My Story

I am 33 years old, 5' short and I currently weigh 263 lbs. I am posting this in hopes that putting it out there will help in my success.

I have been overweight as long as I can remember. My first attempt at weight loss was just before 7th grade. I was 12 years old and weighed about 170 lbs. I lost 35 lbs. that summer, all by counting calories and fat grams. I had a little book at that time, and it worked really well.

But, I gained 45 lbs. back. So now I weighed 180 lbs. Welcome to high school!

My big brother got married when I was 14. I lost weight again, the same way. The last I weighed myself before his wedding was 154 lbs. I remember feeling huge and self-conscience the whole day. But now, looking back at those photos....I sure would love to be that weight today!

After that I gained back to the 180 lbs. and remained that pretty much all through high school and a couple years after. Then I met my ex-fiancé and blew up! Within a year of "settling down" I gained 60 lbs. I haven't been under 200 lbs. since. I did get close once, 208 lbs. about 6 years ago.

Seems every time I lose a little I gain a little more. Hoping this time is different. I am ready to make a permanent change.

I have a mapped out goal of losing 100 lbs. by my Birthday. It's about 5 months from now. I know this is a huge goal, and many would say unattainable, or unhealthy. Say what you will, it's MY goal! :) I am going to remain as positive as possible, and realistic. If I need to change my map I will, as long as it continues to go in the right direction.

I have lost 12 pounds since I signed up for MFP about 5 months ago. Four of which have come from my most recent serious attempt that started 3 days ago. I've never been more motivated and ready than I am now!


  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Stay up with this ticker..... I have been here over a year & can say that staying on this site has helped me with my calories. While I may not log meals on a daily basis, I can keep track of my calorie maintenance..... Knowing when food items are over on calories, Cholesterol or any item I want to eat.... Another great thing this site has is an exercise estimator on how many calories you burn....
  • TEZofAllTrades
    TEZofAllTrades Posts: 51 Member
    Sounds like you are committed this time around, well done!

    100 lbs is a big goal but if you can do it you will be a legend. No matter how much you lose by your birthday it will still be a big accomplishment, so be proud of it!

    -Just don't make the mistake I made after I lost 25lbs last year, that being rewarding myself with Hagen Daas lol...
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    I was into yoyo dieting too in the past. When my son showed me MFP last summer. It was the jump start I needed. I finally realized that it was a lifetime commitment. I can't lose weight and then go back my old habits. You have to be mindful of what that you do, and all that you eat. It's the only way. Sorry there are no short cuts or magic pills and once you realize this, then you're on your way... Good luck!
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    Sorry for the typo - I meantime - you have to be mindful of what you do and all that you eat. We are responsible for what we are and where we are 99 percent of the time.
  • pamelajean8098
    pamelajean8098 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the positive posts! Always worried about receiving criticism....

    If there is anyone out there that would like to add me, feel free. Would love to get some more "friends" on here for inspiration and motivation!
  • Nauntieann
    I am 57 year old female. I weigh around 280 .I have type 2 diabetes,Arthritus and Asthma . I am a member of a gym but never go.
    We have an underwater treadmill . I love going just can't get motivated, water is about the only exercise I can do..My Arthritis just won't let me do others. My health is getting so bad that I really need to start losing and now. I need motivation, encouragement and suggestions.