Your experiences with the kettle bell ?

Did you see fast progress? Did it make you build muscle and/or lose weight? How often/long should you do it for?

Just share your experience!


  • lavondar
    lavondar Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in my second week, working with a trainer, and using the ball for squats, and strengthening my core. I hope to have great success!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Used them for a short period of time, but for the last two years they've done a wonderful job as paperweights and door stops. I just couldn't get into the workouts enough to make it a consistent thing.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    I wouldn't count on kettlebells to build muscle unless you're using something closer to a pood weight and above for those swings
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    I love them. Use them three days a week and have seen a lot of strengthening in my core and legs. It just depends on how you are using them.
  • iceycoldhot
    iceycoldhot Posts: 72 Member
    Well, I'm female, 5'4 about 157 lbs looking to lose 40 pounds and be toned. I bought a 20 pound kettlebell and was told it builds muscle and makes you lose weight as well depending upon the moves you do. I do swings, squats, some lifts etc. So far for 20-30 minutes with breaks in between of course.
  • Cueball55
    Cueball55 Posts: 152 Member
    I love my Kettlebells.

    I highly suggest you goto someone who is certified (ie Agatsu) and get proper movements down so you can safely perform the movements.

    It`s somewhat easy to just wildly swing the things, but using proper form (as everything in exercise) is not only important for results but more-so to prevent injuries.

    Having said all that, results aren`t necessarily seen in bulk, because for me personally, I sacrifice weight for form (as mentioned above).

    But I find myself stronger all together, and definitely more fit.

    For me, the Kettlebells is just another piece of the puzzle. I also use TRX.

    I workout with Kettlebells 2 to 3 times a week.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    As the previous poster said - depends on how you use them and what weight you use.... If you do a few swings with a 5lbs one, it`s a little cardio...

    If you do what I did and use a workout which include squats, lunges, swings, cleans and presses with a 25lbs bell, you will build strength and maybe muscle (if you don`t eat at a deficit) and burn calories...Lots of calories....

    A good workout is Angie Millar`s Kettlebell Bootcamp, or if you are a little more advanced, Sarah Lurie`s Kettlebell Iron core warrior dvd`s....

    There is a kettlebell group somewhere on MFP if you are interested....
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    This is currently my favorite kettlebell workout. I love it!

    I've been using mine for only a few weeks, but I do think they're helping me improve my form with squats. But honestly I think I like them because they're kind of FUN. You always get more out of a workout if you enjoy it enough to push harder.
  • iceycoldhot
    iceycoldhot Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks guys :)

    And how long to you recommend doing them? See I am used to high impact cardio for longer duration.,,,I do tae bo for 40 minutes or more. But people always tell me 20- 30 minutes of kettlebell is enough. It feels like a brutal workout don't get me wrong, but I have it in my mind that longer = better results even though I feel more beat after short term kettlebell use compared to longer regular cardio.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    The Sarah Lurie is about 45 mins - with 30 sec rests between sets...It is brutal, but doable....Angie Millar is a total of an hour - but thats for advanced users and it is divided in sets, so you can progress...

    Keep in mind that kettlebells are not just cardio - it is a mix of strength and cardio - which makes it a lot harder than just cardio....
  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    My experiences? Don't hit yourself in the knee, don't drop it on your foot, it makes a GREAT doorstop, and stubbing your toe on it in the dark is painful, if not a splintworthy experience.
  • I have Sarah Lurie Iron Core Workout 4 disc set. They were cheap to buy from Amazon and I really like Boot Camp and Warrior. I thought the first two dvds were boring and the people in them with Sarah are dumb, but the other two discs were she is by herself are great. I can't do Warrior Workout 2 because I don't have 2 kettle bells but Boot Camp and Warrior 1 are hard enough for me. They are each about 30 minutes long and you should use a challenging size bell to get maximum results. I use 20 pounds and Sarah uses 25. They are great for core strength and leg strength. I am trying to get over sciatica from being pregnant and building up your core is a great way to do that. All of the exercises are doable but very challenging and I am shaky when I am finished. I don't have a heart rate monitor so I have no idea how many calories I am burning but if fatigue is a factor, then I am great! I agree with the other poster who said that they are kind of fun. It is MUCH better than doing static weights because you get a cardio boost as well. I would recommend borrowing a kettle bell from someone if you can before you buy, though, because they are kind of expensive.
  • R_Calvillo
    R_Calvillo Posts: 177 Member
    I loved them. I felt that my workouts where shorter and I got the same or better results as longer cardio workouts. I still do a verity of workouts but when I'm feeling lazy I do a 15 to 20 minute kettle bell workout. That way I don't feel like I wasted a day.
  • superfox12082
    superfox12082 Posts: 512 Member
    Love it!!
  • I like kettle bell a lot. Seems like people who stick with it tried a community ed class, a YMCA class or really watched u tube videos to get form right. I use it for squats and do basic lifts, really good workout combined with a lifting day......
  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    I absolutely LOVE kettle bells. I started working out with a trainer at the end of October last year. We started out using the TRX. In November, we added kettle bells, and that is primarily what I use to work out now. I have lost a total of 48 pounds!

    The big thing is, like previously mentioned, to find a trainer that can teach you how to use them correctly. Also, don't be afraid to go heavy. A 5 pound kettle bell isn't going to really do anything for you. I started out using a 12 kg (26.4 lb) kettle bell, and have moved up to a 16 kg one in just a couple months.

    They really do work!
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    Bumping for routine suggestions!
  • It's fun way to kick my own butt. It isn't a magic workout. I currently have the goals to lose fat, at least maintain LBM, increase my cardio, and work capacity. Kettlebells seem to fit right into that. Current routine is:

    KB Deadlift x 10
    Pushup x 10
    Inverted row x 10
    KB Upright Row x 10
    Pushup x 10
    KB Swing x 10
    Pushup x 10
    Inverted Row x 10
    KB Front Squat to Push Press x 10
    Pushup x 10

    I do that as a circuit and run through it 4 times with a 53 pound KB. No resting once you start unless you truly have to. I'm building towards performing inverted rows after every set of pushups and I would like to add a 5th time through the circuit. After a little more weight loss I want to start to transition to replacing some of the inverted rows with chin ups. Finish the workout with planks. Off days I perform sets of 500M sprints on a rowing machine.