Looking for support - 20-25kgs to lose (mum of twins)


I'm from Melbourne Australia. Between having twin b/g almost 3 years ago and then getting Crohn's disease, I've put on a huge amount of weight, between post-preg and Crohn's meds, I have a big 20-25kgs ahead of me.

So far I've lost 1.5kg, but. I have a long way to go. Exercising is hard given I normally sit down at night at about 8.30pm, but I wanna try and make time during my lunch breaks at work.

Would love lots of encouragement ..


  • melladell
    Hey I need just the same amount of weight to lose. Started seriously today. If you want feel free to add me:)
  • Joannakinder
    Joannakinder Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there,
    I just searched the board for 'twins' and you post came up. I'm in Victoria as well, just about 45 minutes out of Melbourne. I have twins too, they are 9 months old and I have a bit of weight to shift. I know how hard it can be to get anything done with twins, especially once they go down for the night!

    Feel free to add me if you are still looking for support :)