eating pasta, drinking (diet) soda, eating fast food 3-4 times a week, eating 'processed' foods etc. Didn't do any exercise while I was actively losing weight either.

    Calories, calories, calories.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I eat everything I want!! I just make sure I have the calories for what I want!!! I move my azzzzzz in some sort of way ( you tube video, circuit training, Crossfit, zumba, HIIT, 30 day shred etc) 30 minutes most days per week! Dont be afraid to eat or else you wont be able to commit to this being a lifestyle change!!!
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    The best way? Choosing a diet philosophy that is sustainable for you and eating a moderate deficit.