So hungry but I only have 48 calories left



  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    And when you'll finally be skinny, they'll be commenting on your t-shirt or your hair or something you said.
    Idiots never shut up, no matter how thin you are. Just love yourself.
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    Firstly, it is okay to go over slightly one day. A better way of looking at things (imo, at least) is to make sure you meet your weekly goal. That way, if you go over on a 1200kcal day by say 100kcals, you can make sure you only eat 1600kcals on a 1700kcals day and still keep to your weekly goal. Makes calorie counting much less stressful.
    It should be something you enjoy doing. It took me a while to get to this point, but you shouldn't find MFP too restrictive. You will have more chance of success if you enjoy it.

    Secondly, I have found cuppa soups to be amazing when you need a low calorie snack to fill you up. I love Ainsley Harriet soups. Their Shezuan Hot & Sour soup is only 63 calories and it fills you up! They have loads of other flavours, all with calories between 60-90ish (I think there was only one flavour I tried that was more than 100kcals). I made this discovery a couple weeks ago and have LOVED it. :)

    Also, as you have a perfectly healthy BMI, try not to worry too much about the scales. I am the same, healthy BMI but I don't like the way I look as I have tiny rolls of fat around my tummy and bingo wings I want to get rid of. What I do is concentrate on exercise and weight lifting. Use a measuring tape instead of the scales. The last thing you want is to end up with an eating disorder, which will be a whole new problem.

    Good luck! :)
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    Go for a 20 minute fast Jog...Then eat some food..Simple
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    And when you'll finally be skinny, they'll be commenting on your t-shirt or your hair or something you said.
    Idiots never shut up, no matter how thin you are. Just love yourself.


    I am overweight, and people do mock me. I love my body, and the changes I'm making are for myself and nobody else. Love yourself, and don't be friends with people who only look to put you down. <3
  • sarahc142
    Firstly, it is okay to go over slightly one day. A better way of looking at things (imo, at least) is to make sure you meet your weekly goal. That way, if you go over on a 1200kcal day by say 100kcals, you can make sure you only eat 1600kcals on a 1700kcals day and still keep to your weekly goal. Makes calorie counting much less stressful.
    It should be something you enjoy doing. It took me a while to get to this point, but you shouldn't find MFP too restrictive. You will have more chance of success if you enjoy it.

    Secondly, I have found cuppa soups to be amazing when you need a low calorie snack to fill you up. I love Ainsley Harriet soups. Their Shezuan Hot & Sour soup is only 63 calories and it fills you up! They have loads of other flavours, all with calories between 60-90ish (I think there was only one flavour I tried that was more than 100kcals). I made this discovery a couple weeks ago and have LOVED it. :)

    Also, as you have a perfectly healthy BMI, try not to worry too much about the scales. I am the same, healthy BMI but I don't like the way I look as I have tiny rolls of fat around my tummy and bingo wings I want to get rid of. What I do is concentrate on exercise and weight lifting. Use a measuring tape instead of the scales. The last thing you want is to end up with an eating disorder, which will be a whole new problem.

    Good luck! :)

    Thank you so much, this was really helpful! I'll look into the soups and weight lifting! :)
  • GEMMA_2014
    Eat something. Stop Obsessing over food. Obsessing over food leads to a food binge. Borrow calories from tomorrow. If you meet your caloric goal for the week you will lose weight.
  • ireneblackwell
    ireneblackwell Posts: 17 Member
    if your profile photo is anything to go by, you really don't need to lose weight ! !
  • WonderWoman_5
    WonderWoman_5 Posts: 101 Member
    The you don't need to be trying to lose weight, just tone up and everything will balance out plus you need to be eating more!
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. I am originally from Sri Lanka, and when I go back people also comment on how much I have 'put on'. The last time I went back one of my friends gave my bingo wings a squeeze and said 'OMG, you have put on so much weight'. My BMI was only slightly over 25 then, and I was still considered small by my friends in the UK.

    I know it is difficult not to let it get to you. It is almost a cultural thing where even all my relatives have to comment on 1. my weight and 2. my complexion, every time they see me. I broke down and cried the day after my engagement party because my dad was telling me how big I looked in the photos and how I needed to lose weight before the wedding.

    However, don't let what they say make you starve yourself. Sounds like all you need is a small deficit and some time with some weights. As you don't have much to lose, try to eat a bit more and do a bit more exercise, so you don't end up skinny fat. And do read posts on the forums here. They helped keep me motivated and educate me more on fitness and nutrition. Good luck!!!!

    Based on a previous post, you're trying to stay under 1200 calories?

    That's the the answer to your problems right there. At your height and weight, you should be eating way more than that.

    You're also at a perfectly healthy BMI. Perhaps you should seek counseling for your weight issues. And also, eat more. If you're truly hungry, eat something.

    I don't have weight issues, I'm extremely small boned so my weight, even though it's not overweight, still makes me look pudgy and lots of people have been commenting on it and harassing me about it lately.

    I'm just going by what this website is telling me to lose weight, that my goal for the day should be under 1200.

    MFP will not put your goal under 1200...and who are those "people" calling you pudgy...

    perhaps they are using sarcasm and you are missing it????
    No it's these girls that just really enjoy putting me down for some reason. I know I shouldn't let it get to me but after a while all the "your mom is so fat" jokes with my name instead, and calling me "porky pig" and "cottage cheese thighs" just makes me not want to eat anymore :( I live in Japan where everyone is so skinny too, and my friends that are from here have a thing for poking at my stomach and asking me how much weight I've gained. Not fun at all
  • katylil
    katylil Posts: 223 Member
    I'm losing fat on about 1600-1800 a day, doing strength workouts 3 times a week and one or two session of HIIT depending on my mood. Down 3lbs in two weeks!
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Oranges? It really helps me (I'm on 1200 calories, too)
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    diet = bad.
    healthy lifestyle & eating habits change = good.
  • yogadeb1973
    yogadeb1973 Posts: 10 Member
    if i ate 1200 calories a day, id flake out...seriously that is way too low for even people sitting around surely.
  • NatalieG525
    NatalieG525 Posts: 65 Member
    Run to the shop... Eat... Run back home ;)
  • imjolly
    imjolly Posts: 176 Member
    I agree with a previous post, find new friends. If they are just joking around tell them to lay off with jokes at your expense. If they still continue then you don't need those type of people in your life. Surround yourself with nice, supportive people.

    Also, you may want to change your setting to 1 pound a week. Good luck.
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    If your friends are the kind that you can talk to then tell them how much their jokes hurt you, they may think they are just being funny. If you can't talk to them about stuff like that then it seems to me that new friends are in order. From your picture you are a beautiful girl. Don't let anyone else tell you different.
  • Iwantchange_22
    Iwantchange_22 Posts: 49 Member
    If anyone is looking for a savoury very low cal snack, then u can have ice cream cones with a little nutela or spread on the inside - (About 20 cals for the spread and 10 for the cone)
  • thatgirlkellib
    thatgirlkellib Posts: 150 Member
    I was going to say have a great cup of coffee!
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    Based on a previous post, you're trying to stay under 1200 calories?

    That's the the answer to your problems right there. At your height and weight, you should be eating way more than that.

    You're also at a perfectly healthy BMI. Perhaps you should seek counseling for your weight issues. And also, eat more. If you're truly hungry, eat something.

    I don't have weight issues, I'm extremely small boned so my weight, even though it's not overweight, still makes me look pudgy and lots of people have been commenting on it and harassing me about it lately.

    I'm just going by what this website is telling me to lose weight, that my goal for the day should be under 1200.

    I have never heard of My Fitness Pal ever telling anyone to eat below 1200 calories daily. I am super short and not as active as I would like to be due to numerous health issues, but it even wants me to eat 1200 cal./day. I can't lose on that.

    As for people commenting and harassing you on your weight, I am not trying to judge them, but it may be a lot better if you can seek out and spend time with people who are supportive of you as a person, no matter what your weight is!! This journey we call life is difficult enough, without people that surround us tearing us down. ((((((Hugs))))))). Value yourself enough to tell them that your weight is something personal and you don't want to discuss it. I wish I looked as lovely as you do!!!!