What does "being fit" mean to you?

To be able to do any physical activity to a high standard at any given time.


  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    For me it's not a just a number on the scale, but better mood, better energy, looking better in clothes and having better finishing times in races.
  • MarlinWil
    MarlinWil Posts: 119 Member
    For me, it is a drug. Being fit elevates my mood, makes me feel more positive, mentally stronger, more confident. The feeling of my body working hard and taking on any challenge is incredibly addictive. I love wearing clothes and feeling lean and strong, athletic even. It makes me stand taller and walk with a skip in my step. When life is challenging, I am more able to meet the challenges when coming from a position of strength. Cardio strength and muscle strength mean that my mind is calm. I smile more. I am excited about life. There are so many things that "being fit" means to me . . . these are just some of them. Thank you for posting this question. I needed to be reminded.
  • growtinymuscles
    growtinymuscles Posts: 37 Member
    Since I am in the Army, being fit to me is being mission ready at all times...physically and mentally.