Success controlling PCOS through diet

Red13 Posts: 287 Member
edited October 3 in Motivation and Support
I was just diagnosed with PCOS this past week so needless to say an upsetting week for me, but at least I have an answer for my struggles. I'm just curious if there are people out there that are successfully controlling their symptoms through diet and exercise alone. I haven't spoken to my doctor about treatment and would rather stay away from hormones/drugs. Any advice?


  • I'm here for the same reason :) I want to slim down for me but POCS was the kicker...
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    It can be done, but metformin (even a small dose) will help you kick start the weight loss. Feel free to add me - I've had PCOS diagnosed for about 12 years so can offer advice if needed. Don't let it upset you though - you can't kick it's butt if PCOS has the upper hand :)
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    The best way to control PCOS is through a Low Carb/Low Glycemic Diet along with Exercise. Exercise reduces the insulin in the body creating a more stable hormone balance for us PCOSers.

    I found that my symptoms were the best when I was around 75g of carbs per day.

    I also take 2000mg of Metformin, 3000mcg of Biotin (for my hair) and Vitamin Supplements Daily.
  • Last September I made an appointment with the doctor because I had/have PCOS and RARELY had a period. My husband and I wanted to try for our second child but it was almost impossible considering I wasn't ovulating. My doctor told me I needed to start taking better care of myself and spending more ME time. I started counting calories and started exercising, focusing on cardio more than I did weight training. I have never been a big runner at all but I started to enjoy it and couldn't wait to get in the gym every morning. From the beginning of September to beginning December I had lost a total of 31 pounds and found out I was pregnant on December 6th. Work hard at this and you can control your PCOS without all that therapy! Good luck girl!
  • Weight loss can be slower with PCOS but it can still be done and will make a difference to your symptoms. A 5% reduction in weight can be enough to start seeing a difference.

    I don't take any medication for it, am on the pill though. I have never been offered metformin, from what my doctor said it may be an option in the future to regulate my periods if trying for a baby but have read a lot about others using it for helping weight loss.
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    I am not sure the severity of your symptoms, but if you choose, you can take Cinnamon supplements in place of Metformin and see if they work for you. My doctor also prescribed Metformin when I was diagnosed 2 years ago, but I refused to take it because I do not agree with conventional medicine. I've been taking 1000mg of Cinnamon a day for about a year and have noticed a big difference. I cut out processed foods in March and also started a regular exercise regimen. I have since lost 37 pounds and almost all of my symptoms are gone. I have regular cycles (I went a year straight without a cycle previously), and my cycles are very bearable now. A little bit of bloating and soreness, but a much lighter flow etc. :) HTH.
  • AshleyRoseThin
    AshleyRoseThin Posts: 11 Member
    Hello everyone! Inspiring to read the stories about weight loss despite the challenges.
    I personally was diagnosed last week after months upon months of battling my weight, confused and exhausted
    I turned to an eating disorder, consuming about 200 cals a day and STILL gaining weight. That lead to lengthy work outs, pills, etc.
    Now I am 5'4', 21 years of age and 130 ( doesn't seem like much I know) and I DESPERATELY want to eat and be able to maintain my weight, however I am worried my doctor will not honor my wish for medication to manage my weight, even though I have gained 15 lbs in this time of illness. I am SO fearful that if I don't get medicine to help with making weight control possible, I will be right back to starving (as I basically am now, 600 cals per day).

    Does any one have any suggestions of what to say to the family doctor? Or a type of specialist to look for next?
    Very confused and alone right now!!! Any advice would be soo appreciated :)
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    Thanks for all the responses! I've already been exercising religiously for the last 6 years and basically trying everything to lose but only maintaining my weight. I really don't want to resort to medications so I guess the next step for me is cleaning up my diet. So this weekend being we're celebrating my daughter's 6th birthday I'm having my last call for sweets! Ipandasaurus, thanks for the cinnamon suggestion, I think I will try that too. I've heard that in other readings as well.
  • misstanyamarie
    misstanyamarie Posts: 26 Member
    I was diagnosed over 6 years ago. I am supposed to be taking 1500 Metformin a day, but I have a hard time remembering to take them. I try to take at least one a day (due to the side effects), but that is hard for me too. Just started taking B-12 supplements today (the one that dissolves under your tongue). I need to get back to my's just embarassing because I work in the Endocrinology Department and don't want to get on the scale in front of my co-workers. I want to see a dietian/nutritionist also.
    Any other information would be greatly appreciated =]
  • I have also polyistic overies problem and I am fatty tell me how to cure my self
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    I've PCOS + hypo thyroid. Only symptoms were frequent headaches + menstrual cycles 90days +. I actually hadn't realised how frequent my headaches were till they went when I started on this programme about a year ago.

    Lost weight before, to current level, local / low fat / cardio - no change in symptoms.

    Currently eat min 100gm protein, especially at breakfast time,
    low ish carb - aim for below 100gm
    Lift weights - heavy ones!
    Eat fat - no low fat anything. Fat is good for your hormones. just try it, advocados/olives/olive oil/oily fish/etc...

    Now - no headaches + regular cycle. Note - this helped me, may not help you, but from what I've read, others with PCOS do better on the lower carb - this automatically brings your fat levels up.. I also strongly believe that the resistance work/weights has helped me a lot. Give it a try and then change it from there.

    I'm not perfect and am still working on things Eating a primal/paleo esk diet has helped - if for no other reason for eating lower carb.

    I've never been on medication for PCOS, for my thyorid was originally hyper (neomercazole about 10 -15 years ago for 6 months) this made me hypo, I've been on/off thyroixine (just coming to the realisation I really probably should be on it)

    PCOS often goes hand in hand with other metabolic issues - hence the lower carb and watch of your sugar. I don't feel I've had to give up anything. I look at biscuits / cakes / bread / etc... and just think of the headaches I get.

    Here are some other posts I wrote on the subject for other people.

    note to self: Must go and write these up properly and put in profile for future reference.
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