
So I had recently found my old log in to this fitness pal website, and I decided to get back on my Weight loss journey like I had planned. Unfortunately I have gained all of my weight back from when I started. I am 5'6 and currently 138 lbs. now I know I am not fat, but I do have extra fat on my upper lats (weird right?), my arms, and especially my stomach. I've always heard that losing weight when you're already under 150 lbs is tough. Basically what I'm trying to ask is how can get back down to 125 in a healthy way? I've always had a problem with my diet. I absolutely hate it, which sooner or later results in a binge fest. How long would it take if I ate healthy and worked out for an hour 5 days a week. And when I say workout I mean WORK. And also how do I get this unusual stubborn fat off my upper back lats? Thanks so much! Xx


  • I have been doing 'Six Week Six Pack' from youtube, & although I haven't been doing it long, I am defiantly feeling it!It is designed to work your entire body. Give it a try. Hopefully it works for you :)
  • focusedfitness123
    focusedfitness123 Posts: 73 Member
    A LOT of girls on here swear by the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred for overall fitness. I personally believe more in using weights to shape your body rather than just focusing on weight loss. You shouldn't try to lose too much weight too quickly either. It will come back to bite you. Take your time.