mfp or 5:2

Hi guys. Just wondered whether you prefer mfp or 5:2. I had a fasting day last week and lost a pound in that day. Do u prefer eating a certain amount of calories every day or fast for 2 abd eat maintenance calories for 5? Need some advice on what's best to lose weight and to maintain.


  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    Personally I prefer the fasting method as it allows more flexibility for social events etc.
  • k8tj
    k8tj Posts: 5
    I too prefer 5:2 for flexibility and also not having to say " i can never have X (chocoloate / alcohol) ever again, if i really really want it i just have to think i can have that chocolate bar tomorrow if i still want it.

    I still use MFP to try and track what i am eating / calories.
  • david6111
    david6111 Posts: 7 Member
    MFP all the way for me! I don't have any problems with social occasions because I'm totally relaxed about individual days as long as I am near my allocated calories over the week (which mostly I can do),

    The 5.2 diet will lose weight for you but those two days might be hard and I think it might be better to develop good long term food habits rather than not control calories much at all over the five days. That said, both should be effective in getting you there so good luck!
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Generally speaking I stick with the same amount of calories per day, but even doing that I think you can still have the benefits of IF. If I go over one day, I eat less the next. Or if I know I'm going to go to an event in the next few days, I'll eat a bit under in the days leading up to it.
  • fujiko
    fujiko Posts: 58 Member
    MFP! I don't see 5:2 working for me, plus with mfp I can eat anything as long as I fit it in my day, so I don't have a problem with any nights out, big breakfast, or any social occasion.
    It's so easy to lose a pound, but it's also very easy to gain it, so I don't think fasting for 2 days would be my plan for the rest of my life.
  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member
    I too prefer 5:2 for flexibility and also not having to say " i can never have X (chocoloate / alcohol) ever again, if i really really want it i just have to think i can have that chocolate bar tomorrow if i still want it.

    I still use MFP to try and track what i am eating / calories.

    But MFP or any sensible wt loss plan doesn't mean saying you can't have choccie/beer etc either.
  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    I track in MFP but I have my calories intake set at maintenance and then go under that by varying amounts from day to day.. I think that a varying amount of calories can be helpful to metabolism (just my theory). I have a very restricted diet for health reasons and I don't cheat/veer. I am very new to Intermittent Fasting but I am liking it because (1) It is easy for me not to eat until dinner (I will have coffee for breakfast and chicken broth for lunch and then a 500 cal. dinner. (2) With my diet restrictions I don't typically eat in restaurants and it is easier when I am away for the day to simply not eat than try to figure out a restaurant. (3) I am a weirdo, maybe, but I actually like how I feel when I don't eat for a short period of time. I feel more focused, have more energy, etc.

    Good luck
  • I'm currently using both - I use MFP to track calories and what I eat on the 5 days, but I do 'fast' for two days a week.
    Although on the 5 days I don't 'eat what I want' I do limit my calorie intake to 1200, and optionally choose healthy and low fat choices. But I know I can have a takeaway or something sweet (which I generally save for the weekend) and not feel guilty about it as my total weekly calories will average out.
    I am however just using the 5:2 to make me more conscious of healthy choices daily and to make me more aware of what hunger actually feels like. So that for me it is not mistaken for boredom.
    At the moment what I'm doing is working for me, but everyone is different, and depending on job and general lifestyle 'fast days' may not be suitable.
  • Dumb question but what is a 5:2?
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    Dumb question but what is a 5:2?
    You can eat up to your maintenance calories for 5 days and up to 500cals on 2 days of your choice. Some people refer to it as intermittent fasting but it's really another method of having a calorie deficit diet.
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    I couldn't manage eating only 500 cals on the 5:2 fast days. I prefer being able to eat 1430 cals a day and still lose a pound.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Hi guys. Just wondered whether you prefer mfp or 5:2. I had a fasting day last week and lost a pound in that day. Do u prefer eating a certain amount of calories every day or fast for 2 abd eat maintenance calories for 5? Need some advice on what's best to lose weight and to maintain.
    You did not lose a pound of fat in all likelihood the majority was water. As to what's best to lose and maintain well anything you can healthily stick with long term. Would you eat 5:2 for the rest of your life? In my opinion even people who say yes to this question are kidding themselves.
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    Just want to say I give you 5.2 folks a lot of credit! Even on a migraine day when I'm sleeping most of it out due to meds I can't only eat 500. Any examples of foods that work that keep you going? Lots of veggies just seem like I'd be hangry even with the bulk you can get on such few calories.
  • silico
    silico Posts: 88 Member
    I've reached a plateau in my weight loss after about 58lbs, and the 5:2 diet has interested me as a possible next step.

    I will be interested to know what people on MFP think about it.
  • Thank you! I/ve never tried this approach. Something to try to spice things up a bit. Thanks again.
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    I couldn't manage eating only 500 cals on the 5:2 fast days. I prefer being able to eat 1430 cals a day and still lose a pound.

    There's no right or wrong way....each to their own . It's just a matter of each individual finding a method that suits their own lifestyle.
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member

    Would you eat 5:2 for the rest of your life? In my opinion even people who say yes to this question are kidding themselves.
    Once goal weight is achieved, the idea is to reduce the down day to once a week or once a fortnight to maintain.

    There's an Intermittent Fasting forum on this site with lots of great info for those interested.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    MFP, intermittent fasting or 5:2 is not for me I can barely imagine going under 1200 without feeling miserable, I can't imagine tolerating under 500 cals 2 days a week every week it would make me dread those 2 dedicated days and I would probably end up throwing in the towel full stop.

    Quite frankly I do better eating my BMR 5 days a week and not really worrying as much during the weekend (usually TDEE or a little more), I call in my fun 5:2 diet I still seem to lose a pound a week (0.5 pounds some weeks) and I find it sustainable, plus I'm in no real hurry to lose and only have less than 10 pounds before I'm at my happy weight range (which I hope to hit somewhere in April) 17 pounds for my ultimate weight target (probably by July/August).

    Different strokes for different folks though, just find a healthy lifestyle change that you can stick to, I may need to shake it up in the future as I get closer to goal but at the mo this works for me. :)
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    MFP a million times over. I personally cant find something much less appealing than having to fast for over a quarter of my life in order to lose weight.

    On the serious side. I dont believe in diets. They involve eating trends which are not in line with what you would eat normally, so once you finish, you are more likely to go back to old ways and then put on the weight which you lost. MFP at least allows you to eat what you normally would, albeit in smaller quantities, although this of course is just for a limited time also.
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    I couldn't manage eating only 500 cals on the 5:2 fast days. I prefer being able to eat 1430 cals a day and still lose a pound.

    There's no right or wrong way....each to their own . It's just a matter of each individual finding a method that suits their own lifestyle.

    Agreed. I was just responding to the posters question. It didn't work for me so I don't do it.