Your Meals?

What are your meals when it comes to strict dieting? The grilledchicken-brownrice-steamedbroccoli gets a bit mundane. Just wondering what your meals are and what you guys do to switch it up?


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Don't do strict dieting. You have to just make little lifestyle changes or it can't last forever.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I eat whatever the h*** I want. If you learn how to mold traditional foods into things that are more compatable with your diet you don't have to be strict. I eat lasanga, burgers, fries, pizza, etc....
  • I found a few cookbooks that work for me that have simple meals in them. Many of the eat clean cookbooks, and biggest loser cook books have under 30 minute meals for both you and your family to try and incorporate it into a lifestyle.

    My favorite quick meal is a baked potato with tuna or shredded chicken mixed with a dolop of plain greek yogurt, curry powder, salt and pepper. And by mixed, I mean almost like a loaded mashed potato where you take all the guts out and squash it together.

    Speaking of squash - delicious with some sauteed onions as a different side for a change and cooks up quick!

    Tilapia is a great white fish... that has a blander taste but not too fishy so its a great alternated to boiled chicken...

    ... I could go on and on lol... But the cook books helped me with my simple meals the most
  • I have to agree with you. <3 me some burgers that are all the same... just portion sized
  • y0ungcat
    y0ungcat Posts: 4 Member
    Hmm, let me reword it. I mean, I'm trying to just get rid of eating the foods I usually do and get accustomed to eating natural, healthy foods. (And not get tired of it..?) I just wanted to know what you guys cook/eat on the daily if you're meal prepping for the day/week.

    Oh and thanks for your guys suggestions and comments in advance :)
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    I just try to have a lean protein, plenty of veg and some carbs. Quite often have new potatoes as you seem to get more for your calories than rice or pasta. I also like trying out new grains, wheatberries are really tasty. Then will often add herbs/spices/tomato puree for extra flavour. Loads that you can do with something like a stir fried /boiled veg/carb/sauce base topped with a piece of meat or fish. And we always have a bit of a treat on a Friday, like a good quality pizza (lower cal because they use less cheese) or homemade fajitas.
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    quinoa, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, sweet potato are my staple cook aheads. I mix it up. I don't do "strict" anything. enjoy what I'm eating and that makes it easy. I measure my portions out with my food scale and have those set for the week. Love my steel cut oats too so I usually have a serving of those with berries or cinnamon or whatever happens to sound good at that moment.

    I bake my chicken in the oven, 375 for about 30-35 mins and season according to what I feel like that day. If it's pasta then italian seasoning style mrs dash. Or I toss on about 1/2 serving (or less) of bbq sauce. or balsamic vinegar and olive oil if I'm doing a spinach side. there's really no "wrong" way to dress up chicken breast lol. Least not that I found yet!

    Lots of choices. This way I'm not "stuck" eating something I don't feel like. And I don't have waste or leftover situations and it usually keeps me from things I'd rather not eat. Been doing some stress eating, missed a week of cooking ahead last week and honestly still lost weight so it's not a big deal to me. I still portioned so that works.
  • NatalieG525
    NatalieG525 Posts: 65 Member
    I still kind of eat whatever I want. A lot less takeaways than I used to have though!! And for things with beef mince, I use turkey mince instead (like turkey meatballs) because it's healthier :) I use my slow cooker a lot too... Can't go wrong with a stir fry either :)
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Have you thought about finding a few blogs that focus on what you're looking for? Like paleo, vegetarian, gluten free, etc. Or if you're just looking for some healthy ideas skinnytaste is awesome. I like to keep a list of what veggies and fruits are in season to help me decide on recipes too. That's a great way to inspire what to make or look for recipes. But if you do a google search "best blogs for . . ." it should give you a few you can browse if you find something you like. LOTS of ideas! And for me, I like making larger portions of things that can reheat easily so I can have meals for a few days. I'm also a fan of one pot meals. A lot of the time I will also freeze things that I can grab in a pinch when I'm short on time. I do that for breakfast. I also always keep some shredded chicken in the fridge to make salads, add to rice, make wraps, to snack on. I make a big case every week and that gives me an easy thing to grab for a lot of different meals.
  • Csy4242
    Csy4242 Posts: 210 Member
    There are so many great options. Some of my favorites are under 200 calorie fajitas. I make them by putting cut up grilled chicken breast, peppers, Mrs. Dash salt free taco seasoning (only 20 cal per serving!) and cooking on high for 4 hours then serve in a whole wheat fajita tortilla and you can put a little great value 2% fiesta cheese on it too. They are soooo good! Also lemon pepper tilapia or egg white omelets with turkey sausage. has lots of great easy recipes too.
  • starkitty4
    starkitty4 Posts: 17 Member
    Im struggling because i live with my mom and brothers and sister so in our house food money is limited and we have to eat what we're given. this means cheap food, not necessarily healthy food. i have cut down my snacking and portion sizes but im a bit concerned that this is going to hamper my attempts at losing weight. any ideas?
  • callyart
    callyart Posts: 209
    I am eating very similar to how I used to eat apart from cutting out junk food and take aways.

    A good thing I find is substituting things like bread and potatoes on main meals for vegetables. I stock up on frozen veg and its really easy to cook, so for example, instead of having garlic bread with lasagne, I will have half a plate of greens. It fills me up and the calories are low, plus it's just obviously generally healthy.

    There's so many veggies out there, don't just stick to one (I did that in the first week and now I'm off sprouts for a while!)

    Go on pinterest and type in healthy meal ideas, there's so many awesome ideas!

    Also, I use my slow cooker to make healthy stews, and you can work out the calories by adding your own recipes on here.

    Simple stew: lean Beef, beef stock, carrots, peas, potatoes, courgette, mixed herbs and a tin of chopped tomatoes.

    I have only just really got the hang of experimenting with different foods, after doing this for 4 weeks.

    Mainly, it's portions that count, not always about what it is you're eating. I was surprised how big my meals actually used to be!
  • starkitty4
    starkitty4 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for the inspiration
  • bastaracd
    bastaracd Posts: 5 Member
    I too find that its better to mix things up. I have just started using egg white, so, a nice egg white omelet with sautéed onion and pepper, and just a half ounce of goat cheese...a very nice little meal.
  • Jgal8123
    Jgal8123 Posts: 1,378 Member has lots of great easy recipes too.

    Recently discovered this website - love these recipes!
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    I eat what I want - if something has a high calorie count I eat a smaller portion or find a way to fit it in. Logging food helps when making decisions on what or how much you are going to eat.

    starkitty4: If you live in a household with several people then I would suggest that you help with the cooking just so you know what's being used and how much so you can log your foods properly and by doing this you could also have a say in what is being made. Meal planning is a big part of eating healthy - it doesn't cost a lot, sometimes you have to be creative to make food bugets stretch but it's possible.