new years challenge



  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    k so i did a weigh in tonight and i'm back at my start weight even though i've exercised every night and only been over calories once in the last week. i'm bummed people! time to step it up i guess!

    btw... congrats to all you sexy peeps out there who have shrinking waistlines! :D good for you!!! :D

    Sometimes it takes the body a little while to respond to exercise with weight loss. Keep going, it will catch up with want you want!
  • wuwr
    wuwr Posts: 7
    My weight is up and down - I seem to be down a couple of pounds, but I gained a pound yesterday (but bearing in mind I only changed my eating habits at the beginning of the week, I'm waiting for it settle down before putting a definite number on it). I know I shouldn't be weighing every day, but I'm not a very paitent person!

    Only had one slip up in terms of food so far - was too lazy to cook yesterday after a rubbish day at work, so I got fish and chips ^^; I guess that'll be my cheat meal for the week. Other than that, I've been within 50 cals of my target every day.

    How often would you guys reccomend weighing yourself? Every day is too often, but I don't know if I could last a week without seeing where I am?

    Keep it up everyone!
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    How often would you guys reccomend weighing yourself? Every day is too often, but I don't know if I could last a week without seeing where I am?

    Keep it up everyone!

    They say every 1-2 weeks. I used to get on the scale every day but I think that's because I left it where I could see it. If you have yours set up like this you might want to stick it under a sink or in a closet if you can. Its still hard to resist but its easier for me when I put it somewhere I don't see it all the time. Hope this helps!
  • double post
  • Oh, can I join?!

    I join challenges and then fail. So much for five pounds in November! :grumble: Here I go...

    Starting weight: 142
    Goal Weight: 120

    New Year's Mini Goal: 137

    I plan on weighing myself of the 1st and 15 of every month...,but I will check in here more often than that. Good luck everyone!!
  • k so i did a weigh in tonight and i'm back at my start weight even though i've exercised every night and only been over calories once in the last week. i'm bummed people! time to step it up i guess!

    btw... congrats to all you sexy peeps out there who have shrinking waistlines! :D good for you!!! :D
    weigh in the moring after you pee poop and before you eat.
  • Oh, can I join?!

    I join challenges and then fail. So much for five pounds in November! :grumble: Here I go...

    Starting weight: 142
    Goal Weight: 120

    New Year's Mini Goal: 137

    I plan on weighing myself of the 1st and 15 of every month...,but I will check in here more often than that. Good luck everyone!!
    yes you can!

    also weigh when you want..... but weight changes serveral times a day you need to weigh at the same time....... and i would do after you wake up and after you poop and pee but before breakfast
  • jevans918
    jevans918 Posts: 26 Member
    So how is everyone's weekend going?

    I'm getting a little worried about Thanksgiving coming up...I know that if I keep my portions under control with the dinner I should be okay but my mom is such a good cook that I will want to eat a lot of everything. What are your game plans for Thanksgiving?
  • missliss1102
    missliss1102 Posts: 11 Member
    So I'm a little bit late to the challenge, but I'd love to join! :)

    Starting weight: 171
    Current weight: 169
    Goal weight: 140
    Goal for January 1st: 160
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    So how is everyone's weekend going?

    I'm getting a little worried about Thanksgiving coming up...I know that if I keep my portions under control with the dinner I should be okay but my mom is such a good cook that I will want to eat a lot of everything. What are your game plans for Thanksgiving?

    I'm going to have that problem too especially since this year I'll be at a buffet. My plan of action (lol) is to eat a little bit of everything first. If I have room for more after I've eaten and I want to treat myself then I go back. Usually I heap on stuff I loooooooooove and end up in trouble with the scale. I've heard people say also to try to get some time outside for thanksgiving instead of lounging about inside. Go for a good walk or go for more vigorous activity ^.^
  • blueelephant1212
    blueelephant1212 Posts: 100 Member
    ok, so earlier this week i was very discouraged because the scale said i still didn't lose any weight. saturday morning it said i lost 2.4lbs! so hopefully this trend continues! :D how is everyone doing getting towards their goals??

    have a happy sunday!
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    Hello sign me up for the new year's challenge!

    current weight 184
    your goal weight 155
    mini goal weight 176
    i used to walk with my kids every other day but now the weather is changing and it is getting darker i started working out at home. although i would love to take up jogging/running if i can sneak away from the kids
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I am a little late getting in on this, but 6 weeks is still a good amount of time :)

    starting weight 268
    current weight 205
    goal weight 160
    mini goal weight 195
  • i neeed to lose 10lbs in about 4 wks! i know i can do this to stay on track. i neeeeed some motivations!
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    I usually weigh in on Friday, but as Thursday is Thanksgiving...I may weigh in Thursday morning. I've convinced myself that this is because Friday will not be an accurate measure of this weeks progress. What do you think?
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    Hello is it too late to join?
  • I usually weigh in on Friday, but as Thursday is Thanksgiving...I may weigh in Thursday morning. I've convinced myself that this is because Friday will not be an accurate measure of this weeks progress. What do you think?

    i think that sounds perfect! i am deff going to do the same bc my weigh ins are friday too. and it DEFF wouldn be accurate haha. but yeah it looks goooood. :happy:
  • YAY!!!! I have lost almost 9 lbs FAST! Now Im sure it will slow down but thats ok. I think I will take my new years goal down another 5 lbs. Because I am only 3 1/2 lbs away from it!!! WOOHOO!!
    How is everyone else doing????
    Thanksgiving dinner and pies are goin to be HARD! My thought is I can have it just smaller portions then I normally would have!
  • jevans918
    jevans918 Posts: 26 Member
    Congratulations nickiackes 9 lbs is amazing :)

    I just weighed in today and I have lost another 3 lbs. I am thrilled!!! Next week will probably be a completely different story but Thanksgiving dinner will totally be worth it :)

    Hope everyone else is having a great week...Keep up the hard work. Have a great Thanksgiving :)
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    Weighed in this morning as the same weight as last week. I am far from disappointed! Its been a bad week as far as food goes so I am thrilled I haven't gained! Trying to see the silver lining as much as possible lol. I really am proud for maintaining and not back sliding though. How is everyone else doing?
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