What's the best meal replacement shake?

I just can't seem to eat enough during the day. I have two young girls at home (one who's 6ms old) so I don't often get to sit and eat a meal and even when I do, I don't tend to go over 500cals a meal and without only a few snacks, I have problems reaching my 1900cal limit (I'm breastfeeding so I have to automatically add 500cals)... then if/when I exercise, I have to add THOSE calories too... too often I'm left with 1kcals at the end of the night! I know I need those calories but I'm having trouble doing it...

So I thought a quick easy shake would help that was high in calories and nutrients to help me. I know they are a bit more expensive than doing it myself (I did try to make some smoothies but it's a lot of work). I feel it may be worth spending a little money now until my oldest goes to school (in the fall) and my youngest gets a bit more independent.

In another thread I read that Shakeology is a bit expensive for the low cost ingredients so is there anything better out there? Something more worth the high price?

Also, please don't suggest Slimfast. I tried those a few years ago and while they weren't bad, they did weird things to my body so I think maybe something in them bothered me. I was fine with Aktins shakes a few years ago so it may have just been the Slimfast that bothered me.

Thanks for any and all help! :)


  • Sirskot00
    Sirskot00 Posts: 23 Member
    What are you looking for in a shake? Convenience, flavor, texture, calorie content, cost, or a mix of all?
  • fitformidlife
    I use Carnation Instant Breakfast as a day starter sometimes since I hate eating breakfast. I don't know the quality of the nutrients, but I drink it more to put something in my stomach till lunch. It's fairly cheap, comes in different flavors, and it tasty with additions like bananas, peanut butter, a dab of cinnamon, or whatever you like. I'm not big on fad shakes, and I'm not using it for nutrients, protein, workout recovery, etc., so I like Carnation because it's right there at the grocery store.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I'm a breastfeeding mom as well, and honestly, you need to eat real food. I know things are crazy with two kids, I have two myself and a spouse who is active duty military and rarely home, but there are ways to hit your calorie goals. Choosing calorie dense foods is a great way to start - I actually eat PB&J almost everyday for lunch because it's easy to make, travels well, and packs a pretty good calorie punch (200 cal per serving of PB). Taking some time to pre-prep foods also helps, that way you can just grab from the fridge or cabinet and eat, rather than having to try to supervise the kids and make yourself food, because we all know that's a recipe for disaster. I also eat lots of greek yogurt, string cheese, kashi bars, and pre-measure veggies and dip for snacks. Go for full fat/full calorie version of foods instead of the low cal. There's nothing wrong with an occasional shake or meal replacement bar, but it's one of those habits that you can create that will just make it harder for yourself down the line.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    If you need calories try things that are higher in calorie content.

    Eat some ice cream...grab some peanut butter with chocolate on toast....

    As for shakes not sure...I only do smoothies and add protien powder and protien milk to them

    Instead of 2% milk use whole milk, use butter instead of light margerine

    Eat more bacon, eat more pork, eat some pasta with real white sauce...there are lots of ways to get calories in.

    My favorite toaster strudel or cheese popcorn.
  • Fast_Track
    Fast_Track Posts: 33 Member
    Not sure how this one will work out, but I just ordered Garden of Life Raw Meal: http://www.amazon.com/Garden-Life-Organic-Chocolate-Pound/dp/B007S6Y6VS/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top

    Unlike (almost) every other shake on the market, this one is 100% organic, vegan, soy, gluten, and dairy free. Reviews of this one are really solid too. Some of these other shakes are really scary and contain all kinds of weird, scary ingredients.

    I've read on some boards that this one can be used with a blender bottle, which is great since I'll be able to drink this at work.
  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    Most of the "meal replacement shakes" I've looked into are just sugar, sugar, and sugar, with some chalk added to make it seem like more than sugar, sugar, and sugar.

    YMMV, but I'd much rather eat actual calories than drink sugar and thickener.
  • callmestephanie
    callmestephanie Posts: 90 Member
    Ok thank you for the advice everyone.

    So... any recommendations on a good protein powder?
  • pmumble
    I use ON Natural 100% Whey and like it a lot. I mix it with Milk (whole or 2%) or water depending on my macros at the time. Easy to throw that in the blender with some fruit too.
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 284 Member
    I use GNC total Lean powder shakes. Im not sure how well they work for everybody but they work for me. But I have heard you need as much food as possible when breast feeding. You might wanna look into something else for the calories.
  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    Ok thank you for the advice everyone.

    So... any recommendations on a good protein powder?

    I use pure egg white powder. It doesn't taste too bad, but doesn't have any flavoring or sweeteners in it.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Another vote for Garden of Life's RAW Meal.
  • Fast_Track
    Fast_Track Posts: 33 Member
    After a month of having Raw Meal shakes for breakfast, I'm quite pleased with it. It's a bit grainy at first, but you get used to it. I drink mine with Silk unsweetened vanilla almond milk and it keeps me full for 4 hours - until lunch. I only use one scoop and add 16 oz milk. It's plenty thick with the one scoop.

    I've also tried Amazing Grass - Amazing Meal in Chocolate. I like this one a lot too, but it's definitely an acquired taste. Both are vegan, soy free, and gluten free. http://www.amazon.com/Amazing-Grass-Chocolate-17-1-Ounce-Container/dp/B0038B1EOY/ref=sr_1_10?s=grocery&ie=UTF8&qid=1394166280&sr=1-10&keywords=amazing+grass
  • Matt7181
    Matt7181 Posts: 7 Member
    2 scoops of EAS Lean Protein Vanilla power - 100 calories
    8 ounces nonfat milk - 130 calories
    Large banana - 105 calories
    2 Tbsp Peanut Butter - 190 calories

    525 calories total - 41 carbs

    You can but the Powder at Walmart for $19. This is the best tasting powder I have had.

    You can add blueberries or strawberries instead of the bannana.

    Very quick and easy to make.
  • Faasnat
    Faasnat Posts: 2
    I like Muscle Milk by Cytosport. It's sold at Costco at a pretty good price. Not to be confused with 100% Whey (also by Cytosport). I like the vanilla creme mixed with milk, but I think they also sell the chocolate flavor there.

    It has a pretty good mix a whey and casein milk protein -- fast and slow digesting so it satiates you and keeps you full longer.

    I think they sell the ready to drink versions as well, but not sure if it's Muscle Milk Light. If it's the light version, don't get it. For some reason, the flavoring of the light version came out chalky tasting.
  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
    None, unless you're willing to read the ingredients for quality nutrition. Avoid the typical ones (Slimfast, Ensure, Boost, etc) if you care at all about what you're spending your money on as far as quality goes.

    I hate that Ensure is marketed as "complete, balanced nutrition". The first few ingredients are: Water, Sugar, Corn Maltodextrin, Milk Protein Concentrate, Soy Oil, Soy Protein Isolate, Cocoa Powder (Processed with Alkali)... and the list goes on. Many others are the same and are misleading.

    Try to pick one without a bunch of garbage in the ingredients list. Lots of them have poor nutrition, and they just add vitamins and minerals to make it a "meal". For example, Slimfast is full of things such as high fructose corn syrup, maltodextrin, mono and diglycerides, cellulose gum, gum arabic, soy lecithin, etc. Unless you find something with good quality ingredients, you'd be better off having a high quality protein shake mixed with milk or milk alternative and multivitamin in my opinion. It would boost your protein intake a lot more than a meal replacement, provide extra calories rather than skipping a meal altogether, and probably be a lot cheaper than shakes marketed specifically for meal replacement. Even a smoothie with some added protein is better (and cheaper) than anything you'll get pre-made.

    A LOT of meal replacement shakes aren't that healthy if you read what is actually in them. Yes, I'm sure there ARE good ones out there which is why I say to choose based on the quality of the ingredients and not just based on the nutrition label alone. Good luck with your search!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I'd double check your diary, 120kcal for two slices of bread? There maybe other missing calories.

    Are you losing weight too fast, is that why you're worried?

    Are you still exclusively breastfeeding?